The Complete Guide to Decluttering Your Life - CashNetUSA Blog With winter drawing to a close, you may have the itch to return to the old tradition of spring cleaning. Home may be where the heart is, but the clutter of your life extends far beyond the threshold of your abode. It’s time you think outside the four walls of your home and consider decluttering other areas of your day-to-day life. Daily/Weekly Tasks Decluttering your life is not just about getting rid of things; it’s about reimagining your life processes and improving them to make your day-to-day easier. Cleaning your home can be a tedious task and procrastinating only makes matters worse. Preparing in advance is a great way to avoid stress while helping you feel prepared and confident for any situation. Meal planning has several benefits. Buy an alarm clock and leave your cell phone in another room at night. Aim to be wherever you are going 10 minutes early. Back to Top Finances The first step to decluttering your finances is creating a budget. Social Computer Work Work smart, not hard. Car
From 'Avatar' to 'Jurassic Park,' 'Beowulf' to 'Jaws,' All Stories Are the Same A ship lands on an alien shore and a young man, desperate to prove himself, is tasked with befriending the inhabitants and extracting their secrets. Enchanted by their way of life, he falls in love with a local girl and starts to distrust his masters. Discovering their man has gone native, they in turn resolve to destroy both him and the native population once and for all. Avatar or Pocahontas? As stories they’re almost identical. Take three different stories: A dangerous monster threatens a community. It’s the story of Jaws, released in 1976. And it’s more familiar than that: It’s The Thing, it’s Jurassic Park, it’s Godzilla, it’s The Blob—all films with real tangible monsters. Our hero stumbles into a brave new world. It’s Alice in Wonderland, but it’s also The Wizard of Oz, Life on Mars, and Gulliver’s Travels. It’s Raiders of the Lost Ark, Morte D’Arthur, Lord of the Rings, and Watership Down.
Professionalism101 - Nicholas Bate | typepad A professional has a pen;doesn't complain about jet lag; it came with the job they accepted;gets places on time. Whatever.Is friendly at the check-in desk. Not just to get a free up-grade.Knows what's important.Doesn't ever, ever say: I don't have time. That's a given: they have an exciting job, cool friends and a loving family. Bonus 1: Professionalism 101 the hard-copy mini-book. Bonus 2: Be Bold 101, the movie. ILLUSTRATION ART: JACK KIRBY'S FAKE ANATOMY Thousands of years later, art history is still littered with failed attempts at shortcuts on anatomy. Artists have tried concealing their ignorance by using heavy shadows or excessive random lines or a soft focus. They have tried concealing hands in pockets, or cropping pictures to exclude difficult parts, but their weakness shows through. Yet, consider the drawings of Jack Kirby: Kirby invented his own version of anatomy, and while it is often inaccurate, it seems just as persuasive as the genuine anatomy found in Bridgman, Vesalius or Muybridge. Contrast the following study of deltoid, bicep and elbow from George Bridgman's life drawing class... ....with the same body parts in Kirby's drawing: Kirby's muscles don't connect properly-- he confuses the deltoids and the pectorals, his elbow wouldn't function, and his squiggly lines don't describe any known anatomical purpose. Of course, bluffing as often as Kirby did, sometimes his bluffs failed spectacularly:
How to Stop Being Lazy Steps Part 1 Body, Mind and Spirit If you're feeling lazy, it may have to do with how you're taking (or not taking) care of yourself. Look at these tips to naturally give yourself more energy. <img alt="Image titled Stop Being Lazy Step 1" src=" width="728" height="546" class="whcdn">1Sleep. <img alt="Image titled Stop Being Lazy Step 5" src=" width="728" height="546" class="whcdn">5Get help. Part 2 Get In The Right Frame Of Mind Feelings of laziness or lethargy are often directly related to how we're feeling about ourselves or life. Part 3 Prioritize Your Time If you have a lot to do, it can be so overwhelming that you end up doing nothing. Part 4 Value Your Time Your time is precious. Community Q&A Answered Questions Ask a Question
PREMISAS DE CINE | Script Matters. Pensando en guión Publicado por killthecool Graba a fuego esta frase en tu mente: “Si no eres capaz de resumir tu película en una o dos frases, NO TIENES PELÍCULA” Es tal la importancia de la premisa que debes dejarlo todo hasta que no la hayas desarrollado a la perfección. Esto que escribo puede parecer una obviedad, incluso una tontería, pero es el pilar central sobre el que se apoya toda tu historia. Si estás escribiendo un guión y no eres capaz de hablar de él con convicción ni de resumirlo en pocas palabras plantéate dejarlo todo y sentarte frente al papel (o a la pantalla) es escribir un par de líneas que expongan el contenido de tu obra Si aún así no lo consigues, plantéate entonces cambiar de profesión… Un consejo: usa términos contundentes, o, como dice Snyder, usa la “ironía” en tus palabras, pon un poco de emoción teatral, grandilocuencia, peligros infinitos, obstáculos infranqueables… algo que pueda atraer el interés de la persona que te está escuchando. Me gusta: Me gusta Cargando...
14 Lies Your Mind Tells You to Prevent Life Changes The mind is a wonderful thing. It’s also a complete liar that constantly tries to convince us not to take actions we know are good for us, and stops many great changes in our lives. Scumbag mind. I’ve had to learn to watch these rationalizations and excuses very carefully, in order to make the changes I’ve made in my life: a healthier diet, regular exercise, meditation, minimalism, writing daily, getting out of debt, quitting smoking, and so on. If I hadn’t learned these excuses, and how to counter them, I would never have stuck to these changes. Let’s expose the cowardly mind’s excuses and rationalizations once and for all. First, the main principle: the mind wants comfort, and is afraid of discomfort and change. OK, with that in mind, let’s go into the excuses: 1. It seems too hard, so we think we can’t stick to the change. 2. Just because someone else can do it, doesn’t mean we can, right? 3. 4. 5. 6. This is also true, but you can learn. 7. 8. 9. Well, true. 10. Yep, me too. 11. 12. 13.
Aprender a dibujar: cursos y métodos online Y tú también lo puedes hacer. Todo el mundo tiende a opinar sobre las expresiones artísticas de los demás, pero son pocos los que se atreven a crear las propias. Aprender a dibujar no sólo te dará una atractiva habilidad (pregúntenle a Stuart de ‘The Big Bang Theory’), sino que también te llevará a potenciar tu capacidad mental. Es casi imposible que nunca te hayas relacionado con el mundo del dibujo de una forma u otra, por lo que te damos la bienvenida a la undécima versión de #HoyAprendí. PintayCrea Dibujar es de esas cosas que sólo se aprenden a través de la ejecución. Este canal de Youtube ofrece una infinidad de tutoriales en español con los que aprenderás a dibujar desde diseños tribales sencillos hasta los personajes caricaturescos más memorables de la televisión y el cine. How to Draw Como con cualquier nuevo hobby, siempre estarás buscando algún momento libre practicas y, muchas veces, dichos momentos llegarán sin que puedas acceder a un computador. Artística ¿Y después?
Our free guide to mindfulness and meditation. - meditationSHIFT Our free guide to mindfulness and meditation. Welcome!Our guide gives you an introduction to your compulsive mind, and explains the "why, what, and how" of mindfulness and meditation. Why should I meditate? It's an important question, because even experienced meditators may not have a clear understanding of "why." What are mindfulness and meditation? In any given moment, we are all in one of two states:Lost in thought; orAware of thought.To put it another way, you are either (1) caught up in the drama of the mind or (2) not caught up in the drama of the mind. How do I meditate? When it comes to mindfulness and meditation, there's a lot of information out there. As you practice, you are bringing awareness to your mind and its non-stop activity. About meditationSHIFT: Change your relationship with your mind.
Joe Matt: 'Tengo que empezar a dibujar otra vez porque si no, caeré en una depresión espantosa' | Cultura La leyenda del tebeo confesional-underground dice que está paralizado por la responsabilidad. Pero da unas entrevistas que son una delicia Puede que Joe Matt no le caiga bien. Es vago, tacaño, ruin, escatológico... El loco y tierno Matt. Nació en Filadelfia y tiene 52 años. De ese punzón oxidado de la nostalgia forman también parte sus amigos y colegas Seth y Chester Brown, otros dos de los grandes del dibujo en las últimas décadas. ¿Se siente orgulloso de Peepshow? Sí, en el sentido de que al menos hacía algo. En los diarios que ahora ven la luz se aprecia la influencia de los primeros números de RAW [publicación de carácter antológico editada por Art Spiegelman en tabloide], de ahí la exagerada condensación de las viñetas en cada página (en ocasiones más de 20), pues la planteó fantaseando con este formato hasta que las exigencias del mercado bloquearon su sueño. ¿Podría señalar otras diferencias entre esta obra y Consumido, la última que ha publicado? Puede... Sí, definitivamente.
How To Become Superhuman Through Meditation