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AYUDA PARA MAESTROS - Students for Free Culture Free Printables & Games for the Spanish Classroom In my last blog post, I outlined some great books filled with engaging activities and games for the foreign language classroom. Fortunately, I own a majority of these books thanks to funding from a FLES grant. Now our program is functioning without funding from our previous grant and my search for more games and activities is just beginning. Free Activities & Games 1. is one of my favorite sites for game ideas. 2. site is a goldmine when it comes to finding activities to reinforce skills in listening, speaking, writing, reading, pronunciation, and vocabulary. 3. is a must see site! 4. came across this site through Twitter and loved how the exercises can apply to almost any language setting for young learners. Free Printable Worksheets & More

Education/EduCourse/Participants This is the list of course participants. We selected just over 20 people from the list of sign-ups. We also arranged project ideas that seemed to focus on similar areas into groups. This is to help participants identify common interests. I have also added timezone information to make coordination easier [1]. Web 2.0 Mash-up Joss Winn Email: jwinn AT lincoln DOT ac DOT uk Based in: UK (UTC) Blog: Profile: Technology Officer, University of Lincoln, UK. Patrice Gans Email: pgans AT Based in: North America? Steven Egan Email: igenoukan AT gmail dot com Based in: US UTC -7 Blog: Learning Science Meets Game Design Profile: Computer Science Major and game designer with about a decade of tutoring experience working with Jim Groom of UMW blogs to see what might come of some discussions on his blog. Mafe Mago Courseware 2.0 Alek Tarkowski Email: alek AT creativecommons DOT pl Based in: Poland (UTC +2) Blog: CC PL, Kultura 2.0 blog Profile:.

Amigo Search: A Spanish Get to Know You Grid This year we had several changes take place in our Spanish program. We went from having two Spanish teachers to one and we have quite a few students who are new to our school, which for the most part means that they are taking Spanish for this first time. As a result of these changes, I decided to take a new spin on how I assessed language skills. Instead of the traditional paper and pencil pre-test, I used a grid that required students to search for their classmates’ signatures, much like is used with most get-to- know you grids. The objective was to get as many classmates to sign your grid. While this activity was meant to get students to interact with each other it also served as an informal assessment of previous skills or knowledge of the Spanish language and its cultures. 1. My students enjoyed this activity very much. I highly recommend this activity for all levels. Finally, I want to give credit to the sources that inspired this activity.

Education/EduCourse This is the wiki page for Open|Web|Content|Education -- a six week online course where educators learn about open content licensing, open web technologies and open teaching methods. Co-organized by Mozilla, ccLearn and P2PU. Includes interactive online talks and hands on prototyping of open learning projects. Starts on 2 April, 2009! This is the original course announcement. Audience Educators looking for skills to help them with open teaching and learning. Goals Help educators learn about open licensing, technology and teaching. Content This is only a basic overview of the course. The course helps educators develop basic skills in three three broad areas -- open licensing, open technology, and open pedagogy -- to help them apply 'open' in their teaching. Finally, students will be working (by themselves or in small groups) on their own blueprints and concepts for open education applications. Week 1 - Intro Week 1 serves as an introduction to the course content and logistics. Case studies

Less Is More: The Value of a Teacher's Time This past weekend, I had the privilege of being part of a panel at the Maryland State Education Association's Education Policy Forum with 2014 National Teacher of the Year Sean McComb, Maryland Teacher of the Year Jody Zepp, and educator-turned-influential radio host Marc Steiner. We convened in front of policymakers, superintendents, and other thought leaders. It sounded title-rific until we actually started talking about the profession we love and lead. One of the first questions we were asked was: "If you could build a school, what would it look like?" The Unseen Work Yet the best investment that seemed most tangible to the policymakers right in front of me was time. If I started a school right now, I would restructure school time nationwide. Seats shifted, because the talking points always fall into similar arguments: Students need more time with teachers. More Time to Plan Some of the effective uses of time that I've seen include: A Better System

O papel do professor: guiar o aprendizado Escola do futuro A facilidade com que os alunos interagem com a tecnologia também impôs uma mudança de comportamento em sala de aula. Hoje, já não é exclusividade dos mais jovens manter blogs, atualizar perfis em redes sociais ou bater papo com amigos na internet. A geração digital passou a exigir que o professor fizesse o mesmo - e ele está mudando pouco a pouco. O problema é, justamente, adaptar a tecnologia ao conteúdo pedagógico. O professor de informática Jean Marconi, de Brasília, acompanhou de perto a dificuldade imposta pelos novos recursos tecnológicos. Para a pedagoga Sílvia Fichmann, coordenadora do Laboratório de Investigação de Novos Cenários de Aprendizagem (LINCA) na Escola do Futuro da USP, um dos motivos pelos quais os professores ainda resistem em utilizar a tecnologia é o receio de perder o posto de detentor único de conhecimento. Mas a educação high-tech também oferece riscos, sobretudo devido à variedade de informação presente na web.
