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5 star Open Data

5 star Open Data
Related:  Open Data

What Is Digital Humanities and What’s it Doing in the Library? tl;dr – Libraries and digital humanities have the same goals. Stop asking if the library has a role, or what it is, and start getting involved in digital projects that are already happening. Advocate for new expanded roles and responsibilities to be able to do this. Comprehending the Digital Humanities – from Elijah Meeks at Stanford. Introduction – On Kirschenbaum In the spring of 2011, Matthew Kirschenbaum, Professor of English at the University of Maryland, published a piece for the Association of Departments of English titled “What Is Digital Humanities and What’s it Doing in English Departments?” Aside from the complications of defining what is/are/is-not digital humanities, it is in this publicly visible, collaborative, online network and infrastructure that the Library should begin to see itself. What You Do with a Million Books, Screwmaneutically Speaking: The Library as Place – On Ramsay It’s not a matter of replacing one with the other, as any librarian will tell you.

Des analytics à l’impact, pourquoi évaluer une politique open data ? Ainsi, pour évaluer au mieux les usages de données, une des solutions peut-être de contacter les utilisateurs (les personnes qui développent les applications, les journalistes qui utilisent le portail…), et leur demander des chiffres d’utilisation / d’audience. Cela n’est pas facile, notamment parce qu’un des principes de l’open data est de donner accès aux données sans qu’une inscription soit nécessaire. Mais on peut par exemple retrouver une partie des réutilisateurs sur twitter, ou lors d’événements spécifiques (accompagner un portail open data d’un compte twitter dédié peut se révéler très utile !). Mais clairement, plus on voudra approfondir l’évaluation, en s’éloignant de la première utilisation (appel API ; téléchargement), plus la mesure sera : 1 : complexe : choix de l’indicateur, mesure chronophage ; 2 : hasardeuse : métrique incomplète, causalité donnée > usage à démontrer3 : impossible : réutilisation inconnue Quelles sont les principales utilisations du portail ?

Linked Data Basics for Techies - OpenOrg Intended Audience This is intended to be a crash course for a techie/programmer who needs to learn the basics ASAP. It is not intended as an introduction for managers or policy makers (I suggest looking at Tim Berners-Lee's TED talks if you want the executive summary). It's primarily aimed at people who're tasked with creating RDF and don't have time to faff around. Please Feedback-- especially if something doesn't make sense!!!! If you are new to RDF/Linked Data then you can help me! I put a fair bit of effort into writing this, but I am too familar with the field! If you are learning for the first time and something in this guide isn't explained very well, please drop me a line so I can improve it. Warning Some things in this guide are deliberately over-simplified. Alternatives If you don't like my way of explaining things, then there's other introductions out there; (suggest more!) Structure Tree data: (JSON, XML.) Graph data: (RDF). Merging RDF & Triples For example: Example a

Open Government Data Toolkit | Data Welcome to TClouds Mesurer l’open data et ses effets « Open Data Commons » (by jwyg) A l’occasion de la Semaine européenne de l’Open Data à Marseille, je suis invité à intervenir sur le sujet des indicateurs des politiques publiques d’ouverture des données. Comment mesurer et évaluer les programmes Open Data ? Est-ce vraiment si difficile à faire ? Ce billet de blog vous propose un résumé de mon intervention. 1 – Des indicateurs pour chaque étape des projets Le chercheur britannique Tim Davies recense sur son carnet de recherche en ligne plusieurs types d’outils d’évaluation et en propose une première classification. – mesurer un « état de préparation » (readiness assessment tool) : la boîte à outils développée par la Banque Mondiale comprend ainsi une check-list très complète des facteurs susceptibles de favoriser une politique durable d’ouverture des données, Il y a exactement 2 ans, j’étais déjà invité à Marseille (qui refuserait une invitation dans la cité phocéenne au mois de juin ?) 4 – Don’t ask, please tell ! WordPress:

IRMOS - Home 1.2 What are P2P and the Commons, and how do they relate? - Commons Transition Primer What are the Commons and P2P, how do they interrelate, and what is their influence in labor, politics, production, carework? How do the Commons and P2P practices affect our present social and cultural value systems? Commons can be understood from different perspectives, but several principles are mainstays. The following four perspectives, according to commons scholar and activist Silke Helfrich, offer ways to both perceive and interact with Commons, which can be seen as: Collectively managed resources, both material and immaterial, which need protection and require a lot of knowledge and know-how.Social processes that foster and deepen thriving relationships. It is said, “There is no commons without commoning”. An example is Wikipedia: there is a resource (encyclopedic entries), a community (the authors and editors) and a set of community-harvested rules and protocols (Wikipedia’s content and editing guidelines). If “commons” is the “what”, “P2P” could be considered the “how”.

.: Venus-C :. Building a highly-scalable and flexible Cloud infrastructure VENUS-C is a project funded under the European Commission’s 7th Framework Programme drawing its strength from a joint co-operation between computing service providers and scientific user communities to develop, test and deploy a large, Cloud computing infrastructure for science and SMEs in Europe. Experts "The great success of Generalized Worker Role in VENUS-C has emphasized to me that building a library of customizable Roles or Appliances is a powerful cloud programming model". "It was particularly revealing to see so many different applications being in need of cloud services, yet with rather diverse characteristics and diverse requirements". "I have improved my knowledge about commercial and academic cloud activities and interoperability topics, and increased my understanding of industrial cloud applications". VENUS-C Value Proposition On Air

UN World Data Forum The United Nations World Data Forum Webinar series is a virtual discussion forum of the United Nations World Data Forum that aims to intensify cooperation and open dialogue with various professional groups, such as information technology, geospatial information managers, data scientists, and users, as well as civil society stakeholders. Upcoming webinar Improving Statistical Literacy Data and statistics are increasingly being used in public debate to prove a point or statement without providing the context in which these figures exist. While many people have learned how to critically assess information provided in text format, data or statistical literacy is more limited in many societies. The statistical community is a key player in helping ensure that statistical literacy is improved. Date: Friday, 6 September 2019 Time: 10:00 AM (EDT) Register here Speakers: Past webinars Visualizing progress towards the SDGs Date: Thursday, July 25 2019 Joining-up Data in the Development Sector

3rd Usage Area Workshop: Future Internet Initiative Date: 28 and 29 June 2011 Venue: Hotel Husa President Park, Brussels, Belgium Co-organised by the EX-FI Support Action, the CONCORD Support Action and the European Commission Invitation Following the successful 2nd Future Internet Usage Areas workshop in Brussels last year, the EX-FI project, the CONCORD project, the EFIA Industry group and European Commission now would like to invite you to the 3rd Usage Areas workshop. Themes to be addressed: The themes and open questions to be addressed during the Workshop include: (1) In light of the use cases already underway , what additional use cases and scenarios do you consider to be appropriate and representative for large-scale experimentation in close association with the Future Internet PPP and how could this be achieved? Workshop Format: Expected Results: Agenda and presentations List of Participants Registration is closed. Correspondence: All correspondence regarding this event should be sent to: 3rd-UA-workshop(at)
