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Publicis Groupe

Publicis Groupe

With Bluefin Labs, Publicis' SMG Looks Beyond TV Ratings Advertisers have long based TV-buying decisions on who's watching. Starcom Mediavest Group is adding another wrinkle: targeting shows based on what those TV viewers are talking about in social media. The Publicis-owned media network is adopting social listening technology from startup Bluefin Labs and will begin offering it to clients, which include Coca-Cola, Kraft Foods, P&G and Samsung. Bluefin, founded in 2008 and built on technology developed at MIT, listens to social media and connects conversation to specific TV shows, and soon, the ads themselves. SMG, which spends close to $1 billion on behalf of clients each year, plans to use the technology throughout its US operations to understand what shows and ads resonate with consumers beyond Nielsen ratings ; specifically, what kinds of conversations are being started and what those conversations are about. "If a brand is spending $100 million in TV every year, it's not enough to understand how many eyeballs.

Cities wants to help Instagram users bring their virtual connections to the real world and help them meet each other! Countless users have contacted and encouraged us to develop the Instagramers Branded Group all over the world. It´s easy and free! How to create an Instagramers Network Group? ultranoir - Web Agence CWA - Agence de communication Bordeaux Agence de communication globale, l’expertise de CWA s’articule autour de quatre grands pôles (Web, Print, évènementiel et conseil) déployés sur l’ensemble de vos supports de communication. Notre agence de communication de Bordeaux vous accompagne dans votre démarche de communication de la conception à la concrétisation de votre projet. Ainsi, l’équipe CWA oriente et met en place des solutions adaptées aux problématiques de communication des entreprises afin de les accompagner dans la réussite de leurs différents projets, et ce en concordance avec leurs objectifs commerciaux et de communication.

Mapa Visual de la Web 2.0 Este mapa agrupa de forma visual los principales conceptos que habitualmente se relacionan con la Web 2.0, junto con una breve explicación. Además se han seleccionado algunos ejemplos de servicios de la Internet hispana que suelen enmarcarse en la Web 2.0. También se incluyen algunos representantes globales habitualmente utilizados por el público hispano.

Storage Forum 2012: Fluid by Design Today’s world has become increasingly unpredictable, driven in part by the pace of data growth and our need to not only react to the increase in available information, but use that information to drive business results. Technology itself is in a constant state of change but despite this, data center professionals remain unsatisfied with legacy storage systems. IT professionals are frustrated with the rigid boundaries of their existing storage, with the inability to rapidly respond to the changing demands of their organization. I hear those sentiments echoed all the time by customers who say that legacy storage is “hard to manage, rigid, too structured, inflexible.” By combining today’s storage challenges with a vision for the future, Dell established a new direction on data storage.

Dell Storage Forum Dell Enterprise Forum is the premier technical learning event for Dell enterprise customers and channel partners. The conference, held annually in the US and Europe, offers an intensive, interactive learning experience across the data center—from servers, storage, and networking to software, services, and converged solutions. Attendees learn directly from the engineers, architects and other experts who design and develop Dell enterprise solutions. Market Research Analysis - Market Research Online from About Us Our Company | Video | Our Team | Our Services | Our Customers | Company Logo Our Company is the most comprehensive collection of market intelligence products and services on the Web.

Capacity planning A discrepancy between the capacity of an organization and the demands of its customers results in inefficiency, either in under-utilized resources or unfulfilled customers. The goal of capacity planning is to minimize this discrepancy. Demand for an organization's capacity varies based on changes in production output, such as increasing or decreasing the production quantity of an existing product, or producing new products. Better utilization of existing capacity can be accomplished through improvements in overall equipment effectiveness (OEE). Capacity can be increased through introducing new techniques, equipment and materials, increasing the number of workers or machines, increasing the number of shifts, or acquiring additional production facilities.
