I recently started playing with shaders in three.js and I wanted to share some of what I’ve discovered so far. Shaders are the ‘secret sauce’ of modern graphics programming and understanding them gives you a lot of extra graphical fire-power. For me the big obstacle to learning shaders was the lack of documentation or simple examples, so hopefully this post will be useful to others starting out. What is a Shader? A Shader is a piece of code that runs directly on the GPU. The big conceptual shift when considering shaders is that they run in parallel. There are 2 main types of shaders – vertex shaders and pixel shaders. Vertex Shaders generate or modify 3D geometry by manipulating its vertices. There are 2 different kinds of pixel shaders - Shaders that draw an image or texture directly. Pixel Shaders in Three.js Three.js has an effects manager called EffectsComposer and many useful shaders built in. Preview some of the three.js built-in shaders with this demo. Applying Shaders in Three.js
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Five Easy Pieces of Online Identity
Every Internet service that has a concept of users has to deal with identity. And for anything social (which seems like everything these days) identity is a huge part. For the Internet as a whole, there are battles waging to "own" identity—or, at the very least, not let someone else own it. And there have been efforts for years to make identity more manageable for users and to put control in their hands. So, identity is an important concept. A while back, Twitter's CTO, Greg Pass, and I created a framework I've found useful for thinking about all this. I thought this might be useful framework for others, so, I present to you, the five pieces of online identity: 1) Authentication Question Answered: Do you have permission? There are various ways to check if someone should have access to something. There have been many attempts create "single sign-on" solutions, both decentralized and centralized, so people can walk around with a single key and get into everything they need. 2) Representation
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Signification des couleurs en E-marketing et en Ergonomie Web
. Sur la demande de plusieurs clients et stagiaires, les consultants-rédacteurs de Trinity Advise se sont mobilisés pour vous proposer un dossier complet sur les codes couleurs web et la signification des couleurs pour Internet. Vecteurs de cohérence graphique, les couleurs dictent de nombreux comportements à l’inconscient de l’internaute. Elle génèrent des réactions et des émotions que nous ne savons pas concrètement évaluer et chiffrer en e-marketing, sauf avec les nouveaux outils de test d’ergonomie web (eye tracking, mouse tracking, neuromarketing). Comment sont perçues les couleurs sur Internet, quel est leur impact sur la navigation et comment influencent-elles les internautes dans le tunnel d’achat ? 1. 2. 3. 4. Annotations et explications complémentaires [x] En savoir plus ————————————————– . En tout état de cause, le choix de la colorimétrie demeure aujourd’hui très subjectif car il ne dépend souvent que des goûts d’un seul comité de décideurs. Significations : Représentations :
Flash Components
Albertine - Albertine Meunier =+ou- Catherine Ramus