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The Food System The Food System The Food System - Center for Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems Social Issues Team and Elliott Kuhn (graphic artist), 2004. Agricultural Treadmills PDF version of Agricultural Teadmills For more detail see: Howard, Philip H. 2009. PDF version of Connect Four: The Percentage of Sales Controlled by the Top Companies in Specific Food SectorsData: Hendrickson, Mary, and Bill Heffernan. 2005. Poultry Networks Typical relations among broiler growers, integrators and other agents in broiler growing networks. Beef Networks Typical relations among cattle growers, feedlots and other agents in beef cattle networks. Commodity Crop Networks Typical relations among farmers and other agents in corn and soybean commodity crop growing networks.

Blog | Carsie Blanton Sexual misconduct, affirmative consent, and the dangers of shame and moralism. We are in the midst of a massive reconnoitering of American sexual culture. At the convergence of the Weinstein watershed, the #MeToo movement, and the rapidly-changing standards of sexual negotiation and consent, it has become clear that we are undergoing a sea change. Most of the women I talk to are giddy with delight. There is a sense that the feminist movement has finally made it out of classrooms and courthouses, and is entering the intimate spaces of our everyday lives. There is a sense that the chickens are coming home to roost, and that men - who have enjoyed centuries of arbitrary and unmitigated power over us - are being cut down to size. But there is also a sense, in some quarters, that this particular reckoning contains within it a kernel of panic, and that the legacy of sex panic in America is long and grotesque. But I am an artist, not a politician. 1) The problem of sexual moralism. 1.

* She Makes a Home * How to Make Homemade Pumpkin Butter How to Make Homemade Pumpkin Butter - Easily! With Step-by-step Photos, Recipe, Directions, Ingredients and Costs This month's notes: April 2014: Spring is just around the corner. Strawberries are here in Florida, Texas and California, next in late March and April for much of the South, then in May for most of the country and June in cooler northern areas. Organic farms are identified in green! Subscribe to our: Email alerts; Follow us on Twitter Add this page to your favorites! Click here for a PDF print version If you have enjoyed pumpkin butter from farms stands, and wanted to make your own, but thought it might be too difficult; guess again! Now, with a crockpot, it's easy! Prepared this way, the jars have a shelf life of 6 months in the fridge. Directions for Making Pumpkin Butter Ingredients and Equipment 7 quarts of Pumpkin Puree (See step 1) Note: The yield is usually about 2 or 3 cups of puree per 6 inch diameter pie pumpkin! Recipe and Directions Step 2 - Fill the crock pot Add:

'Stay Calm' Serenity Potion 25 drops Lavender … about Hey there. My name is Maria Popova and I’m a reader, writer, interestingness hunter-gatherer, and curious mind at large. I’ve previously written for Wired UK, The Atlantic, The New York Times, and Harvard’s Nieman Journalism Lab, among others, and am an MIT Futures of Entertainment Fellow. Maria Popova. Brain Pickings is my one-woman labor of love — a subjective lens on what matters in the world and why. Founded in 2006 as a weekly email that went out to seven friends and eventually brought online, the site was included in the Library of Congress permanent web archive in 2012. Here’s a little bit about my seven most important learnings from the journey so far. I think of it as LEGOs — if the bricks we have are of only one shape, size, and color, we can build things, but there’s a limit to how imaginative and interesting they will be. Please enjoy. For more on the ethos behind this labor of love, here is my On Being conversation with the wonderful and generous Krista Tippett:

Manifesto Ideas and principles that I frequently return to. tl;dr: Life has no intrinsic meaning (but meaning is precious) so make some yourself. Do not become attached to any one idea When writing a manifesto, it is important to keep this in mind. See the world from many angles. The world is not perfectly split down any single axis. However, many models working in unison help avoid making bad decisions in edge cases. With many enough angles on the same question, you can see its whole shape. The natural conclusion of this is to have so many fuzzy models working in parallel that they become fully integrated into your thinking and dissolve into a general 'intuition'. Relevant twitter thread: Previously: I used to want to find the one idea that explained everything — this gave me a lower resolution view of the world. There are timeless truths There are timeless truths, many of them sound cliché. Unfortunately they are difficult to learn through reading. I cannot learn from reading aphorisms. Be nice Egoism?

All-In-One Moving Guide: Printables, Checklists to Organize Your Move Moving frequently accompanies some of the biggest moments in life: Setting up your first apartment. Buying your first home. Upsizing. That’s where this Moving Guide comes in. Download (PDF, 2.08MB) Here’s a break down of the Moving Guide: > Change of Address Checklist A handy checklist of all the people, government agencies and businesses you’ll want to inform of your move. > Week-by-Week Moving Timeline A step-by-step master timeline to keep everything and everyone on track. > Moving Company Contact Sheet A dedicated place to jot down notes on potential moving companies, including their estimates and any special services. > Home Inventory Checklist A room-by-room checklist to help you take stock of all the stuff you’re moving. > Printable Moving Labels Home-printable labels to help keep boxes organized and moving helpers on task. > First-Night Tips Tips on settling in your first night, with advice on turning your new place into a home. The act of moving doesn’t have to overwhelm you. Related posts:

Compound Butter Product Reviews / Main Nibbles / Cheese-Butter-Yogurt Compound Butter To Perk Up Almost Anything! Page 1: Herb Butter CAPSULE REPORT: Strawberry butter and herb butter are not just special treats enjoyed at fine restaurants. They’re easy to make at home—and you’ll be surprised at the variety and the pairings. Overview There’s nothing that adds more festivity to bread than flavored butter—think of strawberry butter with brunch breads and pancakes, garlic bread, herbed butters and anchovy butter on canapés. The recipe for all flavored butters is the same: soften unsalted butter to room temperature and blend in the flavor ingredients with an electric mixer, beating at medium speed until completely blended (1 to 2 minutes). Before refrigerating, you can roll the butter into logs with wax paper; press it into molds to create stars or other shapes; create balls with butter paddles; or simply press it into ramekins for serving. Herb Butters Butter à la Maître d’Hôtel Chive Butter French Herb Butter

How to Make Healing Homemade Lip Balm Lips are extremely susceptible to drying out-much more so than other parts of our body, as they are always exposed to the elements, and really have only a thin layer of skin to protect them. This is why we turn to lip balm. By now you’ve probably heard that lip balm dries your lips out, which in turn makes you apply more, and then it turns into an addicting habit that isn’t doing you, or your lips, any favors. This homemade balm is designed to help seal in moisture and not just dry up and off, but actually sink into your lips. Ingredients: Beeswax, Coconut oil, honey, vitamin e capsules, essential oil (optional). Why Beeswax: Beeswax can act as an emollient (moisturizer) as well as protect your lips from the elements, but the most important role it plays is that it is what gives your lip balm its stiffness and body so that it can be easily transported and applied. Why coconut oil: Coconut oil will not coat and smother your skin like petroleum based products, and moisturizes deep down.

About 3QD 3 Quarks Daily "I couldn't tear myself away from 3 Quarks Daily, to the point of neglecting my work. Congratulations on this superb site."—Steven Pinker, Johnstone Professor of Psychology, Harvard University. "3 Quarks Daily is smart and highclass."—Robert Pinsky, only three-term U.S. Poet Laureate ever. "I like to check in from time to time with 3 Quarks Daily." "I have placed 3 Quarks Daily at the head of my list of web bookmarks." "Just wanted you to know I’m one of many who reads and enjoys 3 Quarks....almost daily." "I've recommended your site to a number of friends and colleagues who've bemoaned the dearth of sites with any literary/scientific muscularity. "Mighty interesting website! "3 Quarks Daily is one of the most interesting aggregator blogs out there. "3 Quarks Daily is first rate." "You guys rock!" "Thanks for 3 Quarks Daily which has been very high on my reading list for several years now!" "I look at your site every day. "3 Quarks is a daily must-read for intellectuals of all stripes.

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