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Why Teachers Need to Be Great Storytellers The New Tech Network includes more than 100 schools in diverse settings that put project-based learning at the center of instruction. That's all true, but it doesn't begin to tell the story of what makes learning "electric." That's how one educator from this network describes project experiences that ignite students' curiosity and build their agency to tackle challenging work. The bare facts don't engage emotions in the way that a recent New Tech graduate does when she tells her former teachers, "Your students graduate not just prepared, but inspired to chase their own whys." After spending a few days with 1,300 teachers, instructional coaches, and school leaders at the New Tech Annual Conference #NTAC13, I was reminded of the power of stories to engage, inspire, and move us to act. Make It Personal Chaltain used that question as the prompt for his book, Faces of Learning: 50 Powerful Stories of Defining Moments in Education. Change the Storyline Ignite Energy

“Eu Também Posso Propagar Histórias”. A Adaptação e as Narrativas Transmediáticas na Era da Participação | Sousa | Comunicação e Sociedade O ficheiro PDF seleccionado deveria ser carregado no se browser como um plugin de leitura de PDF previamente instalado (por exemplo, uma versão recente de Adobe Acrobat Reader). Em alternativa, pode transferir o ficheiro PDF directamente para o seu computador, onde pode ser aberto com um leitor PDF. Para transferir o PDF, clique sobre o link em baixo. Se pretende obter mais informação sobre como imprimir, guardar e guardar PDF's, Highwire Press fornece uma útil Frequently Asked Questions sobre PDF's. Tela cheia Tela padrão Apontamentos Não há apontamentos. .:: LASICS ::.Centro de Estudos de Comunicação e Sociedade (CECS)Universidade do Minho

bloomsapps Using Blooms Taxonomy in education is a highly effective way to scaffold learning for the students. With the recent popularity and pervasive nature of iOS devices in school districts it is essential for educators to understand how to implement Blooms in the classroom using the apps that are available. While this list is by no means fully comprehensive, it will assist educators in getting started when implementing iOS devices in the classroom. This site will change almost daily as it will be updated with new and exciting apps! If you find any that you have worked with in your classroom please email or tweet @bloomsapps or @dmileham75 with your suggestions. Two Links to some iTunesU courses relating to iOS Integration: 1 iPad by Erie 1 Boards of Cooperative Educational Services ( Movie Making\Digital Storytelling Camera to PDF Free - cool little app that turns your device into a scanner. LiveBinders: I would be remiss if I didn't post this.

9 apps for creating multimedia content Until a few years ago designing an attractive presentation, or any other form of multimedia content, required expert designers. You first had to explain your idea to the designer who would then spend hours in isolation, using complex tools and software, to turn them into reality. Most of the times, however, you would still go away dissatisfied with the final product. However, this is no more the case thanks to different online tools available freely on the internet. Using these tools,you can create multimedia content in a matter of minutes. In every niche and field, you can always find tools that’ll simplify your work; just like we have CMSs like WordPress and Drupal to make it easy to build and manage blogs, tools like IMCreator and Easy WebContent for building HTML websites and tools like Photoshop for designing almost everything, there are also reputable tools for creating multimedia content. All you need is an internet connection and a creative mind. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. iPresent

Meditations in an Emergency: Dica de Livro: "The Art of Immersion" Update: Post originalmente publicado em 20/04/2011. Livro essencial para quem estuda ou trabalha com comunicação, publicidade, webdesign, cinema, TV ou produção de conteúdo em geral: The Art of Immersion: How the Digital Generation is Remaking Hollywood, Madison Avenue and the Way We Tell Stories, de Frank Rose. Lançado em fevereiro de 2011, o livro acaba de sair em paperback (versão mais barata). The Art of Immersion já faz parte da lista de leituras obrigatórias em diversos cursos das áreas de comunicação, marketing e linguística nos EUA e Reino Unido. Infelizmente ainda não há previsão de publicação em português. Frank Rose, que é também colunista da revista Wired, escreve sobre como, numa época em que histórias estão se tornando jogos, e jogos estão se tornando histórias, o real e fictício começam a se confundir. A teoria de Rose está ligada ao conceito de convergência midiática e cultural de Henry Jenkins, e no atual comportamento do público consumidor.

No clutter {Readability™} Turn your media into memorable stories Narración digital en el aula NARRACIÓN DIGITAL EN EL AULA Por Jason Ohler Traducción para EDUTEKA: Beatriz Salazar de Mendoza Recomendamos consultar el artículo escrito por Jasón Ohler en el que muestra cómo mediante la creación de narrativas personales digitales, los estudiantes se convierten en creadores activos, en lugar de consumidores pasivos de multimedia. Ver mas Para EDUTEKA es motivo de orgullo tener una vez más la oportunidad de traducir y publicar apartes del último trabajo (2008) del Doctor Jason_Ohler. Pionero y experto en Narrativa Digital. Veinte revelaciones sobre Narración Digital en Educación De una cosa estoy seguro sobre las tecnologías futuras y es que siempre encontraremos la manera de contar historias con ellas. Pero el hecho de que yo haya encontrado la forma de utilizar mi celular para contar una historia, podría parecer además algo a la vez anticuado, predecible y alentador. ¡Es difícil creerlo, pero en los inicios de los años 80, casi no había software! Pero esto ya no es así.

Do You Know How to Tell a Great Story El lectoespectador. Una lectura (1) La calidad de un libro es directamente proporcional a la cantidad de anotaciones marginales y frases subrayadas que nos deja su lectura. Hoy voy a hablar de un volumen cuyos márgenes me quedaron apretados para transcribir todos los apuntes e ideas que me iban surgiendo mientras lo leía: me refiero a “El Lectoespectador” de Vicente Luis Mora. Es uno de los libros más interesantes que leído últimamente por los temas que aborda, la riqueza intertextual en que se basan las interpretaciones de VLM y las asociaciones de ideas que genera. VLM es autor de varias novelas (como “Alba Cromm“) pero sobre todo es muy conocido por su Diario de Lecturas, un blog de referencia en Hispanoamérica. VLM propone un diccionario para entender lo nuevo: Pangea, homo pangeicus, internexto, textovisual, imagolectura, googliteratura … lectoespectador. VLM se planta frente a Nicholas Carr y afirma que “ver el mundo al modo tradicional, sin Internet, es ver mucho menos” (p. 54). ¿Cómo será la novela del futuro?

How interactive technology is transforming storytelling Let me begin by saying: reports of the death of the book are wildly exaggerated. Likewise traditional storytelling. Human beings have been telling stories around campfires since the first cavewoman struck a flint against another flint and noticed that an interesting spark flew off. Stories aren't going anywhere and nor is the visceral, inexplicable, bone-deep shivery delight of a good tale well told. What happens, however, is that new technologies give creative people new ideas. This is where we are now with storytelling: interesting developments are happening. I write serious literary novels – and I write videogames. Three things really fascinate me about the new digital writing toolkit: the possibility of increased immersion in a story, the ability to represent choice, and the way the audience can influence the story. Immersion Zombies, Run! Representing choice Games and digital media are also excellent at representing decision-making. Similarly, digital media naturally express choice.
