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Kevs3D - HTML5 Canvas demos by Kevin Roast

Kevs3D - HTML5 Canvas demos by Kevin Roast

Interactive 3D for the Open Web White Label Publishing The easiest way to show off your 3D models and scenes is by uploading them into Verold's Showcase Viewer. White Label Publishing gives you control over the branding of your viewer to use your own logo to label it. API + Export Verold's cloud hosting solution provides scalable delivery of interactive 3D elements for businesses and agencies building custom web applications that use interactive 3D. You can optionally export your projects to your own servers and host the content yourself. Premium Support If you need help with concepts, prototyping, development, optimization, web design, or even pipeline design and content management, Verold offers professional services to help ensure that your project is successful.

20 Impressive CSS3 Techniques, Libraries and Examples Danny Markov In this list we’ve gathered for you some of the best sources of CSS goodness. We’ve chosen some amazing demos from various artists that come to prove that nowadays everything is possible with CSS. We’ve also included articles that depict the awesome new features of CSS3 and a few helpful libraries full of CSS tricks. There is a lot to gaze your eyes upon and a lot to learn so we better get started! In order to fully enjoy this compilation you might want to use a modern browser such as Chrome. 1. This is a really well executed and polished demo of a CSS only menu. 2. In this demo app you can generate and play around with some astonishingly realistic clouds. 3. These are some famous companies’ logos made entirely out of CSS. Here is another artistic use of CSS. 5. A simple but very stylish navigation bar. 6. This is a CSS version of a little Google Doodle animation. 7. Another well made project – this time it’s sliding panels. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

Download FREE mp3 songs or Softwares or ebooks,Movies,Games ringtones and almost anything Google Envelopes - concept way of sending mails Rahul Mahtani & Yofred Moik students from Syracuse University (US) came up with this concept called Google Envelopes that enable you to map the course of mail as if it was a story. Then the envlopes can be sent through G-Mail itself. ONLY a concept so far, but totally will rock our world. Related Posts Reuse your packages Inka3D Les sites web incontournables (juillet 2014) Second numéro de l’été, les incontournables de juillet nous réservent encore quelques belles surprises… Au fil de la sélection, j’ai pu remarquer à quel point les tendances actuelle se renforcent. Par exemple, la quasi totalité des sites de ce mois de juillet présentent des menus déroulants, minimalistes et placés uniquement avec une petite « Burger Icon« . Je vous conseille d’aller jeter un œil en détail à ces différents sites pour vous faire un avis. Over The Hills Punk Le Mouv AprilZero Call him Echo Dunckelfeld Locomotive Dtelepathy Tokyo mild Foundation Castagniccia Maremonti Quechua 2 Seconds Shake Interactive Garden Studio Grandpas Photos Muse Adobe Gstar Demins Waterloo Le Film Travisgertz Hybridconf Google Io Experiments Netwars-project/ Batman Arkham Knight/ Nonstopbar/ AirBnB/ Mélanie F/ Rendez-vous fin août pour un nouvel épisode ! Cette entrée a été publiée dans Webdesign, avec comme mot(s)-clef(s) css3, design, html5, incontournables, Inspiration, Webdesign, WebGL. 40+ Useful Online Generators For Web Designers Oct 11 2010 Generators can be a great way to save time in your web design projects. High-quality generators can create graphics or code or even layouts in a matter of seconds or minutes, things that might take an hour or more if done by hand. Below are some useful generators to help you speed up your web design process. There’s everything from color scheme tools to complete layout generators included. If you know of other useful generators out there, please share in the comments! Color Schemes A good color scheme is the cornerstone of a good website design. Color Scheme Designer 3Color Scheme Designer 3 has a really fantastic user interface that’s both attractive and easy to use. ColorSchemer Online V2ColorSchemer lets you create color palettes around RGB or HEX values, or using a color selector tool. KulerAdobe’s Kuler is one of the best color scheme tools available, with multiple options for both creating and finding color schemes. Layouts There are CSS generators for almost everything.

o3d - WebGL implementation of O3D Welcome to the new O3D Project Hosting site. This is the community website for the WebGL implementation of O3D, an open-source JavaScript API for creating rich, interactive 3D applications in the browser. Originally built as a browser plug-in, this new implementation of O3D is a JavaScript library implemented on top of WebGL. Here you can: Download the WebGL implementation of O3D. The WebGL implementation of O3D works in any WebGL-enabled browser. New to O3D? Visit the original O3D Developer site to learn the basics of the API. Join our developer groups. 25 Creative Website Footers Footers have evolved from being insignificant pieces of design to one of the key factors in capturing the attention of your sites visitors. Many sties have taken creativity to another level and incorporated functionality with twitter updates and contact forms. This enhances the appearance of your website all while improving your sites usability. Every footer is unique in its own way and offers some sort of inspiration or lesson. Below you will find 25 Astonishing Website Footers to serve as pure inspiration. Please feel encouraged to leave us a comment or link to a site we may have missed with a creative footer! The Zen Garden created a unique website footer that not only looks good, but offers functionality in the form of a contact section. This footer interacts with the sites viewers and offers valuable information. The Buzz website footer has useful info and offers guidance through the sites tags. This footer has a great design and has self-advertising.

the lying down game Features | Goo Create Visual 3D Editor Goo Create utilizes an intuitive user interface to interact with the scenes. Everything can be done easily in the interface – importing assets, creating primitives, adding lights, editing material properties, writing scripts, manipulating hierarchies, and much more. Model Import Create lets you import 3D models from your desktop by just dragging and dropping them onto the browser canvas. Material Editor You can edit materials using both several types of textures as well as plain color settings. Timeline and State Machine If scripting is not for you, there are more ways to add interactivity to a scene. Scripting The underlying engine is written in pure JavaScript, and all its power is readily available in Create. Post Effects You can give your scene an unique look with our large collection of post effects such as bloom, motion blur, antialiasing, levels, contrast, vignette, edge detection and many more. Publishing and Exporting

40+ High Quality PSD Website Templates For Web Designers using High Quality PSD Website Templates can be a great starting point for designers just starting out or if you're on a budget. These High Quality PSD Website Templates are all user friendly and quick to use containing all the elements you need to create your own website. We have hand picked these High Quality PSD Website Templates from trusted sources all over the web, all of these free psd website tempates are fully customizable, allowing you to edit the color scheme, fonts, images, background, wording and any other elements you want changed. In today's collection we've gathered 40+ High Quality PSD Website Templates, these psd website templates are some of the best we've seen and contain professional websites. We hope these High Quality PSD Website Templates allow you to create your own websites quickly and easily, whether it's for a client or personal use! Enjoy! Free PSD Template: Dark Textured Portfolio Website Free PSD Template: Flat One Page Website Tessellate
