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Extr@ English

Extr@ English
extr@ English promises language learning with laughter, in an authentic London setting. With 30 hilarious, half-hour sitcom programmes, the extra@ series is a delight for anyone learning English, especially young adults. The adventures of the four main characters in their London flat are stylish, sexy and funny. The extr@ series is equally at home in the language class and with friends and family, making it ideal for teacher-led and self-study language learning. The Episodes of extr@ English: Listen to ESL Podcasts and AudioBooks with Transcript Listen to ESL Podcasts with NotesLearn English from TeachersPractise Your English Online Choose Meaningful Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate, Upper-Intermediate or Advanced Series Source: Youtube More Series for You: Related:  English filmswatch

Skin | Homepage Skin is a new film due to be released July 2009. It concerns the compelling and moving tale of Sandra Laing, born in 1955 to white Afrikaner parents in South Africa. Thanks to the chance combination of her parents’ genes, Sandra was dark-skinned , had thick curly hair and black-African features. None of this would have mattered very much in a different time or place, but in the South Africa of half-a century ago Sandra’s appearance was hugely controversial. Skin follows Sandra’s thirty-year journey from rejection to acceptance, betrayal to reconciliation, as she struggles to define her place in a changing world — and triumphs against all odds. These materials are designed to complement the film drawing out some of its many potential benefits as a teaching resource not only of great value to media and English groups but also as the launch pad for history, citizenship, PSHE and science lessons focused on genetics. Move on to the first section >>

Short films Here is a collection of good short films: * Alma (approx. 5 mins):* Bend it like Beckham (short clip from movie + questions)* Boats (approx. 6:15 mins):* By the pool (approx. 2:35 mins)* Cargo (approx. 7 mins):* December (approx. 1.40 mins):* Giving (approx. 3 mins):* Identity (approx. 5:20 mins):* Let's make a movie (approx. 7 mins):* Marry Me (approx. 7 mins):* Matt (approx 13 mins.):* Max's movie (series in ten episodes from UR)* Mo'ne Davis: Throw Like a Girl (approx. 16 mins):* Paperman - short film:* The Present (approx. 4 mins):The Present from Jacob Frey on Vimeo.* Roof Rattling (approx. 14:40 mins)* Selfie:* Spin (approx. 8 mins):Questions:* is it ok to reverse the order of things that happen in life?* What could the consequences be?* Should we do everything we can to avoid bad things from happening in life? Why/why not?* Describe the people in the film - are there different kinds of people?* Sports matters (3:40 mins):

Songs and Activities for English Language Learners | (ELL, ESL, and EFL) Saved! (2004) 10 Amazing Animated Shorts You Haven't Seen, Reviewed & Shown Here It's unfortunate that many people don't really watch animated shorts and stick with animated feature films instead, because despite the fact that animated shorts are often a lot harder to even find in the first place, animated shorts can often rival their longer length siblings in terms of quality. So following up on the large success of a previous post (10 Awesome and Accessible Animated Movies You Might Not Have Seen), I've decided to do another such list, but this time with animated shorts, and with full movies included! "Amazing" is defined as scoring 8/10 or better from me (unfortunately short films usually don't get scores on Rotten Tomatoes). These are listed by level of obscurity, so even if you are someone that watches all the short films you can get your hands on, hopefully there’ll be some surprises near the end. 10) A Single Life (2014) 9) Johnny Express (2014) 8) Lily and Jim (1997) 7) Me + Her (2014) 6) Summer Bummer (2012) 5) Will (2012) 3) Dentist (2005)

The Other Pair This ELT lesson plan is designed around a short film by Sarah Zorik titled The Other Pair and the themes of altruism and empathy. Students watch a short film, write a story, and speak about a story. I would ask all teachers who use Film English to consider buying my book Film in Action as the royalties which I receive from sales help to keep the website completely free. Language level: Pre-intermediate (A2) –Intermediate (B1) Learner type: All ages Time: 60 minutes Activity: Watching a short film, writing a story, and speaking about a story Topic: Empathy and altruism Language: Vocabulary related to shoes, narrative tenses Materials: Short film Downloadable materials: the other pair lesson instructions Support Film English Film English remains ad-free and takes many hours a month to research and write, and hundreds of dollars to sustain. Step 1 Ask your students to come up with as many different types of shoes as they can in 2 minutes. Step 2 Elicit boots, trainers, slippers, flip-flops, etc. Step 3

Watch All Channels - Live TV Online NIVÅANPASSAT PÅ ENGELSKA – Patricia Diaz Här tänkte jag försöka samla specifika digitala resurser som kan användas i engelskundervisningen i de grupper där man har lite extra behov av att förse eleverna med mer individanpassade övningar på olika nivåer. Den här sidan är alltså ett komplement till den ”stora” länksamlingen för engelska som du hittar i menyraden under ”Länksamlingar” högst upp på den här sidan. Där hittar du också en länksamling över digitala verktyg. Gissar att det är verkligheten för många och att många av er har massor av bra tips att dela med er av. Lämna gärna en kommentar eller mejla mig om du har fler tips! Nyheter från den engelskspråkiga världen presenteras på lätt engelska. Med Readtheory kan man arbeta med läsförståelse på den nivå där man befinner sig. Det första som händer när man loggar in på Readtheory (med inloggningsuppgifter som läraren förser en med) är att man gör ett så kallat ”pretest” – en slags diagnos för placeras på rätt nivå i systemet. Newsela – en (snygg!)

Foxfire ER Vidéos, publicités, animations - Anglais A Listening Companion : De très courtes vidéos pour la compréhension orale Funny Flash : Animations et jeux en flash Absolutely Andy : Site perso anglais avec des sélections de publicités Jibjab : Site américain de vidéos et animations satiriques et politiques Adbusters : Publicités détournées, contre publicités. yappr : yappr uses fun videos about sports, music, comedy, news and other interesting topics as content to learn and practice English as a second language. You Tube : YouTube donne accès à des videos personnelles ou extraits d’émissions TV… Recherche par mot clé possible Daily Motion : Même principe que YouTube Angry Alien : films en flash. Australia Network : vidéos (mp4) à télécharger Biography : ce site propose de courtes vidéos biographiques Bozzetto animation shorts : Le site propose des commentaires et infos sur les films d’animation de Bruno Bozzetto Eolsoft - liens assortis vers animations et films flash Teacher Tube : Vidéos de classe ou pour la classe

En tyst film som säger mer än 1000 ord Det finns en rad didaktiska frågor läraren behöver fundera på i planeringsfasen. Tre centrala frågor i förberedelserna är vad (undervisningens innehåll), varför (syfte) och hur (metod). Jag börjar ofta med vadet, till exempel en text, bild eller kortfilm som ger mig tanken detta borde engagera eleverna. Denna gång fastnade jag för en film av Qian Shi om en liten flicka och hennes pappa som lever i fattigdom. Efter filmen går tankarna på högvarv. Om sammanhanget ska vara något av nyckelorden ovan kan en möjlig ingång vara Where children sleep. För att ytterligare komplicera den redan röriga processen genom vad måste jag fundera på vad eleverna behöver träna på och i vilket syfte, för att slutligen bestämma hur vi organiserar undervisningen så att eleverna lär sig så mycket som möjligt. Ibland kör man fast i den kreativa processen och så kanske det blir med Shoe.
