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Warrior Poet

Warrior Poet
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Life Outside The Box | Tynan Quantum Shaman Glossary The Quantum Shaman™GLOSSARY OF TERMS ABYSS - 1) The emptiness or the nothing, the absence of all things. Most people have never seen the abyss, while others think of it (erroneously) as the religious vision of "hell”. If consciousness is existence, the abyss is oblivion. 2) The hollow emptiness inside someone who has made no attempt at their own personal evolution. The soulless void. In this definition, the abyss is the pit of despair into which people fall when they experience what is traditionally called a "loss of faith". ALLY or ALLIES - entities who may act on behalf of a seeker. ASSEMBLAGE POINT (or AP) – The assemblage point is, first and foremost, the viewpoint through which we see our world. BELIEF SYSTEM - Any school of thought which requires belief or faith as opposed to personal experience. BLACK IRON PRISON – the overlay; the matrix; the continuum of ordinary awareness in which mortals exist until they awaken. BRUJO or BRUJA - a sorcerer. CHANNELING - see Gnosis.

طريقة تحضير حلاوة الجبن | المكوّنات مكوّنات عجينة حلاوة الجبن: 1 كغ من جبنة العكاوي٬ المُقطّعة إلى شرائح رقيقة 1½ كوب أو 240 غ من السميد الناعم 3 أكواب من قطر السكر مكوّنات الحشوة: 3 أكواب أو 750 مل من الماء 1 علبة أو 397 غ من حليب نستله المكثف المحلى ¾ كوب أو 90 غ من دقيق الذرة 2 ملاعق طعام من ماء الزهر طريقة التحضير تُنقع الجبنة في ماء بحرارة الغرفة العادية لمدة 4 ساعات لنزع الملح منها (يُغيّر الماء كلّ ساعة) ثمّ تُصفّى. يوضع حليب نستله المكثف المحلى والماء، ودقيق الذرة في قدر كبيرة، وتُغلى الصلصة مع التحريك المستمرّ حتى تتكاثف. توضع الجبنة في وعاء فوق ماء يغلي وتُحرّك الجبنة حتّى تذوب. تُرشّ 4 ملاعق كبيرة من قطر السكر الساخن على طاولة العمل وتوضع عجينة الجبنة الساخنة فوقها، ثمّ توضع 4 ملاعق كبيرة أخرى من قطر السكر الساخن على الوجه وتُرقّ العجينة بالشوبك حتى تُصبح طبقة رقيقة تُقطّع بعدها إلى مربّعات طول كلّ منها 7 سم. يُخلط مزيج القشطة البارد حتى يصبح ناعماً وتُسكب ملعقة كبيرة فوق كلّ قطعة من العجين وتُلفّ. تُقدّم حلاوة الجبن مع الكمية المتبقية من القطر.

The Hustler's MBA I've been saying that college is obsolete for a very long time. I dropped out in 2000, because even back then I could see that it was a really poor value proposition. I didn't predict this because I'm some crazy genius, but because I'm willing to discard emotional attachment and stare plainly at the facts. School is outrageously expensive, leaving graduates with a debt (or net expenditure) of tens of thousands of dollars-- sometimes even one or two hundred thousand. There are some things that are worth that amount of money, but for many people school isn't one of them. In fact, apart from very specific cases, I think that school is a bad thing, not worth doing even if it was free. That's not to say that school has no benefits whatsoever. Let's say that when you turn eighteen, it's a good idea to take four years to develop yourself. 1. Poker will cost you money at first. Besides being able to make $85k/year, you could also play for six months and make $40k a year. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Shaman Links - Information on Shamanism, Links to Shamanic Teachers and Shaman Healers By State Almina LiveShare makes group photo sharing easy on iPhone, Android, Windows Phone 7, and the Web. With the free mobile app, you and your friends can now take photos at parties and other experiences and easily share them live all in one place. Create a group photo stream for a party or any occasion. Invite friends to share photos into your group photo stream. Then watch everyone's photos flow in live. It's public and private group photo sharing at your fingertips. Get the free mobile app for group photo sharing on the fly. Free iPhone App Free Android App Free Windows Phone 7 App Also try LiveShare on the Web. Create your own private group photo streams View public photo streams Quick Links How It Works About Contact Help Blog Mobile Site Cooliris, Inc.

The Public Domain Review | Daniele Bolelli - Home Capture-Red Bull Stratos - freefall from the edge of space - YouTube - Google Chrome-2 documentary A documentary about the root causes of the systemic value disorders and detrimental symptoms caused by our current established system. The film details the need to outgrow the dated and inefficient methods of politics, law, business, or any other "establishment" notions of human affairs, and use the methods of science, combined with high technology, to provide for the needs of all the world's people. “If we are genuinely concerned about the environment and the fellow human beings, and want to end territorial disputes, war, crime, poverty, hunger, and the other problems that confront us today, the intelligent use of science and technology are the tools with which to achieve a new direction; one that will serve all people, and not just a select few.” — Jacque Fresco Paradise or Oblivion, by...

What is a Shamanic Journey What is a Shamanic Journey By Viola Woolcott The Shaman is said to be walking with one foot in the every day world and with the other in the spirit world. Different cultures may express their views on the two realities in differently, but the basic idea is the same. Shamans are explorers of doorways from ordinary reality into non-ordinary (NOR) reality through portals leading him from the physical to the spirit world. They are moving between those two worlds. The Shamanic Journey is a way of finding answers, information, healing, wisdom and knowledge as well as guidance or help with one’s personal life. A shamanic world is made up of three parts, the lower world, the upper world and the middle world. Each shaman begins there journey with a theme, if they are looking for guidance on a specific issue, their theme would be whatever the issue is. Shamans do rely on their instincts as well as their powers.

felix-baumgartner-le-15-mars 50+Ways - home Sound, Synchronicities & Shamanism "He made the whole world an instrument of sound, and an instrument for carrying messages, resounding praise to the Creator of all. - Frank Waters - The Book of the Hopi Sound There is something called the Sacred Sound Current which correlates to the spiritual Hindu "OM" and the Sufi "HU", and the Sant Mat "Shabd". This Music of the Spheres, Logos or Word as called in mystical teachings, goes beyond our limited spoken language. Such ethereal music is referred to also as the Sound of God or the Breath of God since the sound permeates all things. And as we know, all things are composed of energy. This all pervading sound in the current of the Ocean of Consciousness is believed to be the connecting link between God and man. As physics deems, all is in a vibrational state, and thus can be converted into mathematical renditions, musical notes and color frequencies. Light and Sound is also viewed as synonymous with each other in the ancient scriptures. Synchronicity Shamanism Related Articles :
