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Scanning, ranking and sharing the best management ideas in the world

Scanning, ranking and sharing the best management ideas in the world

5 Simple Office Policies That Make Danish Workers Way More Happy Than Americans You will often see Denmark listed in surveys as the "happiest country on the planet." Interestingly Danes are not only happy at home, they're also happy at work. According to most studies of worker satisfaction among nations, the happiest employees in the world are in Denmark. The U.S.? Not so much. Here's just one data point: a recent Gallup poll found that 18% of American workers are actively disengaged, meaning they are "emotionally disconnected from their workplaces and less likely to be productive." But why are Danish workers so happy compared to their American counterparts? 1: Reasonable working hours I once talked to an American who had gotten a job as a manager at a Danish company. Some non-Danes wonder if Danes ever work. The difference in the U.S. is stark, and many American companies celebrate overwork as a sign of commitment. 2: Low power distance In the U.S., if your boss gives you an order, you pretty much do what you're told. 3: Generous unemployment benefits The upshot

Khan Academy Meaningful brands | Havas Media Our vision is to become a category leader through our Meaningful Brands® framework. We will achieve this through our assets: human understanding, connected thinking, superior integration, operational excellence and real time accountability. To us Meaningful Connections describes how we connect brands to people and create shared value for brands and communities. Reclaiming brand durability, sustainability and prosperity The long-standing relationship between people and brands is broken. You see it every day in the level of cynicism, scepticism and indifference that people have toward many brands, in many interactions. Then there is the fact that brands are not delivering what people want. Meaningful Brands®is the first global analytical framework to connect human well-being with brands at a business level. The results from 2013 statistically demonstrate that brands that are meaningful outperform the stock market by 120%. People aren’t looking for Utopian lives.

The Thinkers50 Summit - Thinkers50 Summit | Management Awards Management Methods | Management Models | Management Theories What "collaboration" really means (ThoughtFarmer blog) The word “collaboration” is so heavily over-used and over-hyped it’s becoming meaningless. People refer to all social software within a company as “collaboration,” and this causes confusion. Vendors get away with saying whatever they want because they’re not saying anything at all and companies end up failing in their “collaboration” initiatives. Language is important and with this post I offer up a simple definition of the word “collaboration” — a definition that helps narrow the scope and domain of collaboration and clarify what it really is. Let’s begin with the story of how I’ve become known as “the language police” around the office when it comes to these topics. Lessons in bad collaboration During my years managing the intranet at a global nonprofit organization I encountered the strangest problem: even with the launch of new social intranet software and other collaborative tools, some people still suffered from and complained about poor collaboration. Dissecting “collaboration”

Peter Thiel | President, Clarium Capital Management Peter Thiel is an American entrepreneur, hedge fund manager and venture capitalist. He is Clarium’s President and the Chairman of the firm’s investment committee, which oversees the firm’s research, investment, and trading strategies. Before starting Clarium, Peter served as Chairman and CEO of PayPal, an Internet company he co-founded in December 1998 and was acquired by eBay for $1.5 billion …in October 2002. Prior to founding PayPal, Peter ran Thiel Capital Management , the predecessor to Clarium, which started with $1 million under management in 1996. Peter began his financial career as a derivatives trader at CS Financial Products, after practicing securities law at Sullivan & Cromwell. In addition to managing Clarium, Peter is active in a variety of philanthropic and educational pursuits; he sits on the Board of Directors of the Pacific Research Institute, the Board of Visitors of Stanford Law School, and is an adviser to the Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence.

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi Teaching Interests and Areas of Expertise Creativity and Innovation, Managing Flow Current Research Interests Professor Csikszentmihalyi is the founder and co-director of the Quality of Life Research Center (QLRC). The QLRC is a non-profit research institute that studies "positive psychology"; that is, human strengths such as optimism, creativity, intrinsic motivation, and responsibility. Professional Activities Professor Csikszentmihalyi is a member of the American Academy of Education, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the National Academy of Leisure Studies. Selected Recent Works Csikszentmihalyi, M. & Nakamura, J. (2011). Abuhamdeh, S. & Csikszentmihalyi, M. (2011). Donaldson, S.I., Csikszentmihalyi, M., & Nakamura, J. Csikszentmihalyi, M. (2011). Selected Publications "Experience Sampling Method: Measuring the Quality of Everyday Life", Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications Inc., 2007. "Good Business: Leadership, Flow, and the Making of Meaning", New York: Viking, 2003.

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