Index of /files Index of /files Name Last modified Size Description Parent Directory - Portail:Mathématiques Un triangle rectangle, tracé à la main Le théorème de Pythagore est un théorème fondamental de trigonométrie. Il énonce une relation entre les longueurs des trois côtés d'un triangle rectangle. Un triangle rectangle est un triangle qui présente un angle droit. Le côté opposé à l'angle droit s'appelle l'hypoténuse. Le théorème de Pythagore affirme : Ce résultat permet de calculer la longueur d'un des côtés d'un triangle rectangle si l'on connaît les deux autres. Il est remarquable que les trois longueurs sont un nombre entier de centimètres. Ce théorème peut être généralisé sur l'ensemble des triangles avec la formule (théorème d'Al Kashi). Lire l'article →
Splendid Speaking No episodes posted... yet. IELTS Language Lab: Test 18 Welcome to the IELTS Language Lab, brought to you by Peter Travis from Welcome to the IELTS Language Lab, brought to you by Peter Travis from Describe a time when you bought something for someone. when this waswhat is was you boughtwho you bought it forand say how you felt about buying it for them. less 254490 14 9m 6s December 15, 2015 12m 17s De l'arithmétique à l'algèbre: le passage du primaire au secondaire TODOS Podcast No episodes posted... yet. S02 E14 Ethnomathematics at the University of Hawaii Manoa Dr. Linda Furuto is a mathematics education professor at UofH Manoa. She is joined by two teachers who have participated in the Ethnomathematics Certificate program at UofH, Phil Fernandez Brennan and Lauren Nowak. 1107 1 1h 8m November 13, 2020 47m 27s
Irregular Verbs - Story 8 Voici des petites histoires que j’ai créées (© Copyright ! Thank you !) il y a plus d’un an et demi autour des verbes irréguliers. Elles ne prennent réellement vie que maintenant et c’est tant mieux car, entre temps, les sciences cognitives et Mirage Make sont passés par là ! Pour chaque histoire, les verbes sont présentés sous forme de fiche de mémorisation. La transcription phonétique de chaque forme est indiquée (pratique pour réviser en étude !). Enfin, la petite histoire permet de mettre les verbes irréguliers en contexte afin de favoriser la mémorisation du sens. Irregular Verbs - Story 8 Now get to work ! Mrs.
L'art de l'éloquence : comment capter son public (3 juin) - Vidéo Langues vivantes Dans ce cours, les profs d'anglais Mélanie et Laurent donnent conseils et méthodes pour bien parler en public et faire un discours mémorable. Retrouvez le support de cours en PDF. So what makes a speech memorable? The impact of the speech They made the present what it is today. Let's recap what makes a speech convincing Structure it logicallyInvolve yourself: Use "I" or "we"Address & involve the audience: Use "you"Provide reliable information: Use definitions, scientific evidence, statistics…Appeal to people's emotions: Share your experience with them, make them relate to you, smile, laugh…Speak clearly: Articulate properly and make pauses after important words or ideas.Emphasize the important words Réalisateur : Didier Fraisse Producteur : France tv studio Année de copyright : 2020 Année de production : 2020 Année de diffusion : 2020
:: Maths et Poésie et le concours AMS Math Poésie Poetry is about as ancient as mathematics in human culture. Its language can be whimsical, somber, joyful, beautiful, concise, thought-provoking, and inspirational. We invite you to think and write about mathematics in this unique form of expression. Poems can be limericks, sonnets, haiku, acrostic, square stanzas (such as the one below by JoAnne Growney in which the number of syllables per line equals the number of lines), based on the Fibonacci sequence (with the number of syllables per line based on the sequence), or other type. Below the poster image are winners of the 2020 AMS Math Poetry Contest (in Colorado) and a video of them reading their poems at the 2020 Joint Mathematics Meetings in Denver, winners of the 2019 AMS Math Poetry Contest (in Maryland), and math and poetry resources. 2020 AMS Math Poetry Contest The three winning poems in the 2020 AMS Math Poetry Contest are: Video of Sabrina, Austen, and Chenyu reading their poems at the meeting: Congratulations to all three! • S.
36 More Algebra References, Reviews and Cheat Sheets – Best Ed Lessons 36 More Algebra References, Reviews and Cheat Sheets Here are a nice variety of Algebra references and cheat sheets (in pdf format), some are short and concise while others go much more in-depth and explain how to solve problems, equations, etc. These cover many areas of algebra, including Functions, Formulas, Linear Algebra. The documents containing Practice Reviews and Tests provide solutions or answers for your learning assistance. These resources complement our page of 62 Algebra References, Reviews and Cheat Sheets. – love learning -your best ed lessons guide, Scott
Mathematics Elementary Math Do basic arithmetic. Work with fractions, percentages and similar fundamentals. Solve place value and word problems. Do basic arithmetic: Do exact arithmetic with fractions: More examples Geometry Compute the properties of geometric objects of various kinds in 2, 3 or higher dimensions. Compute properties of a geometric figure: Plot a conic section and identify its type: Compute properties of a polyhedron: Numbers Work with various kinds of numbers. Compute a decimal approximation to a specified number of digits: Convert a decimal number to another base: Number Theory Analyze integers; subsets of the integers, including the prime numbers; and related ideas. Compute a prime factorization: Solve a Diophantine equation: Applied Mathematics Perform numerical analysis and optimization of systems and objects, including packing and covering of objects and control systems. Minimize or maximize a function: Numerically integrate functions that cannot be integrated symbolically: Statistics Algebra
Simpson's paradox Text Annette and Beth play netball in the same team. In the first half of the season, Annette played 6 games and scored 120 goals, while Beth played 10 games and scored 180 goals. In the second half of the season, Annette played 9 games and scored 90 goals, while Beth played 5 games and scored 45 goals. Questions Show that Annette averaged more goals per game in the first half of the season and also in the second half of the season, but that she didn’t average more goals per game over the whole season.This result is known as Simpson’s paradox. Audio Version 1 (Laura Killian) Version 2 (Jacob Chmielewski) Additional Vocabulary netball: sport collectif dérivé du basket-ballmisleading: trompeur
The Pedagogy Wheel developed by Allan Carrington It Is Not About the Apps, It Is About The Pedagogy The Padagogy Wheel is designed to help educators think – systematically, coherently and with a view to long-term, big-picture outcomes – about how they use mobile apps in their teaching. The Padagogy Wheel is all about mindsets; it is a way of thinking about digital-age education that meshes together concerns about mobile app features, learning transformation, motivation, cognitive development and long-term learning objectives. The Padagogy Wheel is not rocket science. The underlying principle of the Padagogy Wheel is that it is the pedagogy that should determine the educational use of apps. How Does the Padagogy Wheel Work? The Padagogy Wheel brings together in the one chart several different domains of pedagogical thinking. It is useful to see the wheel as providing a series of challenges and questions, a structured set of prompts asking teachers to reflect on their teaching, from planning to implementation. The Five Grids Motivation
My Puzzles Welcome! This is a feature where you can manage the crossword puzzles you have created on the computer you are using. This package doesn't use any accounts or passwords, so you need not remember that information. On the other hand, anyone using the computer can also manage your puzzles. Remember that your puzzles only exist for a couple of months. You can perform the following actions on your puzzles: See your puzzles. You have made a positive recommendation for the following puzzles.
Une manière d'utiliser les TIC pour enseigner les mathématiques sans utiliser de mots. Le chercheur a créé un jeu éducatif où le but est de faire traverser un pingouin dans l'écran. Tous les concepts mathématiques de la préscolaire jusqu'à l'école secondaire ont pu être transposé dans cette interface. L'avantage : les étudiants ayant des difficultés à lire ou comprendre des textes n'auront plus à subir le blocage de la langue. Les chercheurs ont fait plusieurs projets-pilotes un peu partout aux États-Unis et ont constaté une amélioration de 300% du rendement des étudiants à des tests standardisés. Il serait tout à fait possible de transposer cette façon de fonctionner à l'enseignement collégial. À voir... by maximeleblanc Feb 28