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CLIL: A lesson framework

Underlying principlesClassroom principlesLesson frameworkConclusion Underlying principlesThe principles behind Content and Language Integrated Learning include global statements such as 'all teachers are teachers of language' (The Bullock Report - A Language for Life, 1975) to the wide-ranging advantages of cross-curricular bilingual teaching in statements from the Content and Language Integrated Project (CLIP). The benefits of CLIL may be seen in terms of cultural awareness, internationalisation, language competence, preparation for both study and working life, and increased motivation. While CLIL may be the best-fit methodology for language teaching and learning in a multilingual Europe, the literature suggests that there remains a dearth of CLIL-type materials, and a lack of teacher training programmes to prepare both language and subject teachers for CLIL teaching. The theory may be solid, but questions remain about how theory translates into classroom practice. Related:  Language and CLIL

Five of the best CLIL resources online - CLIL Media In the posts on this website I usually share my opinion on CLIL as well as share some ideas of others. This time however, I would like to share CLIL resources that I think are really worth your time and can be used to advance both your knowledge of CLIL as well as help you with ideas for your lessons. 1. Peter Sansom is a Dutch Art and Design CLIL teacher who shares his lesson ideas on his blog. 2. CLIL and Drama, a perfect combination according to this website. Do you teach drama? 3. As CLIL has become a world wide phenomenon, a lot of research has been done to study its effects and results. If you are interested in more information regarding the research into CLIL, this is your place to be. 4. Combining CLIL and ICT was a theme of CLIL Magazine not long ago, and this website has taken this to the next level. 5. Not a CLIL website per sé, but a great website to be inspired by a variety of activities. Ever in need of ideas? Conclusion I hope you like this compilation of CLIL resources.

【教學診療室】108課綱來臨,英語老師們該如何應對?|Caves Connect 敦煌英語教學資源互動平台 本文筆者將以個人在台灣十幾年的英語教學相關工作經驗,簡短地從 108 課綱中將「自主學習」、「素養導向教學」與「共同備課」個別提出來討論與說明,同時提供實用的作法與觀念。由於此次的提問內容較廣泛,而文章篇幅有限,難以用問答方式完整說明,因此筆者以整篇文章的方式做回覆。 十二年國民基本教育課程綱要(Master Framework for the 12-year Basic Education Curriculum Guidelines)也就是 108 課綱將於 2019 年上路,在英語文領域方面,隨著時代的變遷,英語文除了被視為人際溝通的工具之外,當今亦是學習各領域知識的媒介(摘自十二年國民基本教育課程綱要總綱)。這個基本理念,讓我想起某天我小學四年級的雙胞胎女兒,為了尋找科展的主題,毫無經驗的她決定上網找資料,當她以關鍵字「有趣的實驗」,透過 Google 搜尋影片之後,她點了搜尋結果的第一條資料,她看到的是一段大約三分鐘用「英語」解說的影片,這個孩子「自主性」解決問題的過程告訴我三件事:第一、現代孩子所接觸的資訊,不再只限於中文;第二、孩子的自主性「掌握」這探索的過程;第三、孩子擁有動機之後,透過現代科技來解決問題。 自主學習 以我女兒的探索與學習過程為例子,我們先來談談「自主學習」,亦是課綱中提到的「自發」的理念(其他兩個理念是「互動」及「共好」)。 調整角色的過程中,老師們要面對的挑戰,首先是自己的心態,是否願意將學習主導權交給學生? 關鍵能力與素養導向教學 當今網際網路與我們的生活密不可分,並且帶來許多影響,其中之一就是大家常聽到的有超過 60% 的現在工作未來並不存在,這個現象引起一股 21 世紀關鍵能力(因應 21 世紀環境所需,為了工作、生活及成為一個公民所需的知識與能力)與教育關係的討論風氣(21st Century Learning),討論內容中不乏鼓勵教育者將關鍵能力培養融入課堂中,透過課程設計,提供學習者多樣的機會來運用這些關鍵能力。 108 課綱中的課程發展方面,提到要以「核心素養」為主軸,「核心素養」是指一個人為適應現在生活及面對未來挑戰,所應具備的知識、能力與態度。 此圖解為筆者個人對課綱中核心素養的分析,歡迎讀者提出問題討論切磋。 那麼,要如何設計符合以素養為導向的課程,首先從「制定課程目標」開始。 第一組的學習目標包含了以下兩項: 共同備課

Article: Skills for CLIL In this article John Clegg outlines the language and learning skills which a learner learning a subject through the medium of English as a second language (L2) requires. 1. Introduction What I want to do in this article is outline the language and learning skills which a learner learning a subject through the medium of English as a second language (L2) will need. This learner is typically learning the whole of the subject in English for some years or throughout schooling. 2. Learners working in a L2 need three kinds of language and learning skills: basic L2 skills, academic L2 skills and metacognitive skills for learning a subject in L2. 2.1 Basic language skills Learners learning in a L2 obviously need to possess basic language skills. 2.2 Academic language skills But learners of subjects in L2 have to do things with the language which conventional foreign language learners don't have to do. Listening Take listening. Reading Let's turn to reading. Writing Talking Finally they have to talk. 3.

The Best Resources For Helping Teachers Use Bloom’s Taxonomy In The Classroom Bloom’s & SOLO ‘are not Just Colorful Posters we Hang on the Wall’ is my two-part series at Education Week Teacher. Bloom’s Taxonomy is talked about a lot in educational circles. However, if you believe a recent survey of visits to 23,000 U.S. classrooms, the higher-order thinking skills it’s ideally designed to promote doesn’t get much use. And I can understand why. It’s easy to get caught-up in the day-to-day work involved in teaching a class or multiple classes, and it’s easy to fall into the trap of doing the “usual stuff” and not “think out of the box.” I thought it might be useful to share in a “The Best…” list the resources that help me try to use Bloom’s Taxonomy in my classroom. There may very well be resources out there that do a far better job of explaining the Taxonomy and how to use it. I personally try to use Bloom’s Taxonomy in two ways. In addition, I try to use Bloom’s to help me formulate my own lessons. Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy Memory Understanding Applying and Analyzing

面對未來 老師,你準備好了嗎? | 文教新訊 | 文教 2018-03-12 14:48聯合報 記者吳佩旻/撰 本篇為教育新面貌系列專題第六篇,聯合報長期關心台灣教育發展,期許一系列報導能提供大眾跳脫當前教育紛爭,看見教育現場那些正在為你我下一代奮鬥的民間力量。 分享 未來教師新任務:看見孩子的潛力 根據英國牛津大學研究,有47%的現有工作,會在未來廿年消失,不過相對地,有65%的職業迄今還沒出現。 教育部落客、作家李偉文認為,與科技時代為伍,孩子需要培養的是思辨能力,未來人才需會與別人合作,成為敏銳的思考者,學會解決團隊問題,培養恆毅力及挫折忍耐力。 李偉文說,自從人工智慧戰勝世界棋王後,教育界開始關注「如何善用科技學習」,以前我們必須餵給程式資料,現在人工智慧已打通任督二脈,人類反而可向機器人學習。 近年透過舉辦創新教育展,進而開啟非典型教育體制的雜學校創辦人蘇仰志,也對新式教育提出看法,他認為,現實中存在許多很難評分、又非常重要的「非認知能力」。 老師 就是最好的教學展示 面對即將發生的未來,在台灣教育現場已有不少民間單位參與實踐,例如思辨力的培養,就有台灣三星在2017年推廣的一系列星美好計畫。 在這個計畫中,生活哲學計畫邀請聯合國教科文組織哲學顧問奧斯卡與褚士瑩為學童上了生活哲學課後,發現不能只有孩子的思考方式在轉變,引導者更需要了解哲學如何應用在生活中,以及在教學上對孩子的助益。 奧斯卡表示,過去老師時常著重在傳遞知識,現在我們要著重在請孩子去思考,而不只是老師在台上說,我們要教導孩子如何提問,所以孩子會知道知識背後的進程,那就叫「思考」。 美感教育計畫則導入民間資源到學校中,邀請三組設計師團隊參與老師的美感課程設計,包含好氏品牌工作室、三明治工與周育潤設計師。 過程中,儘管不同設計師有不同學校需要完成的教學目標,但均透過帶領學生實際走出教室,不論是在廢棄的南台南車站、宜蘭孔廟以及花蓮七星潭旁,他們透過觀察體驗,找出不同孩子對同一事物的美的獨特看法,再引導他們將自己的看法詮釋到創作中。 參與宜蘭力行國小美感課程改造的好氏品牌研究室總監陳崇文表示,在美學這個領域,孩子自信心的來源應該是感性與創造力,它無法從考試中取得。 科技輔助教學 未來教師基本功 花蓮復興國小是當前成功將科技融入教學的學校之一,透過台灣三星協助打造的智慧教室,讓老師與學童一起學習,教學變得更有架構且還能看出學習效率。 投票 *單選 actScoreing v459 bar2

Thinking skills for CLIL By Jean Brewster In the first of a new series of study skills for CLIL, Jean Brewster takes the very topical subject of thinking skills and looks at how CLIL teaching embraces many of the thinking skills principles and how this benefits the learner. In CLIL lessons the cognitive challenges of language learning are great; much of the content lies outside children's direct experience and is often more abstract. For example, in science lessons learners may struggle to describe and compare the properties of materials, may find it impossible to hypothesize about why particular materials are used for particular purposes. Basic Interpersonal Communicative Skills (BICS) and Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency (CALP) In 1979 the Canadian educator, Jim Cummins, made a useful distinction between BICS, the skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing for so-called social or conversational purposes and CALP, linked to more academic, cognitively challenging tasks in subject lessons.

Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy – CELT Jump to the Bloom's Revised Taxonomy Model Go to the Flash version of the Bloom's Revised Taxonomy Model Download the PDF Version A statement of a learning objective contains a verb (an action) and an object (usually a noun). The verb generally refers to [actions associated with] the intended cognitive process. The object generally describes the knowledge students are expected to acquire or construct. The cognitive process dimension represents a continuum of increasing cognitive complexity—from remember to create. The knowledge dimension represents a range from concrete (factual) to abstract (metacognitive) (Table 2). Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy by Andrew Churches – a thorough orientation to the revised taxonomy; practical recommendations for a wide variety of ways mapping the taxonomy to the uses of current online technologies; and associated rubrics Bloom et al.’s Taxonomy of the Cognitive Domain (Dr. Revising Bloom’s Taxonomy. *Anderson, L.W.

走入教學 - CLIL 教X玩|Caves Connect 敦煌英語教學資源互動平台 接觸 CLIL 源自於 EFL 教材的改版與實際的教學經驗 教書這麼多年,我發現每當 EFL 的教材改版的時候,都會加入一些其他學科的單元內容,而這其實就是 CLIL 的精髓。 在育才的教學現場,我們有很多的科目都是透過英語來教授的,小朋友們會接觸到英語的科學、美術、生活、體育等科目,而在實行 CLIL 教學法這麼多年以來,我們發現學生的學習成效非常良好! 仔細的研究後發現,這主要是因為 CLIL 有許多與其他教學法不同的地方。 CLIL 和其他教學法的不同之處 在有意義的情境下學英語,事半功倍 首先,CLIL 教學的方式是讓學生在非常有意義的情況下學習英語,例如:如果你希望教導孩子認識植物各部位的名稱,平常我們可能就是給孩子一張圖片,讓孩子直接把植物各部位的單字背下來,但是這樣的學習並不會深刻,孩子也不知道為什麼要學習。 學生的主體性被彰顯,學習歷程的印記得以被深化 CLIL 是以孩子為主體的一種學習模式,和現在暢行的翻轉教育有異曲同工之妙。 學生語言力上的弱勢可以因其對主題內容的熟悉而被補強 CLIL 教學法有一個很特殊的效果,就是他可以讓孩子的語言能力與其對於某種知識的能力相輔相成。 CLIL 教學法需要注意的事項 選書的主題需配合學生的英文程度與其心智發展程度。 在選擇 CLIL 教學書籍的部分,難度與主題內容是老師們需要特別注意的地方。 5 個生字法則 如果一本讀本翻開來,除卻老師會教的目標字彙外,任一頁中都還有超過 5 個單字是孩子不懂的,那麼這一本讀本的程度對於孩子來說,便可能太難了,孩子會難以獨立閱讀。 評量方式可著重於閱讀理解 在 CLIL 教學法之下,學生們需要同時學會英語和內容兩個部份,所以對於孩子來說,等於是承受雙重壓力,學習上也會相對的有些難度,所以在評量的時候,建議老師可以優先著重閱讀理解的部份,這也是近年來 PISA(國際學生評量計畫)評量項目中的「閱讀素養」所側重的趨勢。 不要太要求孩子需要中翻英或英翻中 許多家長在檢驗孩子的學習成效時,會要求孩子把字彙從中文翻成英文,或從英文翻成中文,但其實身為老師的我並不太建議這樣做。 CLIL 的舉例來說 Oxford Read and Discover 這套系列書籍,我們常會拿來當做寒暑假的學習讀本。 最後,建議老師們可以多到實體書店走走逛逛,更容易找到適合自己的教學資源。 作者簡介│ 劉楚筠(Tina)
