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Best Mac Tools Disk Inventory X Mac Gems: Byte breakdown One of the questions I’m frequently asked as a Mac writer—and a question we see quite often in the Macworld forums —is, “My hard drive is getting full; how can I see which files are taking up all that space?” It’s an understandable question: Your hard drive started out with 50GB or so of free space, but now it’s down to 10GB and you have no clue as to why. (OK, so you’ve installed a few sizable software packages, and then there are all those MP3 files you ripped from your CDs and media you purchased from iTunes, and...) Although you could manually browse your drive, using the Finder’s “Calculate all sizes” view option, to see which folders are taking up the most space, then delve down into the biggest ones to search for large files and folders hidden inside, and so on, an easier approach is to use a utility that shows how your hard drive space is being used. WhatSize One of my favorite such utilities is ID-Design’s free WhatSize 10.3.9 ( ). But my favorite option is Table View.

Adium - Download SIMBL Problem: Some applications do about 90% of what I want. Solution: Develop my own applications. Better Solution: Patch the application myself... SIMBL (SIMple Bundle Loader) - pronounced like "symbol" or "cymbal" - enables hacks and plugins. If you are having a problem, you can check the list of current bugs. If you are interested in a more in-depth technical explanation, you can can read the SIMBL developement notes. Installing SIMBL Plugins Most plugins should come with an installer, however it's easy to do it yourself. Plugins can be copied into /Library/Application Support/SIMBL/Plugins for all users, or ~/Library/Application Support/SIMBL/Plugins for just your account. SIMBL plugins are nothing more than standard Cocoa bundles created by XCode, with the addition of one key in the Info.plist. SIMBL was originally created when I was working on PithHelmet, but here are now a bunch of SIMBL plugins available. Questions | Comments | Feedback Developers Licensing Revision History

Wooden Brain Concepts Featured Software Wooden Brain Concepts: Agitprop Marketing for Our Sensuous Times™ Please Note: Wooden Brain Concepts has a new domain! Please bookmark: You will be automatically re-directed in 10 seconds... Finally, no more popups! If popups persist, go to that address directly, or open the frame of the page in a new window. Thank you to Kevin Wojniak of Kainjow Software for providing WBC with web hosting. If you use WBC software please consider making a donation. donate some $$ for freeware products via KAGI A note and apology about the popup: Back before May 2006, when Kainjow software was so kind as to donate some web space, we used this free redirect system. Lemmings - Freeware Close x Important Information for Downloads Not yet registered? Register Now Download Software Now Save the Lemmings from impending doom! In this free MacOS version of Lemmings you control a crowd of tiny Lemmings that will keep walking straight and will need your help in order to get to the next level. provides safe and secure software. Publisher's Website: Psygnosis Current User Rating Unfortunately there are no Reviews currently available for this download.

Thomas Tempelmann - Applications - Find Any File Have you purchased FAF in the Mac App Store? If you have purchased FAF in the App Store, you can download and use the version from this website just the same, and you do not have to purchase it again. Find Any File is a program for Mac OS X that lets you search for files on your disks. Contrary to Spotlight, it does not use a database but instead uses the file system driver's fast search operations, where available. This lets you search for file properties such as name, dates, size, etc., but not for file content (use Spotlight or EasyFind for that).Find Any File can find files that Spotlight doesn't, e.g. those inside bundles and packages and in inside folders that are usually excluded from Spotlight search.Finally, it is quite fast. A search only takes a few seconds on an internal hard disk or SSD. Find Any File doesn't replace Spotlight, but it complements it greatly: A few words of caution: Do you search network volumes? Not convinced yet? Features Search Examples

Monolingual Microsoft office 2011 beta 5 build 100709 download links are here MICROSOFT OFFICE 2011 BETA 6 v14.0.BUILD.100802 FOR MAC : Download Office 2011 beta 6 v 14.0 Build 100802 for Mac OSX from here : Download the zip file unzip it and it contains the links to download MS office 2011 beta 6 for Mac OSX and it also contains the serial numbers and how to Activate this build. for older build sroll below this topicPlease remember never use the direct links in a forum or your website just use the zip file which contains the LINKS to download the files. doing this will keep the links not detected and can be used longer to download so always use the zip file which contains the download links !! the SERAIL is inside and every product ahs got its own serial.Changes in beta 6: 1- there are many changes in this beta built the main change that comes in this beta is the stability of this build 2- The Windows Live Sky Drive is working you can now login to your 25GB !

WinEdt Secrets: Backup storage options When you don’t back up your data, you choose to live life on the edge. A hefty power surge, faulty software update, rampant virus, or Godzilla-like toddler—these are just a few of the things that could leave you with a computer that’s incapacitated or damaged beyond repair. But what sort of media should you use for storing your backups? Hard drives Hard drives provide fast backups and restores, and external drives can be moved offsite for safe storage. You can buy external drives with almost any combination of USB 2.0, FireWire 400, FireWire 800, and Serial ATA (SATA) interfaces. SATA, a high-speed bus technology, is the fastest of these interfaces, but to hook up an external SATA drive to your Mac, you’ll need to add an adapter using a PCI card (for Power Macs and Mac Pros), a PC card (for PowerBooks), or an ExpressCard (for MacBook Pros). Only Intel-based Macs can boot from a USB 2.0 drive, but drives with only USB interfaces tend to be less expensive than those with FireWire.

Battery Health Monitor by Sonora Graphics Battery Health Monitor is a free utility for MacBook, PowerBook and iBook owners that monitors virtual all battery health parameters and displays them in an easy-to-read format. Original capacity is an indication of the battery's storage when it was new. Current capacity indicates how much that original capacity has changed with use. Current charge shows the battery's current charge state while Charge Cycles indicates how many complete charge/discharge cycles the battery has experienced. The percentage value indicates approximately what portion of the number of total recharge cycles the battery supports have been used. The annunciators at the top of the window indicate the state of the computer's power manager circuit and the battery or batteries installed. Download Battery Health Monitor today! Battery Health Monitor version history Version 1.5Dramatically improved compatibility with PowerBook G3 and G4 models using older version of Apple's battery update software.
