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GNU Radio - WikiStart -

GNU Radio - WikiStart -
Introduction¶ GNU Radio is a free & open-source software development toolkit that provides signal processing blocks to implement software radios. It can be used with readily-available low-cost external RF hardware to create software-defined radios, or without hardware in a simulation-like environment. It is widely used in hobbyist, academic and commercial environments to support both wireless communications research and real-world radio systems. GNU Radio is licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 3 or later. Content¶ 0. Registration for GRCon16 is now open! I. If you've never touched GNU Radio before, these pages will get you started with a running installation of GNU Radio and will show you how to take your first steps with this software radio tool. II. GNU Radio has two manuals: one for the C++ API and another for the Python API. The Sphinx documentation fills in some holes in the C++ docs where there is Python-only code: Sphinx-based Documentation III. IV. V. VI. Related:  Projetos

New Roles and Skills for Cloud Computing - AdVoice: Microsoft - Cloud Power This article is commissioned by Microsoft Corp. The views expressed are the author’s own. Clearly, cloud computing requires new skills inside of organizations that are moving to the cloud. We all get that. However, many companies have difficulty understanding exactly what those skills are, the scope required, and the timing. There are several ways this can play out. My take on all of this is that before we ignore the problem, or toss money at it, perhaps this a good time to put some lines in the sand around what skills are required as the cloud creeps into our IT universe. When considering what skills are needed to thrive in the cloud, I like to use a role-based approach, with the new roles being: Cloud Architect Cloud Security Specialist Cloud Developer Cloud Infrastructure Manager Provider Specialist Cloud architect is the No. 1 job posting that I see from any company or consulting organization looking to move into cloud computing.

Josh Knows | Introductory Tour of the GNU Radio Project Before you read too far, I have produced a coding guide: Blocks Coding Guide. Don't overlook it. Introduction I am writing this guide because GNU Radio is a great tool that can easily be overlooked. The documentation is poor and just getting started is not obvious. GNU Radio is a set of signal processing tools for the computer. GNU Radio is... An API for creating signal blocks (C++/Python) A runtime environment for signal processing A library of signal processing blocks User scripts and applications Hardware drivers (USRP/USRP2/VRT) An application for creating flow graphs (GRC) The USRP is big ADC/DAC with a USB plug, with a decent price (under $1k). Buy USRPs Here Installing GNU Radio Installing GNU Radio is probably the biggest leap for a beginner. Windows GNU Radio definitely works in Windows. Follow these instructions Linux Ubuntu Linux is very nice for GNU Radio because all the dependencies can be easily met. Using GNU Radio Introdution Python Helpful Python References Learning By Example

Satellite Tracking System: Orbitron by Sebastian Stoff / Satellite tracking easiest ever! The first artificial satellite was put in the space on October 4, 1957 by the Russians. It was named Sputnik 1, and spent 92 days in Earth orbit. Since then man has launched thousands of rockets, and put thousands of satellites in orbit. There are more than 8000 objects in orbit now, including operational, non-operational, rocket bodies, and debris. They are orbiting at an altitude from 150, up to several thousands kilometers. Due to predictable conditions of satellite movement in space (lack of atmosphere) computer software can calculate a satellite's position for given moment. To keep tracking software working precisely, one should update elements periodically. You must remember that TLE data for an object that has maneuvered since the last elset is no longer any good. Why do we track satellites? So even if you're a beginner, don't hesitate to download satellite tracking software like Orbitron. Remember, satellite tracking is the easiest ever with Orbitron!

Técnicos dizem que futuro da transmissão por satélite está ameaçado Luiz Xavier Diretora da Secom da Câmara, Sueli Navarro disse que a nova faixa de frequência vai interferir no sinal da TV Câmara. Durante seminário realizado nesta terça-feira para debater o futuro da recepção do sinal de TV por satélite no Brasil, técnicos das emissoras de televisão se manifestaram contra o edital do leilão da faixa de frequência de 3,5 GHz, aprovado pela Agência Nacional de Telecomunicações (Anatel). Eles afirmam que essa nova faixa de frequência vai interferir no sinal de televisão captado por antenas parabólicas instaladas no País. Na avaliação do engenheiro de comunicações da Rede Record André Felipe Trindade, o futuro da transmissão por satélite corre risco depois que a Anatel decidiu colocar em leilão a faixa de 3,5 GHz para ofertar serviços de WiMAX, tecnologia de banda larga sem fio. Ele citou como situação em que haverá interferências a recepção de eventos internacionais como a Copa do Mundo de Futebol e os Jogos Olímpicos.

AcademicPapers - GNU Radio - Please feel free to add a summary, bibliographic info, and a link to your papers! Institutions sorted by continent. Asia¶ National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences, Pakistan¶ Niaz Ahmed, Waqas Abbas, Affan Syed. UTM-MIMOS Center of Excellence in Telecommunication Technology, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia¶ Syed-Yusof, S.K., Khairul Rashid, K.M. ; Abdul Latiff, N.M. ; Fisal, N. ; Sarijari, M.A. ; Rashid, R.A. ; Ramli, N., "TDMA-based cooperative sensing using SDR platform for cognitive radio", in Proceedings of the Asia-Pacific Communications Conference (APCC), South Korea, October 15-17, 2012 Europe¶ Lappeenranta University of Technology¶ A. ETH Zürich (Switzerland)¶ System Security Group: "S. Department of Physics - Quantum Optics Group: Bruno Zimmermann, Torben Müller, Jakob Meineke, Tilman Esslinger, Henning Moritz: High-resolution imaging of ultracold fermions in microscopically tailored optical potentials. University of Messina (Italy) - Faculty of Engineering¶

KiCad EDA Software Suite - Kicad EDA - KiCad EDA KiCad is an EDA software suite for the creation of professional schematics and printed circuit boards up to 32 copper layers with additional technical layers. KiCad runs on Windows, Linux and Apple OS X and is released under the open-source GNU GPL v2 free of charge. If you like KiCad or are making a good living using KiCad in your toolset, you should consider donating funds used for development. CERN has put up a place to collect donations which will be used directly to support a developer. With KiCad you can create schematic diagrams and printed circuit board up to 32 copper layers. Eeschema, schematic editor.Pcbnew, printed circuit board editor, with a 3D viewer.Gerbview, Gerber file viewer. And then some other auxiliary tools: Pl_editor, a page layout editor.Bitmap2component, make you convert bitmap images to footprints.PCB calculator, provides some nifty calculators. KiCad is under heavy development. Since its birth, in 2007, KiCad has shown a great level of acceptance among users. Densidade de Banda Larga do Brasil está abaixo da média mundial O Brasil terminou 2008 com 10 milhões de acessos Banda Larga (fixa) e está entre os 10 países com mais acessos Banda Larga no mundo. Já em termos de densidade de Banda Larga (acessos/ 100 hab.) o Brasil está abaixo da média mundial (UIT), ao contrário do que ocorre com a densidade de telefones fixos e celulares. Nota: não inclui banda larga móvel O Brasil é o 67º país em densidade de Banda Larga no Mundo atrás do México (7,1 acessos/100 hab.) e da Argentina (8,0 acessos/100 hab.). O mapa abaixo, que detalha a densidade de cada estado no 1T09, ajuda aentender melhor as causas desta baixa densidade. Pode-se dividir o Brasil em duas regiões: As sete unidades da federação com densidade de 8,9 acessos/100 hab., superior à média mundial, que concentram 72,1% dos acessos Banda Larga do país e representam 45,5% da população. Esta divisão é agravada pela baixa cobertura geográfica com que é oferecida a Banda larga no Brasil.

GSoC - GNU Radio - GSoC is a Google-sponsored event to get students involved in Open Source projects (Website). GNURadio has participated in GSoC 2012 and 2013, and has 5 students accepted for GSoC 2014. Students interested in participating, read the student instructions and the rules of conduct. List of ideas¶ This is the list of project ideas for GSoC 2014 within GNU Radio. All of these projects have mentors, so if you have any questions, feel free to contact them! Students who do not find a fit among these projects are encouraged to engage with us and suggest new ones. Reviewing the Google FAQ page for a broader understanding of project, mentor, and student responsibilities is recommended. If you need a USRP to complete the project, we will be able to arrange something. Signal Processing¶ GSM analysis tool (replacement for airprobe)¶ Airprobe is a tool that was used to analyse GSM signals a while back. Objectives¶ Create an OOT module which decodes GSM signals. Potential mentor(s)¶ Sylvain Munaut Radar toolbox¶
