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 Password Haystacks: How Well Hidden is Your Needle?

 Password Haystacks: How Well Hidden is Your Needle?
... and how well hidden is YOUR needle? Every password you use can be thought of as a needle hiding in a haystack. After all searches of common passwords and dictionaries have failed, an attacker must resort to a “brute force” search – ultimately trying every possible combination of letters, numbers and then symbols until the combination you chose, is discovered. If every possible password is tried, sooner or later yours will be found. The question is: Will that be too soon . . . or enough later? This interactive brute force search space calculator allows you to experiment with password length and composition to develop an accurate and quantified sense for the safety of using passwords that can only be found through exhaustive search. <! (The Haystack Calculator has been viewed 8,151,017 times since its publication.) IMPORTANT!!! It is NOT a “Password Strength Meter.” Since it could be easily confused for one, it is very important for you to understand what it is, and what it isn't: Okay.

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remove adware toolbars pop-up Updated: August 11, 2017 Home » Computer and Internet Security One of the many ways for developers to make money via their free software is to either bundle adware such as OpenCandy, sell your browsing data or nag you with endless pop-up ads. These malware can greatly reduce the performance of your browser, sometimes they will linger on even if your reinstall your Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox browser. These ad cleaner removes obnoxious programs that slow and impede your computer’s performance. Media Destruction Guidance The products on these lists meet specific NSA performance requirements for sanitizing, destroying, or disposing of media containing sensitive or classified information. Inclusion on a list does not constitute an endorsement by NSA or the U.S. Government. Note: NSA has determined that High Security Disintegrators listed on the Evaluated Products List provide adequate security for the destruction of paper, optical media (CDs and DVDs), and punched tape as annotated on the EPL. When destroying optical media in disintegrators, NSA recommends that paper be mixed with the optical media during destruction. Please contact the manufacturer to determine if a specific product is mechanically suited for optical media destruction.

Basic Usage Logging in to BackTrack Once the installation of BackTrack is done, the default username and password required to log in are root / toor. NOTE: You will not be able to see the password as you type it. Starting a GUI Environment After you are logged in you can start the GUI Environment by issuing the startx command. X wont start!

speed up google chrome reduce ram usage Updated: August 13, 2017 Home » Desktop Computer Software » Internet Web Browser How to make Google Chrome faster on Microsoft Windows 10? Chrome has the biggest market share when it comes to browser, however, it also uses an awful amount of RAM. If moving to Microsoft Edge and Mozilla Firefox is not an option, here are 4 methods guarantee to work in optimizing Google Chrome for faster speed and a huge performance boost. Related ➤ 5 Freeware To Remove Unwanted Browser Toolbars On Chrome And Firefox These tips work for both Mac and Windows (and some even work for Linux!).

NLP and Social Engineering - Hacking the human mind Article at HellBound Hackers Hey everyone this is an extension to my original Social engineering article. This will add on to the specifics behind some techniques that you can use in real social engineering. I hope this really adds on to what I mentioned in the previous article, enjoy. *The basics of NLP* NLP stands for nuero linguistic programming, and as the name suggests it is the programming of a persons subconscious mind to get them to do what you please. This is a very good skill to learn for social engineering. Create Disk Image & Clone Hard Disk Partition With Ubuntu Live USB Earlier, we showed you how to create persistent Ubuntu Live media disk, and use it for resetting and changing Windows 7 administrator and standard user account password. Apart from tweaking with Windows registry hives, Ubuntu Live media disk can be used to create data backup, shrink partitions, clone hard disk, scan system for viruses, imaging disk partitions and more. Although disk imaging or hard disk cloning can be done using data backup and disk copying applications, malware-infected OS often make it hard to perform essential data backup operations. For instance, if a PC is infected with boot sector virus, disk cloning application doesn’t work unless you clean the system from virus and repair boot sector. Ubuntu Live media disk lets you clone disks and create disk images, so that you can easily restore the data after performing low-level cleaning of the system. In this post, we will look at 2 simple ways for cloning and imaging disks using Ubuntu Live USB.

Userguide - Paterva Wiki From Paterva Wiki Maltego User Guide (Commercial edition) This user guide is for the commercial edition of Maltego. How to use Multibeast: a comprehensive guide of Multibeast options LATEST UPDATE (December 23, 2012): Updated guide to reflect changes in Multibeast 4.7.0 for Lion. Using OS X Mountain Lion? Check out our guide for Multibeast 5. Opening Multibeast can be an intimidating experience for anybody who's unfamiliar with Hackintoshing. There's definitely a learning curve; to first-timers, Multibeast's menus are filled with nothing but long lists of kexts with unnecessarily long names and indecipherable descriptions.

Keeping Secrets: Cryptography in a Connected World Since the earliest days of communication, clever minds have devised methods for enciphering messages to shield them from prying eyes. Today, cryptography has moved beyond the realm of dilettantes and soldiers to become a sophisticated scientific art—combining mathematics, physics, computer science, and electrical engineering. It not only protects messages, but it also safeguards our privacy. From email to banking transactions, modern cryptography is used everywhere. But does it really protect us? What took place was a discussion of cryptography’s far-reaching influence throughout history (from Julius Caesar’s reign to Julian Assange’s WikiLeaks), and the ways in which it—and our privacy—are constantly under assault today as threats lurk behind IP addresses, computational power increases, and our secrets move online.

GrabCAD Discussion on 3D Printing and More The GrabCAD Community, launched by Stratasys, is currently the largest online community for professional engineers, designers, manufacturers, students and others interested in learning and sharing engineering skills. The community is a highly engaged one, participating in frequent design challenges and sharing knowledge across industries, with people of different skill levels working together to expand their skills and discuss new applications. At this time, there are almost 5 million members in the community, which means that there’s an overwhelming amount of knowledge being passed around. While this is a wonderful thing, that many people and that much information is, indeed, overwhelming, and can be hard for members to sift through to find the topics and help they’re looking for.

Data Breach Scoreboard 06 November 2012Drew Amorosi Infosecurity compiles history’s top data breaches, while surveying the mandatory reporting landscape in the US and Western Europe Data Breach Reporting Requirements
