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12 Yoga Moves to Overcome Anxiety The lazy days of summer are drawing to a close, and as things start amping back up at work and school, it’s easy to get a little bit overwhelmed and very stressed out. No matter what your source of anxiety, these yoga moves will help you relax, refocus, and release some of that pent up tension. 1. Controlled Breathing This is a great way to start your practice. Sit in a seated, cross-legged position. On your next inhale, breathe in deeply to a slow count of four, but don’t exhale just yet. 2. Come onto your hands and knees, and on your next inhale, straighten your legs, so your body forms an inverted V. Relax into this posture, letting gravity release built up tension in your neck and the backs of your legs. 3. Move back to all fours, then walk your hands out in front of you and lower your chest toward the floor with your bottom still in the air. Up next: More yoga postures to release tension!

Yoga facial: les tendances | Femmes Gwyneth Paltrow et Jennifer Aniston l'utilisent déjà dans leur rituel beauté, alors pourquoi se priver de cette nouvelle version du yoga? Sélection des meilleures vidéos à tester entre deux séances de transat ... Ranjana Khan Ranjana Khan explique ses techniques de yoga facial sur le blog beauté Into The Gloss, dans la position du lotus évidemment. Face Yoga Method Fumika propose un exercice pour des joues plus rebondies. Syhairi L'experte beauté Syhairi a posté cette vidéo pour les personnes qui ont un autre problème : celui du double-menton et des joues un peu trop rondes. Julia Anastasiou Cette vidéo de Julia Anastasiou révèle comment se faire un massage facial relaxant et rajeunissant avec de l'huile.

Fitness Advice, Workout Videos, Health & Fitness | Hi Bodyrockers, Well this is it… The May Bodyrock 30 day fat loss challenge has arrived!! If you haven’t joined in with us then this is the perfect time to start. This is the mother of all posts, but we wanted to cover all of the bases and make sure that we brought you guys the best program out there. The first step you need to take is to perform the Fit Test and see where your fitness level is at from day one. You will complete 4 exercises for 50 seconds on with a 10 second rest in between each exercise, completing them three times through. New Workouts will be posted Monday – Friday. Finally please help us extend a huge BodyRock welcome to our latest Guest Host Teshia who will be leading the New BodyRock.Tv Flow classes. Enjoy your workout!!! Freddy Watch the video below with Lisa to get started The 30 Day Timetable: *you complete all the tasks on each day – everything will be included in the daily post you need to complete each workout – so just check in everyday* BodyRock Burn: 1) Squats

Susan Piver: 6 Tips for Choosing a Meditation Practice When I started practicing meditation in 1995, I didn't tell too many people about it for fear they would think I had joined a cult or turned into some kind of new-aged oddball. If I mention it today, however, I'm more likely to be greeted by comments like, "I just came back from a 10-day silent Vipassana retreat," or "Yes, my doctor told me I should meditate to stabilize my blood pressure." I knew that this ancient practice had officially entered our culture when I saw a billboard advertising a new sleeping pill called Zazen. It's here. Now, we're faced with a plethora of choices for developing a meditation practice. There are many other forms of meditation practice, but as a Buddhist, these are the ones I am familiar with and can vouch for. Choose a practice that is rooted in a lineage that is older than, say, 2,500 years. Welcome to your life! Thoughts?

Kundalini Yoga: Beneficial or Dangerous? Sadhguru speaks about what kundalini is, and looks at the process of Kundalini Yoga. He explores how this powerful spiritual process should be approached with utmost responsibility and reverence. Sadhguru: In the yogic culture, the snake is a symbolism for kundalini – the unmanifest energy within you. The nature of kundalini is such that when it is still, you do not even know it exists. Kundalini and perception Heightened states of energy are also heightened states of perception. Kundalini and the Third Eye The third eye does not mean someone’s forehead has cracked and something came out. Kundalini Yoga: Preparation first! Nowadays, a lot of books and yoga studios talk about Kundalini Yoga and its benefits, though they don’t know anything about it. Kundalini Yoga is the most dangerous form Kundalini Yoga in its essence is the most dangerous form of yoga. If the necessary supportive atmosphere is not there, simply attempting to raise kundalini could be very irresponsible and dangerous.

PACKAGING | UQAM C’est une bien triste histoire que celle des Indiens d’Amérique. Exterminés au sud par les conquistadors, décimés aux États-Unis par des guerres de territoires, les Amérindiens du Canada s’ils ont survécu, ont subit un sort tout aussi triste soit celui de perdre leur culture et leur mode de vie. En effet, nos ancêtres à l’extermination ont préféré la destruction systématique des modes de vies millénaires des sociétés autochtones. De peuples nomades qu’ils étaient, les Amérindiens sont, malgré eux devenus sédentaires et ont progressivement perdu la plus grande partie de leur tradition intimement liée à la nature. Pour célébrer leur savoir-faire et leurs connaissances médicinales légendaires, Sophie Pépin dans mon cours d’emballage propose un thé des bois, issu des traditions autochtones et servi dans une structure directement inspirée des Teepees. Magnifiquement conçues, ces petites sculptures de papier révèlent une poche d’une forme unique et qui permet une infusion toute en élégance. Why Do Fireflies Glow? From Mother Nature Network's Chanie Kirschner: It seems kind of magical, doesn’t it? As summer draws nearer and the days grow longer, it’s only natural to start daydreaming of summer barbecues, picnics and downtime. And the glow of a firefly is a requisite symbol of the lazy, hazy days and nights of summer. To be honest, I’d never really thought about it myself, but the answer is positively fascinating. So how do fireflies glow? You see, fireflies contain a chemical in their abdomen called luciferin. So why do fireflies glow in the first place? Another reason fireflies glow (and this one not quite as romantic) is to lure prey. The final reason that fireflies glow is to deter predators. There you have it, folks. Also on HuffPost:

Yoga Breathing Exercises - Pranayama Yoga breathing exercises, which are called pranayama in Sanskrit, may be done in association with yoga poses or just while sitting quietly. Here are some of the most common types of yoga breathing exercises and their benefits. Introduction to Pranayama Breathing ExercisesExplanation of pranayama and instruction for calming and invigorating breathing exercises. Alternate Nostril Breathing – Nadi SodhanaCalm yourself with Nadi Sodhana. Equal Breathing - Sama Vritti PranayamaIn sama vritti, you focus on inhaling and exhaling for the same amount of time. Cooling Breath - Shitali PranayamaHow to Practice Cooling Breath - Shitali Pranayama. Ocean Breath – Ujjayi PranayamaOcean Breath – Ujjayi Pranayama is an important part of a vinyasa yoga practice. Skull Shining Breath – Kapalabhati PranayamaWarm up with Kapalabhati Pranayama. Three-Part Breath – Dirga PranayamaLearn to calm yourself with Three-Part Breath. Lion's BreathRoar!

Des entreprises offrent un nouveau modèle de consommation | Glenn Chapman Zimride offre un service de covoiturage. - Parallèlement aux critiques du modèle capitaliste formulées par les manifestants des mouvements «Occupy Wall Street», une nouvelle génération de jeunes pousses s'emploie à promouvoir une économie fondée sur l'échange de services et les communautés formées en ligne. Il s'agit de jeunes sociétés internet s'adressant à ceux qui préfèrent se prêter des voitures plutôt que de les posséder, séjourner dans une chambre familiale désertée plutôt que dans des hôtels ou lever des fonds auprès d'amis plutôt qu'auprès des banques. «Nous sommes au coeur d'une révolution de la propriété», affirme Rachel Botsman, auteur du livre What's Mine is Yours («Ce qui est à moi est à toi») qui illustre le basculement vers un modèle de «consommation en collaboration». «Nous ne voulons pas de DVD, nous voulons de la musique», ajoute Mme Botsman. Airbnb a récemment été valorisé à un milliard de dollars, selon des médias.

Some fireflies flash in sync to woo mates U.S. scientists have shed light on the mystery of why the males of some species of firefly flash in unison and in a pattern: It's to help females identify them as suitable mates. University of Connecticut professor of physiology and neurobiology Andrew Moiseff — who is not an entomologist but admits to being fascinated by fireflies since he was a student — teamed up with Georgia Southern University biology professor Jonathan Copeland to study why some fireflies flash in sync. The results of their study, in which they flashed light-emitting diodes both in a pattern and randomly at female fireflies in a lab setting, suggest that synchronous flashing allows the female fireflies to recognize suitable mates. Moiseff and Copeland began studying fireflies from the Great Smoky Mountains National Park in Tennessee after a naturalist from the southern state told one of them that the fireflies at her summer cabin in the park flashed synchronously.

8 Simple Yoga Poses You Should Do Every Day It's not always easy to get to yoga class. Whether it's a late night at work or something else, we get it; sometimes that hour of downward dogging just doesn't happen. There's no reason not to strike a few poses throughout the day, though. In fact, you can reap most of the same benefits of a class by spending a few minutes throughout the day doing a backbend, warrior pose or opening up your hips. Here are 7 yoga poses to do every day -- yes, even at the office. When You Wake Up Cat-Cow (Damon Dahlen/Huffington Post) Cat-cow is the perfect way to wake up the entire spine after it's been resting for a solid seven to eight hours (we hope). Downward Dog Downward dog stretches out the back, legs and arms. Mid-Morning Standing Forward Fold When you've been sitting all morning, a standing forward fold is a great (and not all that noticeable) way too stretch your legs and back. After Lunch Seated Forward Fold Mid-Afternoon Warrior 2 Evening Pigeon Pose Child's Pose

me What is Kundalini and how to Activate it? I can recall in my spiritual journey a time of inner purification, which steadily integrated and unleashed soul through my being. Each step was like a home coming - a remembrance of who I was and where I really came from. But nothing was quite like the power of Kundalini Reactivation: the unification of higher and lower self, which I experienced as the top of my head lifting off and a fountain of light connecting me deep into the cosmos. This truly was like coming home! So what exactly is Kundalini and how do we activate it?... What is Kundalini? To me the soul is a flowing stream of consciousness, out from the source and back again. Most - if not all - have suffered the loss of this inherent condition early in life. We can reactivate this kundalini. How to activate Kundalini? Firstly, it greatly helps to keep reminding yourself of the higher connection through spiritual practice. But this connection to higher self is not the end of the story. Opening the channels for Kundalini
