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Scotland - Brainsmart

Brainsmart - Remembering Numbers Twenty top predictions for life 100 years from now 16 January 2012Last updated at 08:50 Last week we asked readers for their predictions of life in 100 years time. Inspired by ten 100-year predictions made by American civil engineer John Elfreth Watkins in 1900, many of you wrote in with your vision of the world in 2112. Many of the "strange, almost impossible" predictions made by Watkins came true. Here is what futurologists Ian Pearson (IP) and Patrick Tucker (PT) think of your ideas. 1. IP: Likelihood 10/10. PT: Good chance. 2. IP: Likelihood 10/10. PT: Good chance. 3. IP: Likelihood 9/10. PT: Good chance. 4. IP: Likelihood 8/10. PT: Good chance. Continue reading the main story More readers' predictions English will be spelled phonetically (jim300) Growing your own vegetables will not be allowed (holierthanthou) The justice system will be based purely on rehabilitation (Paul) Instead of receiving information from the media, people will download information directly into their brains (krozier93) Crops will be grown in sand (jim300) 5.

mnémotechnique, principe Pierre Hérigone en 1634 Ce Français publie un ingénieux système pour mémoriser les nombres en passant par des mots: Les chiffres sont remplacés par des consonnes entre lesquelles on ajoute des voyelles pour formuler des mots du vocabulaire courant. Système vite adopté par de nombreux experts, dont Leibniz. Lewis Carroll Il publie un travail sur le sujet, comprenant la mémorisation de (Pi) avec 71 décimales et encore le logarithme de tous les nombres premiers inférieurs à 100. Même si ce système mnémotechnique semble encore contraignant, on n'a pas encore découvert de meilleure méthode. Anglo-saxons Le système est baptisé: The major system, The phonetic system, or The phonetic mnemonic system. Les anglo-saxons disent que: ce système a été conçu par Stanislaus Mink von Wennsshein et développé plus tard par le Dr.

A Brief Rant on the Future of Interaction Design So, here's a Vision Of The Future that's popular right now. It's a lot of this sort of thing. As it happens, designing Future Interfaces For The Future used to be my line of work. I had the opportunity to design with real working prototypes, not green screens and After Effects, so there certainly are some interactions in the video which I'm a little skeptical of, given that I've actually tried them and the animators presumably haven't. But that's not my problem with the video. My problem is the opposite, really — this vision, from an interaction perspective, is not visionary. This matters, because visions matter. This little rant isn't going to lay out any grand vision or anything. Before we think about how we should interact with our Tools Of The Future, let's consider what a tool is in the first place. I like this definition: A tool addresses human needs by amplifying human capabilities. That is, a tool converts what we can do into what we want to do. That's right! And that's great!

Hochbegabte: Chef, ich langweile mich | Karriere Viele Hochbegabte haben Probleme im Job. Warum sie trotz ihrer hohen Intelligenz beruflich scheitern, erklärt der Psychologe Detlef Scheer im Interview. Speichern Drucken Twitter Facebook Google + ZEIT ONLINE: Herr Scheer, Sie sind Psychologe und coachen Hochbegabte. Detlef Scheer: Weil viele Hochbegabte im Beruf anecken . Anzeige Andere wiederum schaffen es erst gar nicht, ihren Platz im Berufsleben zu finden. Detlef Scheer © Ronald Fromman, Hamburg Detlef Scheer ist Diplompsychologe und Coach für Führungskräfte und Hochbegabte. ZEIT ONLINE: Warum? Scheer: Leider sind viele Vorgesetzte überfordert oder fürchten die Konkurrenz des Hochbegabten. ZEIT ONLINE: Das klingt als seien viele Hochbegabte sozial inkompetent. Scheer: Psychologisch lässt sich erklären, weswegen sie so wirken können. ZEIT ONLINE: Sollten sich Hochbegabte nicht einfach outen? Scheer: So ein Outing kann erst Recht zu Neid und Missgunst führen.

Launches $1 Million Integration Fund We just announced our $1 million MailChimp Integration Fund. It’s sort of inspired by Ycombinator, except there’s no equity involved. We basically want to help small startups with small, paying projects. Projects that involve integrating their apps with the MailChimp API. If you’ve got an idea for integrating with MailChimp (along with all these other great apps), you can fill out this online application. Here’s the story behind the Integration Fund… There are two questions people ask me all the time, and I always surprise them with my answers. First, they bring up our recent growth spurt, and they ask what our "silver bullet" was. Second, people ask me how/where we got our funding. Start small, fund yourself with paying projects, and build up a strong API. In fact, we’ve been practicing this approach for a while now without even realizing it. Just recently we figured, "Why not turn this into an official fund, and make it a process?"

010 Memorizer - Memorizing Numbers with Ease The Phonetic System (Major System) The Phonetic System is used to convert between numbers and words. This system is sometimes called the 'Major System' and was devised by Stanislaus Mink von Wennsshein in the seventeenth century. The system works on the different sounds you make when pronouncing a word: certain consonant sounds represent certain numbers and vowels act as fillers. For example, let's say that you're trying to remember that there are usually 27 bones in an adult human hand. Now how did you know that N represents 2 and K represents 7? The constants 'h' and 'w' do not appear in the list. If you have longer numbers, they can be remembered by putting multiple words together to form a phrase. Converting Numbers to Words The process of converting between numbers and words can be done by hand if the numbers are small. 010 Memorizer has an easy-to-use interface for converting between numbers and words. Making Associations Features Screen Shots Available screen shots:

BBC Internet Blog: Redesigning the Radio 1 and 1Xtra User Experience online Advantages of taking IQ tests for the high range Reasons to take high-range I.Q. tests The following are good and valid reasons why people take high-range tests: For enjoyment, similar to that derived from completing crosswords or other puzzles;To contribute to the study of high intelligence, creativity, and genius, which is the most important line of study possible (one contributes by taking the tests and providing the requested information);To gain insight into one's level and profile in mental ability (and disability);To get to know other highly intelligent persons through societies that accept certain scores for admission;To gain access to publication fora of societies that accept certain scores for admission;Out of interest in high-range testing as a form of psychometry;As a cure for megalomania. It is hoped that more advantages will be offered in the future as the world of high I.Q. societies matures, and learns to develop more effective programmes for self-improvement in the realms of study, work, therapy and contact.

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