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Stories Online Free - Read Write Share Publish - Movellas

Stories Online Free - Read Write Share Publish - Movellas

Welcome to! All Poetry - Top community for poets to share poem critique feedback at all poetry Where the Writers Go to Write - Writing.Com How the internet is kickstarting a teen poetry revolution | Children's books Talk to publishers or booksellers about poetry, and you'll hear the same refrain. It's niche, it's difficult to sell - and young people just aren't interested. Look online and you'll see a different picture. More than 20,000 teenagers are writing poetry on the social reading website Wattpad, and over 100,000 are actively reading Wattpad's poems on both web and mobile, while on the young adult community writing site Movellas, there are 20 to 30 new poems uploaded a day, with the most popular read up to 15,000 times, receiving between 20 and 200 comments. That's not a particularly convincing display of indifference. Today, there's a mixture of love, angst and comedy to be found in the most popular poems on Movellas. On Wattpad, 14-year-old Abby Meyer - who goes by SnowDrop07 online - is still reeling after being shortlisted for a competition judged by Margaret Atwood alongside much older competitors. Movellas, which launched in Denmark in 2010, made its UK debut last February.

The Furlow Writing Lab Find the Right ONLINE CRITIQUE GROUP For You! Every writer needs honest, constructive feedback. With increasing frequency, writers turn to online critique groups for that support. These virtual fraternities come in all flavors and sizes, from those specializing in science fiction, horror or children’s books, to communities of general interest. There are groups for beginners; others cater to more advanced crowds. These choices can bewilder. Worse, a poor choice can undermine your confidence, clutter your mailbox and expose you to the risk of plagiarism. The pros An online crit group may be your only choice if you’re tight for time or live in a remote area. In an online crit group, you’ll read and help shape other works in progress and perhaps be lucky enough to form lifelong friendships. Online groups deliver rapid-fire feedback to help pinpoint a problem. Beginners can find online guidance that speeds the learning process, but don’t rely on a group to take the place of craft books and coursework. The cons Joining up best work.

Insecure Writer's Support Group: How to Maintain Your Writing Sanity During the Holidays With the holidays coming up, many writers begin to stress. Here are a few tips for surviving without losing your sanity: Pay attention to details and people. You’ll probably be around a lot of people and maybe in some new locations. Take advantage of it. Jot down notes about what you see and what people say. Let family know you need a small block of time to write. Use down time and travel time well. Set a routine but be flexible. Don’t expect too much of yourself. Know you don’t have to do it all. The holidays should be joyous. The IWSG Admins would like to wish you happy holidays. In the meantime, we invite you to visit some of our most popular posts this week and thank you for helping us become a Writer’s Digest 101 Best Website for Writers.
