Katya Knight Katya Knight. Artiste plasticienne, née en 1964 a Zimbabwe. Vit et travaille en Périgord, France depuis 2000. Depuis vingt ans, je travaille autour du papier: matière première ou support pour fabriquer des eaux-fortes, des monotypes, les aquatintes, des feuilles de papier fait-main, des moulages, des objets… Le papier, si simple, si courant, est aussi un matériau extraordinaire, aux ressources variées et singulières: résistant , fragile, souple, docile, expressif, plein d’humour… Il a sa propre mémoire et le dialogue avec chaque bout de papier est différent, intarissable. Travailler le papier me donne un sentiment de liberté. J’ai suivi un cursus d’histoire de l’Art à l’Université du Pays de Galles, en Italie et aux États Unis, mais aussi, en autodidacte, j’ai fréquenté divers ateliers internationaux de papier, estampes, et vannerie. Mon lieu de travail et d'exposition est l'Atelier Ermitage à St Marcel du Périgord, ouvert depuis Juillet 2002.
Artist Spotlight : Bruno Walpoth | 2dots Outstanding sculptures made by Italian sculptor/artist Bruno Walpoth. Introducing Juxtapoz Animated Gifs Current Issue On sale now at newsstands or on screen May 2014 - Issue #160 All year long, Juxtapoz is celebrating its 20th Anniversary by showcasing the pivotal figures in contemporary art over the past two decades. Some artists are blue chip, some are underground heroes, others are behind-the-scenes legends. hérault insolite: le jardin de Roger Peridier à Castries Je vous avait parlé de cet endroit vraiment étonnant : pu rencontré Amélie et Stephan, les petits enfants du créateur de ce lieu qu'ils appellent tout simplement: "le jardin". L'eau est là , il faut la remonter. Roger a la fibre bricoleuse il construira une première éolienne de ses mains , qui sera érigé par un système ingénieux de palan. Il fabriquera ensuite 2 bassins superposés et un système de tuyaux enterrés qui permettra d'arroser le potager par simple gravité . Il commence également à construire un cabanon au dessus du puits , utilisant le sable extrait ...Mais au fil des années notre homme transforme le cabanon en petite folie , digne héritière populaire des folies montpellieraines de l’aristocratie languedocienne . un vitrail de bouteille En creusant une galerie horizontale , il tombe sur une interstrate qui laisse écouler un filet d'eau , il a trouvé une source ... et beaucoup moins profond que son puit !
KIGAKU - Osnove Ako želimo biti uspešni u životu vrlo je važno da u svim našim odnosima sa drugim ljudima imamo podršku, ali i da tu podršku dajemo njima. Kako ćemo znati ko nama odgovara u privatnom, ali i poslovnom okruženju. Svoju zvezdu pod kojom smo rođeni i njen prateći element, treba uporediti sa zvezdom i elementom osobe koja nas zanima. Rođenjem u određenoj godini, nasleđujemo i određenu zvezdu koja opisuje energiju kojom zračimo. Kružić opisuje šemu odnosa. Naš idealan partner je onaj koji je u krugu ispred našeg broja, ali mi se slažemo i sa sopstvenim brojem pa i sa kružićem iza našeg broja. Ako dete prisiljavamo da živi našu energiju a ne svoju, mi ga ustvari razaramo. J.W. Kinsey's Artifice Portfolio My background is in fine art, and I have a degree in Computer Graphic Imaging. My career path began in the Silicon Valley workforce as an interface designer and digital artist. From there I owned and operated a high-end custom cabinet shop: it was here that I began to develop and nurture my wood and metal working skills. This has culminated in my current endeavor, J.W. Kinsey’s Artifice, a small artisan shop specializing in the creation of unique, design-driven projects focusing on timeless beauty and craftsmanship. I believe that creating a bespoke object that is uncompromising in both quality and timeless design is a noble pursuit. I have deep convictions about both construction integrity and cohesive design, and integrate masterful craft techniques with quality materials in my pursuit of heirloom quality pieces. Surface treatments typically include gilding, cold- and electro-plating, enamels and lacquers, and the use of various chemical patinas and color stains.
About Arthrobots - Original steampunk insect sculptures by Tom Hardwidge Unfortunately my workshop is closed until further notice so I will not be taking on any new commissions for work. what are arthrobots? Arthrobots are unique and individual arthropod sculptures created by me, Tom Hardwidge. Each Arthrobot starts its life as a series of sketches, some take their inspiration from nature, others from bits and pieces of metal and beads which form an unusual structure or fit together in an interesting way. After they have been finished, each sculpture is named based on its natural counterpart (a grasshopper or dragonfly for example) and any unusual or unique features it has developed during the sculpting process (long legs or a steam valve on its back). Arthrobots are NOT toys. i want one, how much are they? Click here for more information about pricing and postage costs. view the arthrobot gallery Here's a short time lapse video of me in action creating a praying mantis sculpture. what are they made out of? Anything and everything really. what is steampunk?
The retro-futuristic lamps of Makris Bro & Co - The Greek Foundation Makris Bro & Co is a duo from Thessaloniki that designs and manufactures unique, custom-made and limited edition objects. Their furniture and lights are handmade and produced using laser cutting, CNC freza, lathe and handmade jobs. Steampunk Art