Breakaway Backpacker — Take a risk, take a chance, make a change & breakaway... Nerd Fitness: Helping You Lose Weight, Get Stronger, Live Better. I received an email a few months back from a NF reader that made me smile: “I am going back to square one. I noticed the only habit that I changed and stuck with was drinking tons of water. Have you ever started playing a game and get a few hours in and go “man I wish I knew these controls/tips from the beginning”? So you restart and the game just feels easier from that point on. You start finding items that you missed before. I’m restarting my journey now that I have a better idea of the controls.” This resonated with me, because when I first played EverQuest (similar to World of Warcraft), the first character I created was terrible. When I started again playing as a new character, I FLEW through the first 30 levels: I understood the controls, how the game worked, and what needed to get done; it was much easier the second time through! The same is true for any boss battle you first encounter in any game. Getting in shape is no different.
Holidays | 40 countries before I'm 30 Words cannot do justice to the surreal and sensational experience that is taking a helicopter ride over Las Vegas and the Grand Canyon. So I am going to try and let my pictures do the talking. Read more He looked up at me with these fluttery lash surrounded almond eyes as if to say, “Really? Well yes, people, I was. In the end I didn’t have to become the train pariah by throttling the young man and hurling him out of my seat because his Gran, who had bagged the window seat directly opposite, moved along so that the boy could have the window on her side and we could rightly have ours. Read more For the first time in my life I travelled to a city fully prepared to hate it. Read more I don’t think I need to explain how hard it was to tear myself away from Palm Island (you’ve seen the post, you get it right?) Read more There are no TVs or Wi-Fi in the rooms at Palm Island Resort; instead I listen to the rush and swirl of the waves and the breeze rustling the trees. Read more Read more Read more
Adventure Sports to Try During Your Gap Year | Gap Daemon for Gap Years: Meet Backpackers, Get Travel Advice, Share in the Community A gap year is your chance to explore new places and try new things. Wherever you’re travelling, you will have endless opportunities to try some adventurous activities that will see your adrenaline levels shoot through the roof. Whether you’re a complete scaredy cat or an adrenaline junkie, you have to try some of these activities during your gap year: Sky Diving This is the ultimate challenge that many travellers take up in Australia and New Zealand. You can read our Travel Daemon’s experience when Rusja jumped 15,000ft in Taupo, New Zealand: Skydiving…The Great Fall. Skiing/Snowboarding If you find yourself in a snowy destination then take to the slopes with a pair of skis or a board. Monica recently returned from snowboarding in Andorra and shared some tips for learning to board and ski: Learning to Snowboard: It’s all about balance. Scuba Diving It doesn’t matter how spectacular a pure white beach may be, the underwater world is filled with a million more amazing sights. Surfing Trekking