Writing With Twee: Displaying Text Conditionally Twine Information The most recent Twine version is 1.4.1, released 15 Jan 2014. (Windows, OS X) Getting Started with Twine There are some great tutorials on Twine: Twine Index Learn about these Twine terms: Syntax - Ways to style and format the textLink - From text to hypertextFunction - Special, powerful expressionsMacro - Commands to program your stories withScript - Extend Twine with JavascriptImage - Illustrate your storyAnnotation - Notes inside your story's source code Tips and Tricks Leon has made a number of example files showcasing lesser used Twine features. Publishing Your Work Twine publishes to HTML, so you can place your stories on any web site. Once you have a finished story, consider: Adding an entry for it on IFDB.
Ecran de veille de l'activité de la blogosphère mondiale re Ackr : sigles & acronymes Les acronymes d'ici et d'ailleurs. Ackr, dictionnaire multilingue des acronymes, recense et traduit les sigles, abréviations et acronymes du monde. Du finnois au russe, de l'anglais à l'espéranto, 45711 acronymes issus de 176 langues. Par thèmes Philosophie, psychologie, Religion, théologie, Sciences sociales, Mathématiques et sciences naturelles, Sciences appliquées, technologie, Arts, Langage, linguistique, littérature, Géographie, biographie, histoire, Informatique, Connaissance, information et institutions, Médecine... Par langues Par lettres A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, ע, ק, ו, ה, Ι, ת, Δ, א, נ, ש, @, Ф, А, П, Е, С, Б, М, Υ, Ο, Γ, Κ, Ж, Ц, Н, Р, Ø, О, Đ, Α, Մ, ნ, م, Խ, ს, У, К, Г, Λ, Η, Ш, ح, מ, Я, Є, Д, ر, Х, แ, Μ, Ձ, შ, В, ס, З, Φ, ن, პ, Ю, Т... Par pays
Point sur la notion de duplicate content dans Google - Blog webm Responsable Search Marketing & Acquisition Facebook - Groupe Ebuzzing Suivi et mise en place de la stratégie search marketing pour OverBlog : gestion des campagnes acquisition blogueurs au niveau européen. Optimisation des processus d'acquisition de fan Facebook pour les clients d'Ebuzzing suivi du retour sur investissement et gestion des prestataires liés à l'activité Facebook. En savoir plus sur l'expérience responsable search marketing & acquisition Facebook - Ebuzzing Webmarketer - Assu 2000 Mise en place d'une stratégie webmarketing : gestion des campagnes de référencement naturel et de liens sponsorisés, mise en place de tableau de bord ROI, campagnes de communications on-line, développement des partenariats on-line, gestion et mise à jour des sites et veille concurrentielle. En savoir plus sur l'expérience de webmarketer - Assu 2000 Chef de projet référencement - CVFM Chef de projet référencement pour l'agence webmarketing CVFM.
Hellotipi le spécialiste du site de famille Avoid selective hearing with 20 top social media monitoring tool You hear that? … What about that? … Still can’t hear it? What you’re probably not hearing is the sound of people talking about your brand online. Unconvinced? Chances are that if you work for a big brand, your PR agency is listening to what the media and big bloggers say about you. There are painless and time-efficient social media monitoring tools that you and/or your PR agency can use to learn about what people are saying about you. By one count, I’ve read that there are over 100 social media monitoring tools out there. Free tools: BoardTracker: This search facility allows you to effectively search forums and discussion boards. BlogPulse Conversation Tracker: Run by AC Nielsen, this tool allows you to search for a company name and see a threaded view of the conversational graph that emerges. BlogPulse Trend Search: “BlogPulse Trend Search allows you to create graphs that visually track “buzz” over time for certain key words, phrases or links. Paid apps: Be Sociable, Share!
What Makes Us Happy? - The Atlantic (June 2009) Case No. 218 How’s this for the good life? You’re rich, and you made the dough yourself. Right? Case No. 47 You literally fell down drunk and died. Last fall, I spent about a month in the file room of the Harvard Study of Adult Development, hoping to learn the secrets of the good life. From their days of bull sessions in Cambridge to their active duty in World War II, through marriages and divorces, professional advancement and collapse—and now well into retirement—the men have submitted to regular medical exams, taken psychological tests, returned questionnaires, and sat for interviews. For 42 years, the psychiatrist George Vaillant has been the chief curator of these lives, the chief investigator of their experiences, and the chief analyst of their lessons. As a young man, Vaillant fell in love with the longitudinal method of research, which tracks relatively small samples over long periods of time (as in Michael Apted’s Seven Up! Such bravado had defined the study from the start. Dr.
Examples of online communities in the TV industry | FreshNetwork We return this week to our series of Online Community Examples. There is a lot of talk about the way ‘old’ and ‘new’ media combine – how newspapers are using Twitter and how television broadcasters and production companies are working with online media. So this week we take a look specifically at examples of online communities in the TV industry Online communities in the TV industry The TV industry has a relatively long history of online communities – both fan sites and sites sponsored by the brand itself. Rate My Space HGTV in the US set up their Rate My Space online community to accompany their broadcast schedule which, as their full name suggests is Home and Garden Television. As we’ve discussed before, simple concepts can often be the best ones in online communities, and so it proved in this case. A further sign of the success of Rate My Space as an online community site is that it has now spun off a TV programme of it’s own. Heroes The Sex Education Show