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| Meipi Team Let’s Crowdsource a Database of Websites about Data Journalism! While doing research for a PhD on data journalism in Brazilian newsrooms, I have recently stumbled upon the need to analyse what reporters and researchers abroad are talking about the subject. But I was soon after confronted with the absence of a comprehensive database or other resource listing websites and weblogs on visualization, investigative techniques, CAR, and all other newsrooms practices labelled as data journalism. So, using a humble Google Docs spreadsheet, I started one. Data journalism is big in Brazil right now, and there is a fair number of reporters sharing techniques and discussing the recently sanctioned Freedom of Information law. One of them is CAR pioneer José Roberto de Toledo, who writes Vox Pública and is the head of the data team at O Estado de São Paulo. Since the untimely death of blogrolls, unfortunately, it has become increasingly difficult to let the Web do the research job.

Datavisualization Data Visualization [infographie] Ukraine : la démocratie en dictature ! L’Ukraine, un bien beau pays qui est dans l’actualité en ce moment pour de bien tristes raisons… Malgré les vaillants efforts de l’opposition en Ukraine, le Parlement ukrainien a adopté une loi brutale qui dirige le pays en plein dans la dictature. Sont interdits en vertu de la nouvelle loi (sous peine d’emprisonnement) de conduire des voitures dans des colonnes qui dépassent cinq véhicules longs, de mettre en place un système sonore (émission ou réception) non déclaré, les « perturbations de masse » sont passibles de 10 à 15 ans d’emprisonnement, des informations sont collectés sur la police ou les juges, j’en passe… (l’image en grand format) Bref, comme souvent je vous invite à rester vigilant autant que possible sur vos droits, vos libertés et à rester informés tout en informant… et à militez avec vos propres moyens, si vous le pouvez! source Êtes-vous adepte du multitasking ? (voir l’image en grand) Et vous, êtes-vous « multitâche » ?

Blog | The Noun Project, Investigative Journalism Icons now Available Chart Porn Dynamic Diagrams' take on the world of visual explanation, information architecture, design, and technology Homepage | Data Driven Journalism Jerome Cukier Wisdom of small crowds, part 3: another worker visualization | The CrowdFlower Blog This is a follow-up to the previous post on individual workloads and rates. Here are the submission times and durations for every worker on the same graph. Each worker is one horizontal line. An assignment is started at a dot, and its duration is for the line segment extending to the right. The particular data set isn't the same as in the previous post, but was for a similar task and exhibits a similar structure. This view makes the parallelism of AMT apparent. [ This article is part of a series, Wisdom of Small Crowds, on crowdsourcing methodology. ]
