A “cannibalized sale” case study: ebooks win, but why? By Joanna Cabot I have long maintained that ‘cannibalized’ sales—the idea that if an ebook was not available, the customer would have bought a book in paper instead—is less an issue than publishers think. I have never bought a hardback novel in my life, even pre-ebook. That sort of publication has always been out of my price range, and if you don’t make the ebook available for me to buy, I’ll simply buy nothing. I present, for a case study, a book I purchased yesterday. The new book is a trade paperback and was for sale at my local bricks and mortar store for $14 ($16 after taxes). Then I went home and did a quick check on Kobo. I think that the whole ‘ebook pricing’ question is always such a battleground because you’re not actually dealing with the issue of a ‘fair price’ in a vacuum: it’s the comparison your customer will inevitably make with whatever their other choices are. So, here is the question: why was this book, for me, a cannibalized sale?
Creating a social media strategy for B2B organisations As shown in many of the latest Econsultancy reports, a growing number of B2B companies seem to have caught up with their B2C peers and are investing in social media. However, when we decided to create a company-wide social media strategy in the summer of 2010 there were very few examples from which to draw inspiration. My company Gemalto, a digital security provider listed in Paris, had begun experimenting with social media communications on a project basis and got a taste for it. However, we realised if we wanted to do it well we needed to look at it strategically. While every company has a different internal culture, target markets and social media maturity, I’ve identified the following five steps that can be applied to creating a B2B social media strategy: 1. While it's a good idea to lock down your key social properties, don't start spurting out random stuff. Spend some time working with the right people in your company to decide what your strategy should be. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Sendoid - Instant, Private, P2P File Transfers PortableApps.com - Portable software for USB, portable and cloud drives La opinión de los agentes literarios sobre los libros digitales Leemos en Publishing Trends un interesante post que queremos compartir para comenzar este nuevo años 2011. Se ha realizado recientemente una encuesta anónima a algunos agentes literarios de Estados Unidos para conocer sus opiniones sobre las regalías en los libros digitales. 135 agentes respondieron a las preguntas. Aunque los resultados se darán el día 26 de enero en Digital Book World, ya se han adelantado algunas primeras conclusiones que pasamos a transcribiros: * El 50% piensa que los ebooks están ayudando a los ingresos de sus autores de fondo editorial. El 25% dice que están ayudando a los autores nuevos. * Un tercio no tiene preferencia por el modelo agencia frente al modelo al por mayor, mientras que el 27% prefiere el primero frente al 17% que opta por el segundo. * Dos tercios creen que si los derechos de los ebooks no son concedidos específicamente en el contrato, se entiende que deben ser reservados por el autor, independientemente de cualquier cláusula de no competencia.
Start Me Up! A profile of Movellas Movellas has been described as ‘YouTube for ebooks’, and it allows writers to upload their poetry, stories and essays to the platform. Anyone can create their own ‘movella’ and it is accessible anywhere, anytime, from a computer, tablet, iPad, iPod Touch, eReader or smartphone. I asked CEO and Co-Founder Per Larson about the company… In one sentence, what is Movellas? A platform to create, discover and develop stories whilst identifying talented authors in a social and interactive community. What problems does Movellas solve? At one level, one can argue that we are trying to democratise publishing. At another level, we are a sanctuary for young people to express themselves about dreams, hopes, problems and ideas while getting feedback from fellow minded people. When and why did you launch it? The site was launched early 2010, but things really started to kick off about ten months ago. Who is your target audience? What are your immediate goals? Keeping up with our users.
Skylight | All in one business management and project collaboration tool with tasks, google docs, google apps, scheduling and calendar sharing features Las universidades españolas crean una plataforma común para la venta de sus libros electrónicos Las editoriales universitarias españolas publican el 7 por 100 de la producción nacional de libros y constituyen el 10 por 100 del los libros en circulación en España. En los últimos años, las universidades han venido trabajando por difundir el libro universitario más allá de los campus, en dos direcciones: acercándolo a la sociedad española y dándolo a conocer fuera de nuestras fronteras. Con este nuevo proyecto abren una nueva ventana de la Universidad a la sociedad a través de la red. La participación en las ferias internacionales del libro más importantes, en el proyecto Dilve y en Enclave son algunos ejemplos que muestran este trabajo y el interés de las universidades por divulgar el conocimiento y la investigación que se genera en los campus españoles.
Membership Software | WordPress Membership Plugin WordPress 101 WordPress101.com provides easy tutorial videos to teach anyone how to use WordPress and to manage their own blog in about an hour. The site’s design is simple, clean and well thought out. Members can clearly access information. WordPress101’s content is delivered in a professional manner and is valuable to anyone interested in using WordPress (all […] Wonderful Web Women Wonderful Web Women was completely rebuilt using WordPress and Wishlist Member in 4 weeks. University of Makeup The site has 48 makeup training videos and we’re still adding more. The CBI Clubhouse We were among the first Wishlist sites online and we’ve continued to grow and expand ever since. A List Blogging Boot Camps Leo Babauta and Mary Jaksch started a membership site in October 2009, called A-List Blogging Bootcamps. My Year Without Clothes Shopping Operation Pixie Dust Operation Pixie Dust is packed full of information to help people book a dream vacation to Disney World. Flower Arranging 101 MUFON Central
Flat Stanley: Flat Stanley Darden Shares Results of Kindle Experiment: News: Media: Darden School of Business: UVA - UVA Darden Darden’s Kindle experiment is not quite over but the verdict is already in: Most Darden students prefer not to use the electronic reading devices in the B-school classroom. Nonetheless, the trial was informative. “We were very excited to be part of the experiment,’’ says Michael Koenig, Darden’s director of MBA operations, who initially contacted Amazon about the pilot project. “We learned a lot and are much more prepared as a top tier business school to face the complex challenges of digital content distribution for all future Darden students.’’ The concern with the electronic reading devices is that they are too rigid for use in the fast-paced classrooms of the Darden School where the Socratic method and case-based pedagogy means students have to be nimble. “You must be highly engaged in the classroom every day,’’ says Koenig, and the Kindle is “not flexible enough. … It could be clunky. For additional information, contact communication@darden.virginia.edu.
Blog de Ediciona » Blog Archive » Francia: primera Propuesta de Ley de Precio único del libro digital Por Arantxa Mellado el 13.09.2010 El pasado 8 de septiembre, durante un período extraordinario de sesiones, se presentó en la Asamblea Nacional de Francia una propuesta de Ley de Precio único para los libros digitales. Según los senadores autores de la propuesta, ésta “tiene por objeto establecer un marco flexible para la regulación del precio de los libros digitales, un término medio entre la regulación del mercado mediante el contrato y las orientaciones demasiado estrictas para un mercado incipiente”. Dichos senadores plantean el debate a través de una comparación entre el mundo del libro y la música, donde la ausencia de legislación ha provocado que el mercado fuera dominado por “operadores ajenos a la economía de la creación y cuyo objetivo era la comercialización de otros productos o servicios”. Sobre esta base, el proyecto de ley permitirá, en espera de una regulación normativa, un método de fijación de precios por los propietarios de los derechos de autor. Artículo 1 Artículo 2
Open Book Alliance