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Teaching English with Technology

Teaching English with Technology

eTwinning Italia Didattica online, i migliori tools a disposizione dei docenti Tentare di innovare e rendere più efficace la didattica tradizionale non è certamente compito facile, eTwinning prova a farlo mettendo a disposizione una piattaforma sociale su cui poter lavorare e condividere materiale, tuttavia è naturale considerare come principale attore di questa sorta di “rivoluzione” del fare scuola è e deve essere soprattutto il docente. Ciò avviene attraverso un cambiamento di approccio, tecniche di insegnamento, ambiente, contesto ma anche, semplicemente, attraverso l’utilizzo di nuovi strumenti a supporto dell’insegnamento. Stiamo parlando dei tools didattici online che, in versione gratuita, possono fornire un importante supporto all’attività quotidiana degli insegnanti, ed in particolare agli eTwinners. Si tratta in sostanza di utilizzare e sfruttare le potenzialità offerte dalle TIC ai fini di ottimizzare e rendere più interattiva e coinvolgente la lezione. Animoto Surveymonkey Di Lorenzo Mentuccia

Education Technology Webinars Coming Out Stronger and Successful: From Remote Learning to New Hybrid Models Content provided by Microsoft. This webinar took place on June 16, 2020 @ 2 p.m. ETView this on-demand webinar now. Download the PowerPoint presentation. Schools and systems have been forced to rapidly respond to the closures of physical spaces and the introduction of remote-learning at scale. Join Microsoft for this practical case-study of success at scale ideal for leadership teams and aspiring leaders. Presenters: • Kurt Madden, Chief Technology Officer, Fresno Unified School District, Fresno, Calif. • Philip Neufeld, Executive Officer, Information Technology, Fresno Unified School District, Fresno, Calif.Moderator: • Mark Sparvell, Education Leader, Microsoft View this on-demand webinar now. Quickly Move Student Registration to the Cloud and Eliminate Paper Forever Content provided by LINQ. This webinar took place on June 3, 2020 @ 2 p.m. Download the PowerPoint presentation. View this on-demand webinar now.

Creative COW Tutorials The Science of Editing: Look Closer -- The Mind of a Film When you ask an editor what they DO in the edit suite, the answer is often something like, "Well, it's intuitive." To become better editors, though, we need to be more specific. Editor, author, and professor Dr. Karen Pearlman breaks down the process into five specific steps that editors must take in order to turn a mass of material into something coherent. You can learn to hone the specific skills of observation and self-awareness that distinguish editors from other observers, and make unexpected connections that move stories in compelling new directions. Tutorial, Feature, People / InterviewSven Pape

Extensive resources focused in using edtech in the Englsih classroom, including using iPads and mobile devices by trishpearson Apr 6
