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100 Truths About Jesus

100 Truths About Jesus

Understanding Angels! A Bible Perspective to the Reality of Angels! Part 1 « The Agapegeek Blog (Ver 1.0) People generally do not believe in things that they have never seen or that they have any proof that they exist. However, the Bible says a lot about these spiritual beings we call angels and it informs us that they definitely are real and that they exist. The rest of this lesson will cover things found in the Bible about angels that you should know. Who are they, what are they, where did they come from, when did they come into existence, what is their purpose and whatever else I can find to discuss about them. I personally know people who claim to have seen angels and their descriptions of these creatures are not like the fat little baby angels you see in many books. Gen 16:7 And the angel of the LORD found her by a fountain of water in the wilderness, by the fountain in the way to Shur. The Hebrew word translated as “angel” is used 213 times in the O.T. so that is a lot of scriptures to read and learn from. So this is a very hard saying indeed. Where are the angels you ask?

Frequently Asked Questions about the Catholic Church Brought to you by The Augustine Club at Columbia University Up to the Apologetics Toolkit THE CATHOLIC CHURCH is the world's largest, and Christianity's oldest, religious body. Her 860 million members inhabit the width and breadth of the earth, comprising almost one-fifth of the total human population. She is far and away the most popular religious concept the world has ever known. The right place to go for information about Catholic belief--in fact the only place to go for complete and authoritative information--is the Catholic Church herself. Contents God Why do Catholics believe that the universe and all life in it was created by, and is governed by, an all-powerful Spirit Being called God? The Catholic Church Why do Catholics believe that their Church is the one true Church of Jesus Christ? The Pope Why do Catholics believe that Peter the Apostle was the first Pope, when the word ``Pope'' doesn't even appear in Catholic Bibles? Sacraments Scripture and Tradition Salvation Mary Purgatory

Mozilla Firefox Bible Study Planet | Daily bible studies for adults, teens and kids. Top 10 Myths About Evolution - with Downloadable PDF | Atheism Resource Email If you have been looking for a simple, easy to follow quick guide to evolution… we’ve got it. Our friends at the Skeptics Society gave us permission to reprint this. Below is the text. Learn it. Share it. Original Text: 1 If Humans Came From Apes, Why Aren’t Apes Evolving Into Humans? Humans, apes, and monkeys are only distant evolutionary “cousins.” 2 There Are Too Many Gaps in the Fossil Record for Evolution to Be True In fact, there are lots of intermediate fossils. 3 If Evolution Happened Gradually Over Millions of Years Why Doesn’t the Fossil Record Show Gradual Change? Sudden changes in the fossil record are not missing evidence of gradualism; they are extant evidence of punctuation. 4 No One Has Ever Seen Evolution Happen Evolution is a historical science confirmed by the fact that so many independent lines of evidence converge to this single conclusion. 5 Science Claims That Evolution Happens by Random Chance Natural selection is not “random” nor does it operate by “chance.”

Bible Stories for Kids - The Armor of God ...God planned to send Jesus to save us! Save us from what? Well, when God made the world it was perfect in every way. And then Adam came along and ate the fruit God told him not to eat. Bad idea! God try to warn Adam. And that's exactly what Adam did. Well, he didn’t drop over dead right there! And we all sin. We all do what we want to do instead of what God wants us to do. And that’s what Jesus came to save us from! God loves us so much, He sent His Son to make things right again. And the price was very high. But Jesus died FOR us. That's not the end of the story! Three days later, Jesus rose from the dead! Jesus defeated death! If we believe in Jesus, and we believe that he died for our sins, God will raise us from dead just like Jesus rose from the dead! And now God can adopt us as His children. That is the Good News! Now, since we ARE God’s children, we should live like God’s children. But we all know, it's not always easy... We are in a battle! And Satan is sneaky. Guard your heart. Be bold! Why "Do You Take the Bible Literally?" Is the Wrong Question | Brian Kiley “Do you take the Bible literally?” That question really bothers me. It gets asked and answered in coffee shops, television networks, and TED Talks, but it is a meaningless question. It’s so wooden. In fact, much like a cast and crutches are signs of a broken leg, a person who asks or answers that question is showing that they do not understand what the Bible is. The Bible is a collection of historical narrative and poetry, of metaphor and prose, of songs and teaching. It is silly to suggest we should take it all literally. When Jesus says to the Pharisees, “You strain out a gnat but swallow a camel,” (Matthew 23:24) he is, of course, not suggesting that the Pharisees literally swallow camels. These are obvious metaphors, and there are dozens (if not hundreds) of them to be found in Scripture. One key to understanding the Bible is knowing what to take literally and what to take metaphorically. Historical narratives should be taken literally. But here’s the thing: And that’s the real issue.

BiblePlan -- Helping You Read The Bible International House of Prayer
