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The Plant Encyclopedia - Main Page
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home Extinction Risk and Diversification Are Linked in a Plant Biodiversity Hotspot Abstract It is widely recognized that we are entering an extinction event on a scale approaching the mass extinctions seen in the fossil record. Present-day rates of extinction are estimated to be several orders of magnitude greater than background rates and are projected to increase further if current trends continue. In vertebrates, species traits, such as body size, fecundity, and geographic range, are important predictors of vulnerability. Although plants are the basis for life on Earth, our knowledge of plant extinctions and vulnerabilities is lagging. Here, we disentangle the underlying drivers of extinction risk in plants, focusing on the Cape of South Africa, a global biodiversity hotspot. Author Summary The rapid loss of biodiversity is the most significant ecological challenge we face today. Citation: Davies TJ, Smith GF, Bellstedt DU, Boatwright JS, Bytebier B, Cowling RM, et al. (2011) Extinction Risk and Diversification Are Linked in a Plant Biodiversity Hotspot. Figure 1.

Lawn Seeding: How to Plant Grass Seed - Greenview 5 steps for planting grass seed Planting (or seeding) a lawn is not difficult and can be done successfully by anyone. If you are planting grass seed, follow these five simple steps for best results. Step 1 – Buy the best grass seed A great lawn can only be grown from great grass seeds. The price of grass seed is small compared to the time that will be invested in building a great lawn. Get Greenview Fairway Formula top rated NTEP grass seed today »2 Step 2 – Prepare the soil Step 3 – Plant grass seed Spread the seed evenly by hand in small areas.Use a hand or lawn spreader or a mechanical seeder in large areas.Apply approximately 16 seeds per square inch. Step 4 – Cover Seeds Lightly drag the grass seed bed so no more than ¼-inch of soil covers the grass seed.Cover the grass seed bed with Greenview Grass Seed Accelerator4 to hold seeds in place and retain moisture. Step 5 – Water often When to plant grass seed Grass seed can be planted in the spring and fall with good results. Helpful links

the free encyclopedia Bow Makers Unite Behind a Precious Tree As the earth’s forests and other natural resources face growing peril, humans are affected in many unexpected ways. In recent years, musicians have found themselves organizing to save the pernambuco, a medium-size tropical tree native to Brazil and known for its unique red wood. Discovered by French bow makers 250 years ago, it provides the primary — indeed only — wood for making high-end bows for professional musicians. (The tree is also known as the pau-brasil.) “No comparable substitute is known to bow makers or musicians,” the International Pernambuco Conservation Initiative, a charity created by bow makers around the world to finance replanting initiatives in Brazil, says at its Web site. But the tree, which grows primarily in Brazil’s Atlantic forest, has been so depleted by logging and agricultural and urban development that it is listed there as endangered. Profits from the book, available at a list price of $1,395, will go to the I.P.C.I.

Don't Bag Those Clippings! An Easy Answer It's a question we all face when mowing: Should I bag my clippings or leave them on the lawn? In most cases, the answer is easy: Leave the clippings on the lawn! Leaving the clippings will save you time and energy, and it will return valuable nutrients to the lawn. Like Free Fertilizer The most important thing you can do for your lawn is to feed it regularly, and grass clippings contain the same beneficial nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium nutrients as fertilizer. Less Work for You In addition to recycling nutrients back into the soil, leaving the clippings will cut down your mowing time and relieve you of the chores of emptying the grasscatcher and hauling bags of clippings out to the curb. Some Simple Guidelines There are a few things you can do to help keep your grass strong and looking good when you leave the clippings. Not a Thatch Problem The Exception: when Bagging is Okay There are some circumstances when collecting your grass clippings is warranted.

stereomood – emotional internet radio - music for my mood and ac Flore de Camargue Tous les champignons sauvages, le portail du champignon : Tulostoma brumale Tulostome des brumes Tulostome d'hiver Une tête globuleuse ou légèrement applatie d'environ 1 cm de diamètre, un stype cylindrique de 4 cm de haut pour quelques 0,3 de diamètre ... un champignon bien discret, souvent qualifié de rare, qui plus est ne pointe son nez, heu ! son oeil, qu'à la mauvaise saison, pas mal de raisons pour que la rencontre ne soit pas si fréquente. Voir la suite ... Volucella pellucens Volucelle transparente Une grosse mouche, un syrphe pour être plus précis, presque totalement noir sauf un segment de l'abdomen blanc transparent (origine du binôme) et, comme tous les représentants de cette famille des Syrphidaes, une impressionnante facilité en vol, notamment en vol stationnaire... Voir la suite ... Phlebia radiata Phlebia merismoides Phlébie rayonnante Voir la suite ... Phlebia tremellosa Mérule tremblante Avant, on disait : Merulius tremellosus, mais c'était avant ! Voir la suite ... Lenzites betulina Lenzite du bouleau Tramète du bouleau Voir la suite ...

Phrasal Verbs What is a Phrasal Verb? Phrasal verbs (also called multi-word verbs) are idiomatic expressions, combining verbs and prepositions to make new verbs whose meaning is often not obvious from the dictionary definitions of the individual words. They are widely used in both written and spoken English, and new ones are formed all the time as they are a flexible way of creating new terms. A phrasal verb consists of a verb and a preposition or adverb that modifies or changes the meaning; 'give up' is a phrasal verb that means 'stop doing' something, which is very different from 'give'. The word or words that modify a verb in this manner can also go under the name particle. Phrasal verbs can be divided into groups: Intransitive verbs These don't take an object Example: They had an argument, but they've made up now. Inseparable verbs The object must come after the particle. Example: They are looking after their grandchildren. Separable verbs In our phrasal verb list, we classify these as Separable [optional]

Maps World's 10 Most Threatened Forest Hotspots - Page 2 - CI's Photos | SmugMug Indo-Burma Hotspot: #1 in Conservation International's World’s 10 Most Threatened Forest Hotspots The rivers and floodplain wetlands of this hotspot are tremendously important for the conservation of birds, freshwater turtles and fish, including some of the largest freshwater fishes in the world. The Tonle Sap Lake and the Mekong River are habitats for the Mekong giant catfish (Pangasianodon gigas) and the Jullien's golden carp (Probarbus jullieni). Aquatic ecosystems are under intense pressure in many areas of this hotspot. The photos and illustrations contained in this lightbox are the property of Conservation International (CI) and CI’s partners.

10 Killer DIY Garden Hacks Gardening is one of the most rewarding home hobbies you can do. It's fun, sustainable and you get healthy, tasty results. A lot of people like the idea of gardening but find excuses like it's too time consuming, it's too expensive, they don't have enough space, blah blah blah. There's no room for excuses when going green, all you need is a little initiative and a little ingenuity to overcome these so called excuses. 1. Vertical Gutter Garden When Suzanne Forsling moved to Juneau Alaska from Iowa, she found that it was a little bit harder to get her garden to grow. 2. Reclaimed Tire Garden If you have some old tires laying around that you don't know what to do with, you could burn them... if you hate the environment, or you could put them to work as cool looking raised garden beds. 3. DIY Earth Box An Earth Box is more than just a box with soil. Check out this post on that will show you how it's done (via Crafting a Greener World). 4. Self-Watering Garden 5. Upside Down Planters

Abbreviations and acronyms dictionary
