How To Videos on Wonder How To - Video Tutorials, DIY Lessons & Tips King Institute Home Politik im Netz: Wenn User mitregieren | Digital Das Internet ist nicht nur ein Protestmedium – es kann auch politische Teilhabe ermöglichen. Drei Beispiele aus dem digitalen Deutschland Speichern Drucken Twitter Facebook Google + Der Domplatz in Hamburg: Im Internet von Bürgern gestaltet | © Jutta Schein für DIE ZEIT Wer braucht schon ein Fußballstadion? Dennoch hat der Volkszorn den Bürgermeister bislang nicht hinweggefegt. Anzeige Im Februar legte Feith den Solingern seine Kürzungsliste vor. Solingen spart - und die Bürger sagen, wo | © ZEIT ONLINE Bislang wurde das Internet vor allem als Ort wahrgenommen, über den sich schnell und effektiv politischer Protest organisieren lässt. Wer jedoch glaubt, Empörung sei die einzige Form demokratischer Beteiligung, die das Netz anzubieten hat, täuscht sich. Zum Beispiel in Hamburg .
The Skeptic's Dictionary - 8 ways to defend against terror nonviolently Cet article est disponible en français. One of my most popular courses at Swarthmore College focused on the challenge of how to defend against terrorism, nonviolently. Events now unfolding in France make our course more relevant than ever. (The syllabus was published in “Peace, Justice, and Security Studies: A Curriculum Guide” in 2009.) In the first place, who knew that non-military techniques have, in actual historical cases, reduced the threat of terror? I gathered for the students eight non-military techniques that have worked for some country or other. Each student chose a country somewhere in the world that is presently threatened by terrorism and, taking the role of a consultant to that country, devised from our nonviolent toolbox a strategy for defense. It was tough work, and highly stimulating. Students especially liked brainstorming synergistic effects — what happens when technique 3 interacts with techniques 2 and 5, for example? What are the eight techniques? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Dusty Wright's Culture Catch | Smart, Pop Culture Podcasts & Written Reviews - Arts & Entertainment African Great Lakes Initiative: Helping to create a more peaceful future in Africa AGLI Programs AVP: These are three-day experiential workshops that teach participates non-violent means of resolving conflicts. There are three levels - basic, advanced, and training for facilitators. HROC: (pronounced HE-rock) HROC is a three day experiential workshop modeled on AVP that deals with the personal and community trauma from the violent conflicts in the region. There is a basic workshop with a follow-up day and then a community celebration. An advanced workshop and a special workshop for HIV+ women have also been developed.
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