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MINDMAP TRAINING DAY 4 for MindmapTrainingbyMindmap (WuzoOBV) Day 1 of your Personal MindMap Training Friend, when did you first hearabout mindmapping? vividly recall when I first heard about it. That was during a speed-reading training (photo reading). The idea alone, working with pencils and connecting words not something looked forward to. could this be effective? What was the advantage of drawing? After a (brief) introduction to mindmapping it was as awkward as I thought. had to change pencils all of the time, but that was just something you had to get used to. from being opposed (resistance to change isno stranger me either) passionate user! like short effective pieces of information. stories. places a lot of emphasis on this, and you may draw! still see the impact of that decision today. Afterthis introduction mindmapping it time use One of the assignments we had do was: make mindmap ofall your speed reading experiences. find a software tool that could make a mindmap for me (lazy? downloaded some tools evaluated them. ofthe products, MindMapper, was at that time the right tool for me. produced it (SimTech). At

MindmapTrainingbyMindmap (WuzoOBV) Day 1 of your Personal MindMap Training Friend, when did you first hearabout mindmapping? vividly recall when I first heard about it. That was during a speed-reading training (photo reading). The idea alone, working with pencils and connecting words not something looked forward to. could this be effective? What was the advantage of drawing? After a (brief) introduction to mindmapping it was as awkward as I thought. had to change pencils all of the time, but that was just something you had to get used to. from being opposed (resistance to change isno stranger me either) passionate user! like short effective pieces of information. stories. places a lot of emphasis on this, and you may draw! still see the impact of that decision today. Afterthis introduction mindmapping it time use One of the assignments we had do was: make mindmap ofall your speed reading experiences. find a software tool that could make a mindmap for me (lazy? downloaded some tools evaluated them. ofthe products, MindMapper, was at that time the right tool for me. produced it (SimTech). At

Les 100 usages du Mind Mapping d’après Paul Foreman J’ai utilisé plusieurs des oeuvres de l’artiste anglais Paul Foreman pour illustrer la rubrique Mind Mapping de notre page FaceBook. Il est l’auteur de nombreuses Mind Maps très personnelles qu’il publie sur son blog Mind Map Inspiration (que je vous recommande chaudement). Aujourd’hui, je vous propose une nouvelle oeuvre de Foreman : les 100 usages d’Internet. Ici, Paul Foreman explore les usages du Mind Mapping. Voici, ci-dessous, une traduction en français de cette Mind Map. Je reviendrai dans un autre billet sur les usages plus professionnels et plus personnels du Mind Mapping. Personnellement, je l’utilise autant pour explorer de nouvelles pistes pour la Lingua Franca Academy que pour ma vie quotidienne. A bientôt. J'aime : J'aime chargement… Catégories :formation, Mind Mapping, Outils Tags:creativité, Foreman, imagination, iMindMap, mind, mind map, mind mapping, mindmap, mindmapping, outil, Outils, Paul Foreman, technique, techniques, Usage, Usages

WikIT Mind Mapping, Mindmaps and Mind Maps | Asian Efficiency Mind mapping is a revolutionary tool used for creating, thinking, organizing, note taking and brainstorming. The modern iteration of mind mapping is claimed to have been created by Tony Buzan – but who really knows. If anything, credit definitely goes to Tony for popularizing the method and bringing it to the masses. Here at Asian Efficiency, we like to think of ourselves as avid users of mindmapping, rather than “certified experts”. Quick note: in Commonwealth countries, mind maps are often referred to as spidergrams or spidergraphs. What is Mind Mapping? Central Idea of a Mindmap All mind mapping begins with a central idea in the middle of your map. A simple mindmap of fruits. You then build branches or nodes around the mindmap, with the first layer being one hierarchical layer of thought down. A callout describing a type of apple. Relationships within mindmaps show how concept links together: Relating two different fruits. Getting Started with Mind Mapping Types of Mind Maps The Meta Mind Map

Formation clé en main - Outil et technique de créativité Se perfectionner en gestion et conduite des réunions avec les ressources en créativité Gestion et animation créative des réunions Vous êtes un leader, directeur, gestionnaire, responsable d'équipe ou participant à des réunions. Vous souhaitez améliorer la gestion, la conduite et la participation aux réunions. Objectif général Améliorer ces pratiques de gestion et d'animation des réunions par une application des méthodes, outils et techniques de créativité. Objectifs spécifiques Ce programme de perfectionnement en gestion et animation des réunions vise à vous aider à: Résultats attendus Au terme de ce programme, le participant devrait pouvoir: Objectifs d'apprentissage Des activités d'apprentissage sélectionnées selon la demande, les besoins, les intérêts et le contexte du groupe permettront d'atteindre différents objectifs: Améliorer l'information et la communication : De l'abstention à l'engagement Penser différemment : De la carte heuristique au projet créatif Durée de la formation

Étapes de réalisation d'une Mind Map: un exemple d'application à partir d'un schéma manuscrit La méthode heuristique: règles et conseils pratiques La méthode du Mind Mapping de Tony Buzan est reconnue par les artistes et le milieu de l'éducation comme un outil très pertinent pour aider à la réflexion et à l'apprentissage. De fait, le processus de réalisation d'une Mind Map permet de générer des idées, réaliser un remue-méninges visuel (brainstorming), prendre des notes, mémoriser, faire un synthèse, planifier, décider, communiquer, animer une réunion, présenter un contenu, un projet ou un rapport. Aussi, son utilisation peut intéresser tant le milieu du marketing, celui du management que celui de la consultation. Cependant, qu'il s'agisse de créer une Mind Map sous forme manuscrit ou informatique, de construire un mini-schéma ou un méga-schéma heuristique collectif, les étapes du processus de réalisation sont à peu près les mêmes. Exemple d'une Mind Map dessinée avec un crayon à la mine de plomb Comment créer une Mind Map en cinq étapes Livres Vidéos Diaporamas

Le BaRBeRy v 1.0 : Dictionnaire CoRHuPOP (Cognitivo-Rapo-Humoristico-Poético-Oulipo-Psychanalytique) Le Barbery est un dictionnaire de rimes, un générateur d'anagrammes et de jeux de mots. Cliquez sur ses boutons pour en apprendre l'usage. Codes phonétiques Voyelles Demi-voyelles Consones Crédits et sources Chronologie 1995 : idée de la barberysation. Futur intégration sémantique version japonaise et anglaise Contact Stéphane Barbery Version

Concept maps or mind maps? the choice What are the differences between mind maps and concept maps? (click to see larger) Sometimes you will have no choice. In an educational setting, some educators require their students to make concept maps, others mandate mind maps. But most of the time we are free to choose. your motive in making the map, where you will make it, how you will use it once finished, the audience (if other than yourself) it is intended it for, if you are not drawing maps by hand, the software you use, and naturally your personal preference. If you have elected to use mind maps, you still have a choice between Buzan mind maps and common mind maps in their various forms. This article is not about which type is 'better'. Appreciation for this article Concept maps have rigor, mind maps have vigor Like most generalizations this is a simplification, but it captures the essential differences, as described in more detail below. What is important is to know when it's appropriate to use which, and how. The audience

Mindmapping & other goodness Blog | Stuff about Topicscape, mindmapping, organizing information Big Al, and a tale of China, America ... I have moved this post to my personal blog... posted on: Feb 1, 2013 | author: Roy The sometimes-makes-me-stupid filter ... I tweet and blog a lot about mind mapping. posted on: Sep 22, 2011 | author: Roy WikiSummarizer takes on yet more Not content with visually summarizing Wikipedia (see Herculean Task…), WikiSummarizer have added a new... posted on: Jul 19, 2011 | author: Roy “Words tell you what to think. ... “Words tell you what to think. posted on: Jun 23, 2011 | author: Roy Doing a ‘virtual’ carve up of a b... posted on: May 30, 2011 | author: Roy With complex documents, like large reports or spreadsheets, the complexity becomes manageable by breaking down and visualizing in the 3D landscape.... Duplicate file handling with Topicscape posted on: May 13, 2011 | author: Roy If you routinely organize project files in Topicscape and have trouble with duplicate files or multiple versions, you’ll love this Topicscape... Herculean mind mapping task: Wikipedia
