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The 22 books to read before you quit your job - BestSelf Blog I was recently visited by a good friend I went to university with. He’s still in the field of architecture, and it was the first time we’d seen each other since I’d given up on the industry in favor of entrepreneurship. During his visit we talked a lot about the Architecture industry as a whole, our biggest problems with it, and why I ultimately decided it wasn’t what I wanted. As I mentioned in my previous post, when I was working at my job in architecture, I started a side project, Calm The Ham, which after 18 months of work was making decent money, especially compared to the $40,000 I was making at my job (which does not stretch far living in New York City). What could I create if it was my only focus? Then the negative thoughts would kick in. I wasn’t about to quit my job, join an MBA program, and then start a business. I needed to learn the basic principles of business, both running and growing one. I must read my list of 22 books before I was allowed to quit my architecture job. 1.

Custo de mon agenda Kikki K - Blog - La Cerise sur le Nuage S'il y a bien une chose que je déteste, c'est avoir les mêmes objets que "tout le monde". Et je suis sûre que pour toi, c'est un peu pareil. Ça peut être un petit détail, comme un grand changement, mais ajouter sa touche personnelle à un objet, ça le rend unique, et personnel justement ! Bon, je vous dis ça, mais d'un autre coté j'ai 10 exemplaires du très connu meuble "Expedit" d'Ikea chez moi... :D ♡Comme vous le savez sûrement si vous me lisez depuis quelques temps, j'ai acheté en décembre un bel agenda de la marque Kikki K. Mais voilà, ces agendas sont tous pareils, et le but c'est de les personnaliser. ♡ Voici à quoi il ressemble quand je l'ouvre : J'ai imprimé sur une feuille de papier classique, une image Molang aux bonnes dimensions. Dans les poches intérieures j'ai un bloc de Post-it (Molang évidemment), et quelques planches de stickers. (à droite les intercalaires originaux) ♡ Les intercalaires ont aussi été un peu décorés. Et voilà, un feuillet prêt à être ajouté !

OneTab samlar snabbt och lätt dina öppna webflikar i en flik med delbar lista – Hannas skolblogg Har du liksom jag alltid tusen flikar öppna i din webläsare? Plus flera fönster öppna samtidigt..? OneTab är ett litet tillägg till Chromes webläsare som spar minne och kan förenkla tillvaron en smula genom att ordna flikarna i en lista. Man kan även dela flikarna lätt med andra om man vill, något som kan underlätta om man vill dela resurser med sina elever. OneTab kan hämtas på och dyker upp som en ikon i menyfältet. I den här videon kan du se hur man gör: Om man öppnar många flikar i ett webfönster och klickar på OneTab-ikonen kommer webadresserna till sidorna på flikarna att samlas i en lista i en ny flik. Genom att dela länken till den nya fliken (Share as web page) kan man alltså dela hela uppsättningar av flikar till en kollega, elev eller annan. Flikarna i webfönstret (vä) samlas i en delbar lista (hö). Tack för tips Google Road Show!

Eedl - Everse | spa.RK A few years ago we discovered a hidden jewel in Barcelona when, on the occasion of Fibla’s first album launch party at the Apolo, two guys approached the stage after the show, inviting Fibla to their studio to reveal to him the music they were working on. Four years ago we certified that Eedl were not a common thing in the Spanish electronic scene: not only their musical references were well beyond what was around them, but their production skills could kick the asses of many low frequency experimentalists and other electronic dilettantes. Their first record “Parallemped EP”, released on vinyl only, confirmed that our suspicions were true and not coincidentally gathered more interest outside the Spanish territory, being demanded by Funckarma to remix reggae-star Sizzla on Metatronix, by dutch On label for their “Tured in Been” compilation or by several new Spanish electronica labels. Finest digitalist production, made in Barcelona. No doubt, there’s also a lot of heart in it.

Consciousness Hacking NeoCoat - innovative CVD Diamond Solutions Det här från Internetdagarna sänds live på webben | Internetdagarna 2017 Vi vill göra dig uppmärksam på att din webbläsarversion (Firefox 17) är föråldrad. Uppdatera din webbläsare för bättre säkerhet och en roligare webb. Köp biljett - 1250 kr/dag Stockholm Waterfront 20-21 november 2017 Det här från Internetdagarna sänds live på webben Dela Twittra Dela Precis som föregående år kommer flera av evenemangen på Internetdagarna att livestreamas på vår webbplats. Här hittar du alla evenemang som har kameror riktade mot sig under årets upplaga av Internetdagarna! A1: Keynote Cathy ONeil och Molly Wright Steenson, keynote Matt Mason, keynote Andreas Antonopoulos + WordCamp Stockholm 2017 A2: Vad innebär digital kompetens i skolan? A4: 10 år med sociala medier – då, nu och sen?! C3: Internet 3 000 – robotarna tar över (OBS: spelas in, livesänds ej) C4: Öppna teknologier digitaliserar offentlig sektor BAR 4: Bitcoin – en disruptiv teknik (OBS: spelas in, livesänds ej) BAR 5: WordCamp Stockholm 2017 A2: Skolans digitala infrastruktur – från vision till verklighet

MIRA | MIRA Concept MIRA is a live visual arts festival held annually in the city of Barcelona. Different spaces and buildings of the city are used, a way to spread our different cultural initiatives, such as concerts, installations, conferences or workshops regarding the visual innovation. It’s a cultural event that bases its proposal into offering cutting-edge music shows in direct association with visuals, installations and education. The festival aims to be an European meeting point in the visual arts field, bringing new creations, unexpected symbiosis, sharing knowledge and making musical and visual artistic collaborations possible. What differentiates MIRA from other festivals and cultural activities related to music and visual arts, is the ability to interweave the visual and music elements to transform them into a unique experience for the public. Values MIRA aims to break the stigma that place the image as a simple addition of a musical performance to make it the center of the show. Topics

How To Overcome PTSD Naturally Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental illness that can develop after a person experiences or witnesses a terrifying or life-threatening event or series of events. We usually associate the disorder with war, or acts of terror and extreme violence, but a difficult childbirth, a car accident, the death of a loved one, chronic illness, or emotional abuse can also cause PTSD. The condition encompasses a range of symptoms and can be different for everyone. Some people experience flashbacks while others have panic attacks. When I was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder, I barely reacted. One of the hardest parts of dealing with PTSD is how hard we can be on ourselves. An estimated 24.4 million people in American alone suffer from PTSD, with women being twice as likely as men to experience the condition. For me, actually getting diagnosed with PTSD was a turning point that led me in the direction of healing.

6 Time Management Techniques From a Guy Who Has No Time
