Dia for Windows
Overview Dia is a program to draw structured diagrams. Dia 0.97.2 Free Download Windows, 60 languages (20 MB) Release notes Installer 0.97.2-2 Contains Dia 0.97.2 with updated base libraries.
Why Linux is better
PDFBEAR is founded by the team behind WhyLinuxIsBetter.net, which brings tons of experience in user conversion tools. We have decided to change our focus to helping and improving how our users convert files on all platforms including Linux. About WhyLinuxIsBetter.net The webpage was created in order to help people understand the ins-and-outs of Linux. In addition to this, it was emphasized that Linux is a free service, but it also protects the end-user from malware.
LibreOffice Productivity Suite - The Document Foundation
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Edraw Mind Map
Edraw Max V9.4180M An all-in-one diagram software for flowchart, org chart and more. Supports Windows 2003/2008/Vista/7/8/10.
RMAN Commands , 9 of 59
Syntax Text description of the illustration rcmsynta47.gif backupSpec::=
css Zen Garden: The Beauty in CSS Design
So What is This About? There is a continuing need to show the power of CSS. The Zen Garden aims to excite, inspire, and encourage participation. To begin, view some of the existing designs in the list. Clicking on any one will load the style sheet into this very page. The HTML remains the same, the only thing that has changed is the external CSS file.
X-Mouse Button Control is a free tool for Windows that allows you to re-configure and expand the capabilities of your mouse. Download: Overview: X-Mouse Button Control (XMBC) allows you to create application and window specific profiles. This in turn, allows you to re-configure your mouse behaviour for individual applications or windows. For each profile you can also configure up to 10 'layers' of different button configurations which you can switch between using hot-keys or mouse buttons.By default, profiles are automatically activated as the mouse moves over the defined window or application.
Troubleshooting RMAN Operations
ORA-19511: Media Manager Errors In the event of a media manager error, ORA-19511 is signalled, and the media manager is expected to provide RMAN a descriptive error. RMAN will display the error passed back to it by the media manager. For example, you might see this:
Useful WebQuest Resources
Site menu: Latest news: June 17, 2015: This year marks the 20th anniversary of the WebQuest model. Watch this space for announcements of some new resources coming later this summer!
Realtime Soft UltraMon
UltraMon is a utility for multi-monitor systems, designed to increase productivity and unlock the full potential of multiple monitors. efficiently move windows and maximize windows across the desktop manage more applications with the Smart Taskbar control application positioning with UltraMon Shortcuts multi-monitor support for desktop wallpapers and screen savers mirror your main monitor to secondary monitors for a presentation For more information, read the Overview and take the Feature Tour. A full-featured trial version is available for download. More news...
Invisible Web: What it is, Why it exists, How to find it, and Its inherent ambiguity
What is the "Invisible Web", a.k.a. the "Deep Web"? The "visible web" is what you can find using general web search engines. It's also what you see in almost all subject directories. The "invisible web" is what you cannot find using these types of tools.