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Valider l’info sur Internet : des outils pour éduquer La maîtrise et l’évaluation de l’information sont, selon les termes d’Alexandre Serres, un « enjeu éducatif majeur », « une condition de survie » dans notre société. Heureusement, les ressources ne manquent pas pour relever le défi. Piéger ou éduquer, cette alternative a enflammé la toile. Fin mars, un article intitulé « Comment j’ai pourri le web » paru sur la vie moderne, un site créé par quatre enseignants est repris par Rue 89 dans une rubrique « témoignage » sous le titre « J’ai piégé le Net pour donner une bonne leçon à mes élèves ». Tous les débats, réactions… suscités par cette publication (1) prouvent bien qu’apprendre à évaluer et à valider l’information sur Internet est devenu essentiel. 1) L’article « Troll de prof qui sabote le net pour venger l’école » paru sur le site mediacteur en reprend l’essentiel et propose toutes une série de liens pour qui veut aller plus loin. Des définitions crédit photo: flickr Ressources nationales Un document à étudier Ressources académiques

10+ extensions for better back-to-school browsing with Google Chrome It's just about that time of year again -- time for millions of students to put their noses to the grindstone and head back to school for another year of academic excitement! Few learning tools are as versatile as your trusty laptop or desktop computer -- and your Web browser is likely one of the most-used programs on it. If Google Chrome is your browser of choice, there are loads of useful add-on enhancements in the Extensions Gallery which can turn Chrome into a powerful tool for staying focused and productive while tackling your coursework. Take the jump and have a look at thirteen Chrome extensions I've found useful... and be sure to share your own picks in the comments! Clip to Evernote Evernote is a fantastic research and productivity tool -- and it's made even better when you plug the Chrome extension into your browser. Wikipedia Companion Sure, you can just open another tab or window when you want to look up something on Wikipedia, but you don't have to.

Is MOOMIS the answer? Moodle does a lot of things great, but site wide reporting and bulk user management are definitely not included in those great things. If you are a Moodle administrator for an organization I am sure you know the pain of having to go into each course site to produce grade reports for multiple courses. In my case, I have to send out a weekly report listing every users grades in every course they have taken on Moodle. This means I have to go into each course site and export a grade report to an excel spreadsheet and then merge all of those separate spreadsheets into one big grade report. To complicate things even more, I have to maintain separate groups within each course site so that users can be sorted by position or location. What is MOOMIS? Communication - Moodle already has messaging and email capabilities but it's nothing special. Before diving in and installing MOOMIS so that I could take it for a spin I thought it was going to be the answer to all my problems. Resources:

Calculator Mortgage, Mortgage Calculator, Loan Calculator, Tax Calculator Learning Apps Former à la recherche d’information #1 – en France Quelques notes, vraiment mal rédigées (je révise !), de la journée organisée conjointement par les groupes Ile-de-France et Paris de l'ABF jeudi 25 avril à l'UPMC. • Introduction de la journée - Le profond bouleversement du monde des bibliothèques universitaires Christophe Péralès, Président de l'ADBU, Directeur du SCD UVSQ Christophe Péralès a rappelé les grands enjeux de l'enseignement supérieur et la recherche aujourd'hui. Il a ensuite fait le point sur les réformes des dix dernières années : la loi LRU a été votée en 2007. La LRU s'inscrit dans le cadre de la LOLF (2001), qui a profondément réformé la manière dont on votait les budgets. Dans ce contexte, les PRES ont été créés : il s'agissait de favoriser des rapprochements pour la recherche. Actuellement, les universités se trouvent dans ce qu'on pourrait appeler l'acte de 2 de la loi LRU. Une autre modification d'importance a consisté dans le fait que les budgets ne sont plus fléchés. L'ADBU s'était prononcée en faveur de la LRU.

FREE PowerPoint Twitter Tools WARNING: From March 5th, 2013, Twitter will progressively drop support for RSS feeds, breaking the tools below (except the AutoTweet plugin, which I have updated to the new API). I will try to find a solution, but no guarantees, I’m afraid… Ever wanted to make presentations a more interactive, Web 2.0 experience? The PowerPoint Twitter Tools prototypes are now available. Created using SAP BusinessObjects Xcelsius (but requiring only PowerPoint for Windows and Adobe Flash to run), the twitter tools allow presenters to see and react to tweets in real-time, embedded directly within their presentations, either as a ticker or refreshable comment page. There are currently eight tools – you can easily cut and paste them into your own PowerPoint decks: PowerPoint Twitter feedback slides PowerPoint AutoTweet, PowerPoint Twitter voting — bar charts and pie chart PowerPoint Twitter ticker bar PowerPoint Mood meter PowerPoint Crowd meter PowerPoint Zoom text PowerPoint Twitter update bar AutoTweet

SCORM Cloud A simpler way to deliver e-learning. SCORM Cloud lets you deliver training where your learners live. Try it Free Up and running in minutes It’s as easy as emailing a link. Just a few clicks, and you can connect learners to your content. Remain in control of your content You have control over your content, even after it’s in an LMS. SCORM Cloud is already integrated with some great apps Already have a WordPress site? Use our API to deliver e-learning to your world Use the power of the SCORM Cloud API to deploy e-learning in your application or environment. Future proof your training and learning SCORM works great for a lot of things, but e-learning is evolving. Your content just works here SCORM Cloud was developed by the leading experts in SCORM. Your data, how you want it Your data in SCORM Cloud belongs to you. Support that delights After working with our support team, you will actually like working with SCORM.

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