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Scanning, ranking and sharing the best management ideas in the world

Scanning, ranking and sharing the best management ideas in the world

5 Simple Office Policies That Make Danish Workers Way More Happy Than Americans You will often see Denmark listed in surveys as the "happiest country on the planet." Interestingly Danes are not only happy at home, they're also happy at work. According to most studies of worker satisfaction among nations, the happiest employees in the world are in Denmark. The U.S.? Not so much. Here's just one data point: a recent Gallup poll found that 18% of American workers are actively disengaged, meaning they are "emotionally disconnected from their workplaces and less likely to be productive." But why are Danish workers so happy compared to their American counterparts? 1: Reasonable working hours I once talked to an American who had gotten a job as a manager at a Danish company. Some non-Danes wonder if Danes ever work. The difference in the U.S. is stark, and many American companies celebrate overwork as a sign of commitment. 2: Low power distance In the U.S., if your boss gives you an order, you pretty much do what you're told. 3: Generous unemployment benefits The upshot

The Thinkers50 Summit - Thinkers50 Summit | Management Awards Management Methods | Management Models | Management Theories What "collaboration" really means (ThoughtFarmer blog) The word “collaboration” is so heavily over-used and over-hyped it’s becoming meaningless. People refer to all social software within a company as “collaboration,” and this causes confusion. Vendors get away with saying whatever they want because they’re not saying anything at all and companies end up failing in their “collaboration” initiatives. Language is important and with this post I offer up a simple definition of the word “collaboration” — a definition that helps narrow the scope and domain of collaboration and clarify what it really is. Let’s begin with the story of how I’ve become known as “the language police” around the office when it comes to these topics. Lessons in bad collaboration During my years managing the intranet at a global nonprofit organization I encountered the strangest problem: even with the launch of new social intranet software and other collaborative tools, some people still suffered from and complained about poor collaboration. Dissecting “collaboration”

Benchmark For Business - Business Management | HR Conferences & Events Mind Tools - Management Training, Leadership Training and Career Training Quand trop d'engagement mène au désengagement L’engagement. Tout le monde n’a que ce mot à la bouche. Et pour cause. Maintenant l’engagement n’est pas chose aisée. On pourrait presque ironiser – si le sujet n’était pas si critique – en disant qu’il n’y a jamais eu aussi peu d’engagement que depuis qu’on en parle, et que plus on parle plus il diminue. L’engagement : un mot fourre-tout pour des pratiques désengageantes Coté client tout d’abord où des efforts monstrueux sont déployés pour engager davantage le client. Ensuite il y a l’engagement des collaborateurs. Vient ensuite l’engagement de la ligne managériale. Bref la notion d’engagement sert aujourd’hui de fourre-tout et a été dévoyée pour en faire un cocktail de choses…pas très engageante mais avec un emballage dans l’air du temps. Trop parler d’engagement montre qu’on s’est mépris sur la nature du problème Faut il s’offusquer de l’attitude des entreprises ? Alors pas étonnant qu’avec de tels programmes plus on parle d’engagement plus les salariés se désengagent.

Newbons Blog Blog - bschool The 50 Best Tips for Small Businesses on Facebook Posted on May 3rd, 2011 As a small business, you may have heard what a great tool social media, and Facebook in particular, is for a business like yours. Of course, you can't just plunge headfirst and expect incredible outcomes. Learn from these seasoned pros to find out how you can master your small business presence on Facebook. General Here you'll find great tips for all areas of Facebook. Pages Use these tips to better develop your Page on Facebook. Apps These apps and app ideas will help you make better use of Facebook's capabilities. Ads With these tips, you can get the most out of Facebook's ad platform. 50 Best Blogs for Following Asian Business Posted on April 25th, 2011 It's impossible to be involved in international business today without paying attention to the economies of Asian nations like China, India and Japan. Asian Business These blogs cover a wide range of countries and topics when it comes to business. China India Japan

Dérives du lean : pourquoi la méthode s’est écartée des principes originaux - Industrie ANALYSE Suite à l’échec de plusieurs projets ces dernières années, industriels et syndicats professionnels portent un regard circonspect sur le lean management. Pour Philippe Lorino, professeur à l’ESSEC, il s’agit là du résultat d’un détournement de la méthode, qui aurait dérivé progressivement au fil des décennies. A l’occasion d’un colloque sur le lean, organisé par l’Observatoire des Cadres le 15 octobre dernier, il fournit des pistes pour expliquer les raisons de ces dérives. Régulièrement pointée du doigt, la méthode lean est parfois vue comme un nouveau prétexte pour licencier. Pour Philippe Lorino, si le lean a mauvaise presse, c’est avant tout une histoire de détournement. Au-delà de 80 %, le chaos Ainsi, rien ne sert de réduire les gaspillages si le système n’a pas été d’abord repensé en profondeur. Ainsi, le terme lean lui-même, qui a été choisi par des chercheurs du MIT dans les années 90 et qui signifie "maigre", serait particulièrement mal choisi. Retour aux sources
