10 commonly made mistakes in vocabulary instruction Please note: this post was written in collaboration with Steve Smith of and Dylan Vinales of Garden International School. In this post I will concern myself with ten very common pitfalls of vocabulary instruction and with ways in which they can be easily pre-empted. Mistake1 – Shallow encoding practices As already mentioned in many previous posts of mine, a to-be-learnt word lingers in our Working Memory for no longer than two or three seconds immediately after we hear it. Thus, in order to commit it effectively to Long-term Memory, we must perform some form of rehearsal. Rehearsal involves either ‘shallow’ or ‘deep’ processing. In shallow processing we use repetition or matching a word to a visual cue. Example: if you taught your students ten words using some of the www.linguascope.com very entertaining games (e.g. matching words to pictures; word dictation; spelling games), they will have performed lots of fun activities for 10-15 minutes. Mistake 3.
Koprowski - Ten Good Games for Recycling Vocabulary The Internet TESL Journal Mark Koprowskimarkkoprowski [at] yahoo.com Introduction Learning is remembering. If we respect this axiom, the review and recycling of new language items will be critical if they stand a chance of becoming readily accessible in long-term memory. Experts these days concur that learners actually need as many as 5 to 16 'meetings' with a new language item in a variety of contexts before it can be truly learned and activated for genuine use. 1. Divide the class into Teams A and B. Variation: To ensure a slightly quieter and less chaotic game, the teams can take it in turns. 2. Put the students into pairs or small groups. Variation: To add a spelling accuracy component, teams can also earn an extra point for each correctly spelt item. 3. Give the class a topic (e.g. food, clothes, animals, things in a kitchen) and ask them to stand up, in a circle if possible. 4. Divide the class into Teams A and B. 5. 6. Divide the class into Teams A and B. 7. 8. 10. Bibliography
UK slang for international students | Education UK (Global) By Sophie Cannon at Education UK, 27 January 2014 'Hiya mate, fancy a cuppa and a chin-wag?' 'I can't sorry pal, I'm skint. Gutted!' When you first arrive in the UK for your studies, you might be mystified by some of the words and phrases local people use. Don't worry, this is completely normal and you will soon be fine! People here often use slang – especially with friends. To help you cotton on (slang for 'understand'), here are some common words you may hear. Greetings, please and thank you Alright? People, friends and family Don't be confused if someone calls you pet, duck, sweetie, love, chicken, chuck, chucky-egg or sunshine. Other common slang and dialect terms you will hear are: Bairn = Baby or young child. Descriptions and exclamations There are lots of slang and dialect words to say something is good or cool – for example, in Wales you might hear people say tidy or lush, while in Birmingham you might hear bostin. If something is uncool, people may say it is naff or cheesy. Money
English Vocabulary Exercises General English: Word Categories Exercises by Category All Adjectives: List of Words (click for definition) Practice exercises are below. All Adjectives: Exercises Arts, Entertainment & Literature: List of Words (click for definition) Practice exercises are below. Arts, Entertainment & Literature: Exercises Crime & the Law: List of Words (click for definition) Practice exercises are below. Crime & the Law: Exercises Feelings, Qualities & States: List of Words (click for definition) Practice exercises are below. Feelings, Qualities & States: Exercises Food & Eating: List of Words (click for definition) Practice exercises are below. Food & Eating: Exercises [Back to top] Health & the Body: List of Words (click for definition) Practice exercises are below. Health & the Body: Exercises The World of Money & Work: List of Words (click for definition) Practice exercises are below. The World of Money & Work: Exercises The Natural World: List of Words (click for definition) Practice exercises are below. Nouns?
Stop, Breathe & Think Learn Useful Expressions in English | International House Bristol Check out IH Bristol’s extensive list of over 1000 of the most useful expressions in English, available for free for Beginner/Elementary students to Advanced speakers. Learning English is one of the best ways to improve your life and the prospects of getting a good job. English is used all over the world as the language of education and business and it is becoming normal to expect everybody to be able to speak it. IH Bristol has more than 30 years’ experience of teaching English as a foreign language, of helping students to pass Cambridge Exams, to achieve the right score in IELTS or OET or just to learn to communicate more effectively in the language. Whatever your reasons for learning English, we know the kind of language you need to learn. However, not everybody can come to Bristol to learn in person. How to use the Useful Expressions 1. The more you use them, the more you will improve!
English Vocabulary Exercises General English: Word Categories Please support English Vocabulary Exercises when you shop online!We get a commission on everything you buy when you use these links: All Adjectives: List of Words (click for definition) Practice exercises are below. All Adjectives: Exercises Arts, Entertainment & Literature: List of Words (click for definition) Practice exercises are below. Arts, Entertainment & Literature: Exercises Crime & the Law: List of Words (click for definition) Practice exercises are below. Crime & the Law: Exercises Feelings, Qualities & States: List of Words (click for definition) Practice exercises are below. Feelings, Qualities & States: Exercises Food & Eating: List of Words (click for definition) Practice exercises are below. Food & Eating: Exercises [Back to top] Health & the Body: List of Words (click for definition) Practice exercises are below. Health & the Body: Exercises The World of Money & Work: List of Words (click for definition) Practice exercises are below. Nouns? Nouns?
Nine ways to revise English vocabulary using slips of paper What can teachers do when classroom technology stops working? Cristina Cabal, latest winner of the British Council's TeachingEnglish blog award for her post on pronunciation, suggests nine activities for revising English vocabulary using simple slips of paper. Nowadays, it seems very simple to plan a lesson that makes use of the many tools available online, especially as more and more of us have access to the Internet in our classrooms. But while technology is increasingly part of our teaching, there are times when it can cause problems and frustrations for teachers, such as when the Wi-Fi stops working or the computer shuts down, leaving you with a one-hour lesson to teach and no plan B up your sleeve. One of the best ways to deal with this situation is to use slips of paper – a resource available to every teacher in any given situation. The following activities have never let me down. Using slips of paper to revise vocabulary 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Arrange students in pairs or in threes. 7.
Vocabulary and autonomy The general aim is to involve the students in a more autonomous fashion in their learning, rather than simply having them presented with word lists selected by the teacher or syllabus. The role of vocabulary teachingHow can teachers help their learners?Self-initiated independent learningFormal practiceFunctional practiceMemorizingBest approachPractical activitiesReferences The role of vocabulary teachingIn the context of learning English as a foreign language, a learner is forced to be autonomous and independent and make conscious effort to learn vocabulary outside the classroom simply because the exposure to the target language is limited in class. How can teachers help their learners? Self-initiated independent learningThese strategies involve planned, active and motivated learning and exposure to language outside the classroom (media). Examples of strategies Formal practiceThese strategies promote systematic learning and vocabulary practice. Literature referenceEllis, G., B.
TexToys - Authoring tool for Rhubarb and Sequitur language learning exercises This page contains links to TexToys exercises and materials. Simple Exercises These exercises are taken from the TexToys tutorial: Examples Created by Users Exercises by Paolo Cutini, for teaching English Exercises from the englishmed.com portal The Glass Menagerie by Lilliam Hurst Projecting a Subculture and BALEAP by Andy Gillett, School of Combined Studies, University of Hertfordshire Ein Klassenzimmer in der Schule Karl geht mit Frau Honda zur Uni. Ireland's smoking ban #1 and Ireland's smoking ban #2 by Yannick Cormier - Lycée La Colinière Nantes If you would like us to link to your TexToys materials, or if you want us to remove a link in the list above, please contact us by email.
4 szuper nyelvtanulós játék otthonra! Így tanulja meg a gyerek könnyedén a szavakat Angol szakos tanítóként sokszor kapom a szülők részéről a kérdést, hogy miként segíthetik a gyereküket az angol nyelvben, ha ők nem vagy csak nagyon minimális szinten beszélnek angolul. De gondot okozhat a gyermek angol leckéjében való segédkezés néha akkor is, ha a szülő beszéli a nyelvet, de nem tudja, hogyan „adja át a tudását”, milyen módszerekkel, ami közel áll az iskolai tanuláshoz, mert nem szeretné például összezavarni a gyermekét. Ebben a bejegyzésben az iskolás gyerekek szüleinek szeretnék mankót adni, néhány ötletet, hogy miként segíthetik a gyerekeiket az angol nyelvben. Még a nyelvtanulásnál is számít a szülői minta Az első és legfontosabb, amit a szülő tehet, hogy jó példát mutat. Ezzel valószínűleg nem mondok újat, hiszen a sportban és az élet egyéb területein is meghatározó, hogy milyen mintát lát a gyermek a felnőttektől, a szüleitől. Tanulj játszva a gyerekkel! Az iskoláskorú gyerekeknél tartsuk szem előtt, hogy a szülei vagyunk és nem a tanárai. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Online English Vocabulary Size Test Ever wonder about your vocabulary size? Even if you are a daily English speaker or a native English speaker, you still might find this test challenging! We conducted academic research and looked at online resources to design the model of this quiz. Loading...