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Arrondissement du Plateau-Mont-Royal - Faites vos choix budgétaires 2015 avec le simulateur en trois étapes :

Arrondissement du Plateau-Mont-Royal - Faites vos choix budgétaires 2015 avec le simulateur en trois étapes :

The Promise of Participatory Democracy - The Blue Review While voter turnout in this primary season in the United States remains paltry (25% in Idaho’s recent primary), two Boise State researchers have found that participation — in the form of popular, participatory budgeting programs practiced for just over two decades in Brazil — does matter. Brian Wampler and Mike Touchton, both political scientists, built a database of Brazilian municipalities with two decades of budget information and other infrastructure, health and education indicators and found that cities that engaged citizens in participatory budgeting had better overall outcomes that those that did not, particularly for the poor: At the broadest level, we argue the adoption of new subnational democratic institutions, which are explicitly designed to overcome the middle- and upper-class bias of representative democracy, help to increase human capabilities, and mitigate representative democracy’s pro-wealthy bias. : Inspections des aliments à Montréal Interactive The World of Seven Billion The map shows population density; the brightest points are the highest densities. Each country is colored according to its average annual gross national income per capita, using categories established by the World Bank (see key below). Some nations— like economic powerhouses China and India—have an especially wide range of incomes. But as the two most populous countries, both are lower middle class when income is averaged per capita.

Le budget participatif, nouvelle tendance des villes du monde Le | • Mis à jour le | Par Diane Jean « Je souhaite donner les clés du budget aux citoyens », a soutenu Anne Hidalgo, la maire socialiste de Paris, mercredi. Ce même jour, elle a lancé son opération de budget participatif, sur la place de la République. Mesure innovante pour la capitale, vecteur de démocratie directe, les arguments pleuvent pour justifier le démarrage d'une telle initiative à la mode. Qu'est-ce qu'un budget participatif ? « C'est un processus au cours duquel les habitants d'une ville vont décider d'une partie ou de l'ensemble des ressources publiques », explique Yves Cabannes, ancien coordinateur du Programme de gestion urbaine des Nations unies. « Ils vont prioriser des actions qui seront ensuite exécutées par les pouvoirs publics. » >> Lire le compte-rendu : Anne Hidalgo présente son projet de "budget participatif" Porto Alegre et Chengdu, championnes de la catégorie Dans une vidéo qui date du 5 avril 2012, M. Chaque municipalité a ses règles du jeu.

A Case for Open Data in Transit Ever find yourself waiting for the next bus, not knowing when it will arrive? Think it would be great if you could check a subway countdown clock from the sidewalk? Or get arrival times on your phone? Giving transit riders better information can make riding the bus or the train more convenient and appealing. And transit agencies are finding that the easiest and least expensive way to do it is by opening data about routes, schedules, and real-time locations to software developers, instead of guarding it like a proprietary secret. I recently got the chance to dive into the topic of open data in transit with my colleagues at OpenPlans. [intro music] Nick Grossman: [00:03] Transportation’s a natural for open data efforts to take route in cities because transportation touches everybody’s lives everyday. [music] Chris Dempsey: [00:18] So think about all the different ways that you can find out whether it’s going to rain that day, or what the temperature’s going to be the next day. Gale A.

Alexander Chen – Bach Cello Suites No. 1, Prelude Project summary Details I created eight strings, as the Prelude’s natural phrasing is in groups of eight notes. The orbiting nodes pluck the strings, like a rotating music box. You can also grab and throw the nodes off track, and watch the system slowly regain its rhythm. A harp is built around string length, with strings shortening as they ascend in pitch. The looping, eight-note pattern is something we see all the time in grid-based drum sequencers. Classical notation is convenient and concise code. I calculated lengths of strings using Pythagorean tuning. Performers of the Prelude all bring their own interpretation in tempo, timing, and expressiveness. Like MTA.ME and the Les Paul Doodle, the visuals are coded in Javascript and HTML5 Canvas, triggering Flash audio in the background with the SoundManager library. I’m launching during this first month as a resident at Eyebeam. Further Reading

Inicio Los Presupuestos Participativos son una forma de participación de la ciudadanía en la gestión de nuestra ciudad, mediante la cual entre todos vecinos y vecinas podemos participar en la elaboración del presupuesto público municipal. El Presupuesto Participativo tiene como principal objetivo la participación directa de los vecinos y vecinas con el fin de establecer las principales necesidades cotidianas de la ciudad, e incluirlas en el presupuesto anual del municipio, priorizando las más importantes y realizando un seguimiento de los compromisos alcanzados. Además de decidir parte del presupuesto municipal los Presupuestos Participativos también pretenden: Promover que la ciudadanía no sea simple observadora de los acontecimientos y decisiones, y que pueda convertirse en protagonista activa de lo que ocurre en la ciudad, profundizando así en una democracia participativa.

10 exemples concrets d'utilisation des données pour construire des bases de connaissances et des outils d'aide Ces 10 exemples d'utilisation des données dans le domaine des transports de marchandises (déchets notamment) et des personnes, préfigurent les futurs outils d'aide qui seront orientés en fonction des utilisateurs : citoyen, ménage, collectivité, entreprise, état... Traffic accidents in the U.S. between 2001 to 2009 ITO-Road fatalities USA An impressive work that collects all traffic accidents on different roads of the United States by type of accident (pedestrian, driver, year, etc..) The long journey of trash Trash track I wrote some lines about this project from MIT some time ago. A public hire bike system in real time London Bike Share Map This map visualizes all bikes of the public hire schemes in London. The intense activity of a subway network Examining MetroCard usage What to do with the data from every user entries in the extensive network of subway in New York? Real-time use of bicycles London Hire Bikes animation Another one about bikes. A U.S. map block by block Mapumental Day vs.

Pitch Interactive: The Holy Bible and the Holy Quran: A Comparison of Words In order to understand a religion, we can refer to its holy book, which establishes guidelines and principles for followers to adhere to. At the same time, followers, both radical and mild, interpret the holy text to provide a deeper and often more complex meaning of a particular verse, often to help explain issues that directly affect their personal beliefs. Unfortunately, people of one faith try to use the holy text of another faith to ridicule that faith or show its abominations by pointing to a particular text, often entirely out of context or misquoted. One such example is the Quran burning controversy stirred by Terry Jones in Florida. While claiming the Quran is a violent book of terror, Jones failed to make a comparison to the Bible, which also contains many violent passages. Looking at the opposite end of the spectrum, we are also curious about how each passage mentions love, tolerance and friendship. Credits/Sources:
