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40 Questions Everyone is Afraid to Ask Judge a man by his questions rather than his answers. -Voltaire …because asking the right questions is the answer. Please share your thoughts with us in the comments section below. if you’re interested in reading even more thought-provoking questions.Title photo by: Colin Kinner For all other photo credits please refer to Related 40 Photo-Illustrated Questions to Refocus Your Mind Asking the right questions is the answer... February 23, 2012 In "Happiness" 40 Questions that Will Quiet Your Mind Judge a person by their questions, rather than their answers … because asking the right questions is the answer. August 5, 2015 25 Questions that Provoke Thought If the question makes you think, it’s worth asking. January 4, 2010 In "Hacks"

10 simple mindfulness exercises — All Considering I was eating at an Ethiopian restaurant yesterday. For those not familiar with that cuisine, the food is served on thin pancakes and one is supposed to eat one’s dinner with the right hand. For me it was a painful exercise in overcoming my conditionings. The table went quiet: a measure of the concentration we all needed to not eat warm food with knife and fork. In this post I’m stepping away from the abstract philosophical to the practical every day. The exercises below are meant for those times when you are so fluttered you bump into doors and chairs, for instance. Mind your feet while you’re grocery shopping. In all these cases the point isn’t to beat yourself over the head if you can’t do it consistently. If you liked that, you may also like these mindfulness calendars and mindfulness books.

Gut Feelings Have you ever had a "gut feeling" about something that's later turned out to be true? Have you ever felt "open-hearted"? Ever encountered a situation that's made you "hot under the collar"? Or a person who is "a pain in the neck"? Knowledge of the Chakras is most comprehensively found in the ancient Eastern science of yoga. So what has this got to do with "gut feelings"? The third centre in our subtle system is called "nabhi" or "Manipur" chakra. Often that “Gut Feeling” is us being sensitive to the state of the Nabhi chakra. Ever bought something that was a really good bargain? Similarly, have you ever thought about doing something but deep down in your belly somewhere it didn't feel like the right thing to do? The Anahatha deals with the heart, lungs and immune system. On the other side of the coin heartfelt feelings (such as the love and joy that we might experience when we meet a loved one or feel inspired by a positive happening) are the product of a healthy Anahath centre.

Native American Code Of Ethics I recently found these Native American code of ethics - I am unsure of where this originated and of it’s accuracy. Regardless of where it originated, I like it and I wanted to pass it on. So much common sense, a great respect for the earth and everything that calls it home. No Native American culture was perfect, but the Europeans could have learned from them. Native American Code Of Ethics Rise with the sun to pray. Thanks for visiting! Comments containing racism & ignorance will NOT be approved, there is no room for that here. Tags: America, American, American Indian, culture, dignity, earth, ethics, honor, human interest, Indigenous, indigenous people, love, Native American, nature, positive psychology, respect, social philosophy, spirituality

Numerology by Michael McClain (comments/questions/visit)Back to Numerolgoy Index On this page, I have calculated the Life Path number for each of the US Presidents. The purpose of this study is to determine how the nine Life Path numbers each score in producing quality individuals to serve as our leader. Then, how do these leaders lead based on this important factor associated with their birth? The Life Path numbers will be discussed individually identifying the Presidents having that number. When we think about leadership, the Life Path 1 and the Life Path 8 pop up as probable winners. In the analysis, the Presidents have been ranked. Just below is a listing of the Presidents in the order that they served, the historians' leadership ranking number, their birth date, and the resulting Life Path number. The Life Path 1 Natural Skill Set: An original thinker, natural leader, forms strong opinions, forcefulness in word and deed, inventiveness, courageous, innate executive ability. The Life Path 2

The Noticing Game - (moving, sexy, fun) This little game had us both in tears the last time I played it… And the time before that, we were both smiling so much our cheeks hurt… It’s simple, easy, in-the-moment, and you can play it with your lover, a friend, on a date, or with someone you’ve just met. Below is a description of the game, an excerpt from our Games Night Manual. The full version, with lots of other connection-building games, is included for everyone who signs up for the ACL training. Here it is: The Noticing Game Requirements: 2 people Warning: You will both likely feel more present, playful, connected, and perhaps even turned-on after playing this game. Directions:Two people stand directly across from each other, standing or sitting, making eye contact. A: What I notice when I’m with you is…<fill in the blank> B: Hearing that, what I’m noticing is…<fill in the blank> A: Hearing that, what I’m noticing is…<fill in the blank> …and so on, alternating back and forth… …or, whenever seems like a good time to stop.

Iso-Tones - Miscellaneous Here you can find tones that do not fit into any of the other three categories. This section includes sessions designed to help with sleep, alertness, mental performance, pain relief and much more. To download tones right-click and choose "Save Link As", otherwise they will open in QuickTime within your browser by default. This is a problem with QuickTime overriding browser settings and not with the website or your browser. 14 Hz - The name is a perfect explanation, a 10-minute tone designed to bring your brain to 14 Hz, a state in which the brain is awake and alert. This type of tone was requested by several users after experiencing drowsiness after certain tones that end in lower frequency ranges. Acne Treatment - This session uses frequencies for oxygenation of cells, improved circulation, healing and balance with the aim of promoting clear, healthy skin. 36 minutes long. Female Health - This 35-minute session is designed to support healthy menstruation and alleviate symptoms of PMS.

Sacred Places: Introduction An exploration of how and why places become invested with SACREDNESS and how the SACRED is embodied or made manifest through ART and ARCHITECTURE S ACRED or holy places are found in different cultures, past and present, all over the world. Such places are frequently marked or embellished by architectural structures and art. This website contains text and images which examine the nature of the sacred. It also explores how art and architecture serve to embody or make manifest on both physical and spiritual planes the sacredness or mystery of a site. One of my aims is to explore how and why places become invested with sacredness. These same sacred forms and shapes derived from natural objects and features become symbolic or emblematic of the sacred or divine. Although the sacred places are often rich in aesthetic experience, I am more interested in the origins, meaning and function of the sacred objects, forms, symbols, and shapes that compose the art and architecture of a sacred place.

7 Kundalini Yoga Postures to Clear the Chakras “Men of great knowledge actually found out about the chakras – their workings, their petals, their sounds, their infinity, their co-relationship, their powers. They found that the life of a human is totally based on these chakras. They developed into a whole science. The human body is a complex system encompassing vast energy systems that are not immediately perceptible with our limited eyes. Asana,or postures, are positions of the body used to activate and direct energy to open both a physical and an energetic position in the body. 1) First Chakra, the Root Chakra (Muladhara): Foundations, fear, survival Asana: Crow Pose 2) Second Chakra, the Sacral Chakra (Svadisthana): Creation, desire, relationships Asana: Frog Pose Keep the heels together and the fingers on the ground. 3) Third Chakra, the Solar Plexus (Manipura): Will, action Asana: Stretch Pose Lift the head and the feet six inches off the ground. 4) Fourth Chakra, the Heart Chakra (Anahata): Love Asana: Camel Pose Asana: Cobra Pose

Addiction and Zen A handbook for addicts and those in recovery, and their families. Foreword I warmly recommend Mary Heath's article on The Benefits of Zen Meditation in Addiction and Recovery. It shows a sensitive awareness and understanding of the difficulties that people face when they decide to come off drugs and gives a range of strategies for helping this process, ranging from traditional Zen work with the breath and mindfulness and walking meditation, to her own discoveries. Taken together these provide a kit from which people in recovery can choose. .......... About Zen Zen practice is about having time for yourself in a special way. One method of training comes down to us from Sakyamuni Buddha, who lived in the sixth century B.C. in Northern India. Despite its development in very different cultures, the essence of Zen practice remains vital and immediate, since it relies on personal encounter not on scriptures or dogma. Where and when to practice Zen Sitting meditation 1) Breath Counting Naming
