Hyper Lucid Dreaming The Lucid Dream Exchange Kung Fu Typing This is keybr.com, a web application that will help you teach touch typing. Touch typing is typing without using the sense of sight to find the keys. A person possessing touch typing skills will know their location on the keyboard through muscle memory. It can improve any individual's typing speed and accuracy dramatically. This is a short tutorial that will explain how does this application work. You can use the left and right arrow keys to navigate through these slides. This tutorial is based on these few principles: No boring, repetitive exercises. Initially it starts generating words from a small subset of the most frequent letters of the alphabet. When you are typing these words, keybr measures time to type a key for every letter in that subset. Once you familiarize yourself with the current subset of letters, the algorithm expands it, including more and more letters to it. So at any time, you will by typing the letters you are least familiar with. This is the text board. ? ? ? ? ?
How To Avoid These Two MAJOR Lucid Dreaming Mistakes!! | Lucidology A question I got which touches on two common mistakes: You know when you say I am supposed to stay awake and convince my body to go to sleep. First of all once I roll the whole lead blanket feeling vanishes. And then I will try to keep my mind awake and resist the movement urges but my body just won’t switch off, all I get is headaches. A lot of people wonder, why does “stop, drop and roll” involve moving your arms and rolling over if the whole trick to getting into waking sleep paralysis is to stay perfectly still? SDR is really about getting rid of the last bits of muscle tension. So if the final roll stage messes it up then don’t roll. The second mistake is a huge one that I have to repeat a lot. Don’t try to keep your mind awake!!! *****Just fall completely asleep and let the timer make you become lucid Let me repeat that again. When you’re using the Lucidology 101 methods, do NOT try to stay awake when you’re relaxing into a wake-induced lucid dream!!
Book Review: Lucid Dreaming by Robert Waggoner | The Dream Studies Portal My recent poll showed that you want more book reviews about dreams and consciousness – lovely! With so much information in the world, it is helpful to have a guide. With that in mind, I highly recommend Robert Waggoner’s new book: Lucid Dreaming: Gateway to the Inner Self Waggoner’s book has already caused a stir in the lucid dreaming blog community – so also be sure to check out Ben’s interview with Robert Waggoner as well as Hatter’s take on Ben’s interview. Lucid Dreaming Experts Caught in the Wild! Rarely do we get to hear from seasoned, expert lucid dreamers about their process. My favorite tidbit that sums up Waggoner’s philosophy of lucid dreaming is neatly described here: “One common assumption…. is that the [lucid] dreamer controls the dream. Waggoner goes on to explain how this promise of dream control may at first seem fulfilled, but as dreamers move deeper into lucid dreaming practice, they will begin to notice this control unravel before their eyes. Lucid Dreaming and Psi
DirSense - Infinite Impression Lucid Dreaming By lucid dreaming, you can gain complete control over the one place that no one will ever care about: your imagination. Just The Facts Lucid dreaming is a scientifically proven phenomenon. While some get into lucid dreaming in order to treat chronic nightmares, or to experience all facets of the human experience, approximately 99.8% of people use it as a tool for cheap and interactive 3D porn. A lucid dream is a dream in which the dreamer is aware that he or she is dreaming, and he or she can even choose to control and manipulate his or her dream. How to Take Control of Your Dreams: So, you've doubled your weight over the past five years, you own a record-shattering collection of greasy pizza boxes and broken aspirations, and you're beginning to consider installing a toilet bowl in the place of your computer chair? In order to even begin to get control over your dreams, there are a few preliminary tasks you must complete. The Tasks: 1. "What?" Calm down! 2. Wake Initiated Lucid Dreams:
Francisco Varela Francisco Javier Varela García (Santiago de Chile, 7 de septiembre de 1946—París, 28 de mayo de 2001) fue un biólogo chileno, investigador en el ámbito de las neurociencias y ciencias cognitivas. Padre de la actriz y modelo internacional Leonor Varela. Biografía[editar] Estudió en el Colegio del Verbo Divino y luego en la Escuela de Medicina de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (1964-1966) y luego obtuvo su licenciatura en Biología en la Facultad de Ciencias de la Universidad de Chile (1965-1967). Realizó estudios de postgrado en la Universidad Harvard (1968-1970), doctorándose con la tesis "Insect Retinas: Information processing in the compound eye". El director de su investigación fue Torsten Wiesel, que en 1981 sería galardonado con un Premio Nobel de Medicina por sus estudios sobre el sistema visual.[1] Actualmente el productor Pablo Rosenblatt esta en post-producción de un documental sobre la vida de Francisco Varela, "Vivir, soñar y morir: la travesía de Francisco Varela".
Top 40 Useful Sites To Learn New Skills The web is a powerful resource that can easily help you learn new skills. You just have to know where to look. Sure, you can use Google, Yahoo, or Bing to search for sites where you can learn new skills , but I figured I’d save you some time. Here are the top 40 sites I have personally used over the last few years when I want to learn something new. Hack a Day - Hack a Day serves up fresh hacks (short tutorials) every day from around the web and one in-depth ‘How-To hack’ guide each week.eHow - eHow is an online community dedicated to providing visitors the ability to research, share, and discuss solutions and tips for completing day-to-day tasks and projects.Wired How-To Wiki - Collaborate with Wired editors and help them build their extensive library of projects, hacks, tricks and tips.
Erotic Lucid Dreaming: Exploring Sex & Spirit | The Dream Studies Portal This is a topic that never goes out of style. Exploring sexuality safely within the confines of the dream world is one of the prime motivations for learning how to lucid dream. The promise of “exciting dream sex” is a marketing hotspot, so to speak, for beginning lucid dreaming guides, books, and dozens of dubious meditation CDs. What these guides don’t tell you, of course, is how difficult it is to perfect the art of exploring erotic energy in dreams, and what the pitfalls are along the way. Let’s start with a little question and answer about the basics and then move on to the possibilities of exploring sex and sensuality in dreams. Q: Is it true that you can learn how to lucid dream and have sex with your ultimate fantasy? Q: Are dream orgasms real? Q: What about wet dreams? REM sleep is simply exciting from a biological standpoint. Q: Why are my lucid dreams so erotically charged? Q: I had a sexual lucid dream about someone unexpected… what does it mean? The Carrot on the String
Novedoso brazo ortopédico en EEUU Pensamientos a la mano Un brazo ortopédico biónico controlado por los pensamientos del usuario, que incluso reproduce algo de las sensaciones de la piel al amputado, será exhibido este jueves en una importante conferencia científica en Estados Unidos. Más de 50 amputados de todo el mundo, muchos de ellos veteranos de guerra que perdieron partes de su cuerpo en combate, recibieron estos aparatos desde su invención por el doctor estadounidense Todd Kuiken en 2002. El brazo utiliza tecnología llamada de restauración nerviosa muscular dirigida (Targeted Muscle Reinervation, TMR), que trabaja redirigiendo las señales del cerebro de los nervios que resultaron cercenados a los músculos que están intactos y en uso. Glen Lehman, un sargento estadounidense retirado que perdió su brazo en Irak, será quien muestre la tecnología en la conferencia anual de la Asociación estadounidense para el Avance de la Ciencia. Pero mientras la tecnología puede ser sorprendente, no es para nada fácil de manipular para los pacientes.
Open Source Shakespeare: search Shakespeare's works, read the texts How To Stay Lucid in Dreams and Increase Dream Intensity This article will teach you exactly how to stay lucid in dreams - transforming a few brief seconds of lucidity to many long, memorable lucid experiences. I have included a number of dream stabilizing techniques below, based on Dr Stephen LaBerge's lucid dreaming experiments and my own personal experiences. My first lucid dreams were very short - we're talking seconds. So next time you become lucid, immediately perform these simple dream stabilizing techniques to increase your self awareness in an instant. How To Prolong Lucid Dreams 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. If you notice the dream is slipping away (losing color and detail): 6. 7. My Longest Lucid Dream As soon as I learnt how to stay lucid, my dream world exploded. My lucid dreams can last up to one hour, sometimes as part of an even longer dream scenario. It's really important that you learn these techniques to prolong lucid dreams. How To Stay Lucid: FAQ Can you have lucid dreams that guide themselves? "Everything you can imagine is real"
Lucid Dreaming – Why Do It? Benefits Of Lucid Dreaming | Garkopedia – Garko's Lucid Dream Journal + New .COMs $7.99/yr plus 18 cents/yr ICANN fee. Discount based on new one-year registration prices as of 1/27/2012 with sale price reflected in your shopping cart at checkout. Discount applies to new registrations and renewals and cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer or promotion. Domains purchased through this offer will renew at regular price after the initial term has expired. Offer ends May 31, 2012 5:00 pm (MST). † Good for one 1-year registration of any available .COM, .US, .BIZ, .INFO, .NET or .ORG ‡ Annual discounts available on NEW purchases only. GoDaddy.com is the world's No. 1 ICANN-accredited domain name registrar for .COM, .NET, .ORG, .INFO, .BIZ and .US domain extensions. 1 GoDaddy.com is rated the world's largest hostname provider according to Netcraft®.