Zurb Releases a Flexible Foundation for Developers and Designers
The Web Development Series is supported by Rackspace, the better way to do hosting. Learn more about Rackspace's hosting solutions here. Thanks to the success of projects such as HTML5 Boilerplate, companies big and small are increasingly giving back to the dev and design community by releasing pre-packaged toolkits and frameworks to make getting projects off the ground easier and less time consuming. Back in August, Twitter released Bootstrap, its own front-end toolkit for rapidly developing web apps.
Getting Started with Your Facebook App on Heroku
facebook Table of Contents A Facebook app typically uses an SDK to interact with the Facebook API, using Facebook’s Graph API and FQL to retrieve and post information to Facebook. A Facebook application can easily be developed and deployed to Heroku (in any of Heroku’s supported languages) which has code that interacts with Facebook’s APIs in this manner. This guide is for Facebook developers who develop and deploy their applications on Heroku.
Adobe Muse CC - Apprendre à créer et publier un site web
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URL encode (text conversion tool)
On 16. Sep 2010 09:11 butzi wrote: @andreas: It is not as easy as it looks like.
Code Space: Combining Touch, Devices, and Skeletal Tracking to Support Developer Meetings
Code Space: Combining Touch, Devices, and Skeletal Tracking to Support Developer Meetings Andrew Bragdon, Robert DeLine, Ken Hinckley, and Meredith Ringel Morris November 2011 We present Code Space, a system that contributes touch + air gesture hybrid interactions to support co-located, small group developer meetings by democratizing access, control, and sharing of information across multiple personal devices and public displays. Our system uses a combination of a shared multi-touch screen, mobile touch devices, and Microsoft Kinect sensors. We describe cross-device interactions, which use a combination of in-air pointing for social disclosure of com-mands, targeting and mode setting, combined with touch for command execution and precise gestures. In a formative study, professional developers were positive about the interaction design, and most felt that pointing with hands or devices and forming hand postures are socially acceptable.
How to Create Content Maps for Planning Your Website’s Content
Content mapping is a visual technique that will help you organize and understand the content of a website. It can be a simple and valuable part of your site’s overall content strategy. This short and simple guide should help you get started. What is Content Mapping? Content mapping is similar to mind maps, but it’s focused on a site’s content.
Design thinking Checklist: Forever and a Day
I have collected and build the content of this post from the book “Basic Design 08” by Gavin Ambros and Paul Harris. During my reading of this book, I made some notes. This post will follow the same pattern from the book, however in a very simple standard way. Or you can say that, this post is a quick, digestible and simple checklist for whole Design thinking Process.
As part of our transition of display ads to HTML5. the Swiffy Flash conversion tool is no longer available. We will continue to serve the Swiffy runtimes, so any files you have already converted will continue to play. Today more consumers are using the web in HTML5 compatible environments than Flash-compatible environments.