F93 CCSTI de Corse, A Meridiana Interactive Dig Tiwanaku - History and Context Nestled in a Bolivian highland valley 13,000 feet above sea level, the broad altiplano of Tiwanaku is defined on three sides by mountain ranges and on the fourth by Lake Titicaca. Approximately in the middle of the valley are a series of large mounds and small platforms marking the center of the city of Tiwanaku, occupied ca. A.D. 500-950. By the time the Inka came to Tiwanaku around the middle of the fifteenth century, it had been abandoned for hundreds of years. The first Spanish chroniclers were amazed by the size and antiquity of the structures at Tiwanaku, and for the next few centuries a number of notable observers traveled to visit what became known as the "American Stonehenge" or the "Baalbek of the New World." Of all the ruins in Central and South America, Tiwanaku has especially been a magnet for strange theories. After decades of foreign research, Ponce Sangines established an unabashedly nationalistic Bolivian organization for the study of Tiwanaku in 1957.
Ombelliscience Picardie Centre.Sciences | CentreSciences / Accueil browse « CFEETK – Centre Franco-Égyptien d'Étude des Temples de Karnak Kasciopé - Accueil Accueil - Galerie Eureka Bibliothèque des sciences de l'Antiquité Site Internet du CCSTI Lorient - Maison de la Mer La Réunion des CCSTI - expositions & outils à votre service Les CCSTI en région Les CCSTI, sont des centres de médiation de Culture Scientifique Technique et Industrielle en partenariat avec le monde de la recherche, de l'éducation,des entreprises,et du secteur associatif . Ils jouent un rôle d'assembleur terrotorial avec des collectivités locales ,et des structures nationales et internationales. concours international Rombotique PTC Ce concours international de robotique est organisé et sponsorisé par PTC, société de logiciels de développement de produits. Il se déroule un peu partout dans le monde et en Europe (Etats-Unis, Inde, Singapour Russie, Corée, Espagne, Hollande, Allemagne, …). Chasseur d'aurores de Jean Lilensten Une vision humaniste de la recherche abordéeà travers le quotidien d’un astronome( édition le Martinière) À travers une vingtaine de récits, Jean Lilensten nous fait découvrir, partager et aimer son univers, celui de la recherche scientifique Les Mardis de l'espace www.cnes.fr/mardisdelespace de 19h30 – 21h30 Café du Pont-Neuf Plus...
Egyptian Monuments Interactive Dig Sagalassos - City in the Clouds In 1706, Paul Lucas, traveling in southwest Turkey on a mission for the court of Louis XIV, came upon the mountaintop ruins of Sagalassos. The first Westerner to see the site, Lucas wrote that he seemed to be confronted with remains of several cities inhabited by fairies. Later, during the mid-nineteenth century, William Hamilton described it as the best preserved ancient city he had ever seen. Toward the end of that century, Sagalassos and its theater became famous among students of classical antiquity. Yet large scale excavations along the west coast at sites like Ephesos and Pergamon, attracted all the attention. Since 1990, Sagalassos has become a large-scale, interdisciplinary excavation of the Catholic University of Leuven, directed by Marc Waelkens. Field Notes 2003-2010 Investigation of Sagalassos and the surrounding countryside The Antonine Dynastic Gallery at Sagalassos August 27, 2008 A head of the emperor Marcus Aurelius has been found at the Roman Baths.
Interactive Dig Tiwanaku - Revealing Ancient Bolivia The prehistoric city of Tiwanaku is located on the southern shore of the famous Lake Titicaca along the border between Bolivia and Peru. During the heyday of this city was between A.D. 500 and 950, religious artifacts from the city spread across the southern Andes, but when the conquering Inka arrived in the mid-fifteenth century, the site had been mysteriously abandoned for half a millennium. Even after its abandonment, Tiwanaku continued to be an important religious site for the local people. The University of Pennsylvania project started collaborating with the Department of Archaeology of Bolivia (DINAR, directed by Javier Escalante) in 1995 on the monumental temple of Pumapunku, one of the finest examples of Precolumbian architecture. In the summer of 2004, the archaeology field school from Harvard University excavated the location known as La Karaña, an area north of the site's monumental core. Click here for the conclusion to the 2004 season.