15 Not-So-Obvious Ways To Cure Jet Lag Once And For All Astonishing truth: Wearing sunglasses inside is a way to cure jet lag. So is exposing yourself to the outdoors in the afternoon. We already know we should stock up on sleep, and we already know to stay hydrated, but there have got to be more creative ways to zap that terrible jet lag sleepiness. Behold, the folks at travel agency Thomas Cook outline some of their most effective cures ("anchor sleep," anyone?):
5 Lessons From a Tragedy Photo by Vanessa Paxton The world is full of suffering. It is also full of overcoming it. ~Helen Keller My beautiful state, the one I’ve called home for all of my life, is burning. Wildfires have swept through some of the most picturesque corners of Colorado, forcing thousands to take stock of their belongings, grab what matters most and flee their homes. The destruction is heartbreaking and the enormous mass of land that’s been destroyed ensures that each person in this state is affected in some way. Tragedy, whether it hits close to home or worlds away, has the ability to shake us to our core, place a harsh light on our own immediate experience, push us to reach out and remind us to be grateful for everything — big and small. I’ve never been one to pay careful attention to the news, believing that, more often than not, it exacerbates the negative and leaves us fearful of the world around us. 1. Tragedy can show us our ties to others and strip us of our differences. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Wayne Dyer’s Top 8 Tips for Building a Better Social Life Image by kalandrakas (license). “Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal. Live this day as if it were your last. The past is over and gone. “Love is the ability and willingness to allow those that you care for to be what they choose for themselves without any insistence that they satisfy you.” One of my favourite personal development people is the psychologist Wayne Dyer. He seems to be a very warm person but he also someone who takes a lot personal responsibility and is assertive. This is reflected in his work. Dr. 1. “As you think so shall you be! “Loving people live in a loving world. “If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” How you choose to interpret people and your relationships makes a huge difference. But your underlying frame of mind – for instance an open one or a protective and closed up one – will determine much about your interactions with new people and people you know. So you really have to go inside. But to change you have to do it. 2. 3. 4.
Babaomby - Island Lodge - Madagascar - Mer d'Emeraude - - 24 Ways to Travel for (Almost) Free Several times a year I check into a Sheraton hotel that is free to me. Most of the time, the check-in clerk mentions my Gold status. “Thank you for giving us your business,” she says. “No problem,” I reply. “Thanks for giving me free rooms.” The secret is that I give Sheraton almost no business, at least in terms of money. From Sheraton rooms to Frequent Flyer Awards, I travel for free or almost free to a lot of places each year. Post-disaster travel: Air Asia offered tens of thousands of almost free flights to Thailand after the recent coup. Use the Best Rate Guarantee Blog to get free Wyndam hotel nights throughout the U.S. and Canada. Use the 5 Million Frequent Flyer Challenge info to earn at least 50,000 miles (enough for two round-trip tickets)Take the challenge a step further by churning Citibank AA cards to earn an additional 100,000 miles each year. Get an international drivers’ permit if you want to have the option of driving overseas. Related Entries:
The Science Behind Our Urge To Procrastinate Cranking out a final paper hours before the deadline. Putting off that trip to the supermarket until the refrigerator shelves are completely barren. Watching one, two, even three more episodes of "Orange Is The New Black" before finally shutting down Netflix and calling it a night. We all procrastinate in one way or another, choosing easy pleasures over more necessary or fulfilling tasks, telling ourselves “there’s always tomorrow” -- and the day after that, and the day after that… But there’s far more science behind procrastination than you might expect. Procrastination afflicts some more than others. Some people are genetically predisposed to put things off until later. Researchers from the University of Colorado at Boulder have found that some people are more predisposed than others to take the bait when a new temptation or distraction enters the picture. Procrastination feels good -- until it doesn't. The brain's decision-making process is a constant tug-of-war.
Carisma: no se nace, se hace (y cómo lo aprendió Steve Jobs) Tags: CarismaCharism MythOlivia Fox Cabane Pensaban los griegos que el carisma era un regalo que los dioses otorgaban a solo unos pocos. La creencia duró mucho tiempo. Esta es la teoría de Olivia Fox Cabane. Dice Cabane que “en los últimos años, los psicólogos, sociólogos e incluso los neurocientíficos han demostrado en experimentos de laboratorio que se pueden aumentar y reducir los niveles de carisma de una persona solamente con la adopción de comportamientos específicos. “El carisma puede ser muy útil para desarrollar un liderazgo efectivo”, comenta la coach en una entrevista por correo electrónico. Destruyendo mitos. “Los estudios muestran que hay muchas personas carismáticas que son introvertidas. Qué hace a una persona carismática. “¿Has sentido alguna vez, a mitad de una conversación, que solo la mitad de tu cerebro está presente? Pero esto es solo parte de la pócima. “La calidez es la voluntad que muestra hacia los demás”, continúa. ¿Cómo aumentar tu carisma? “Primero, respira.
Top 100 Personal Development Blogs Personal development can affect all aspects of your life, from controlling your negative thoughts to gaining the self-confidence to excel at work. If you’re in need of some inspiration to get you on the right road to improving yourself, the Internet is full of blogs that can offer guidance, advice and support to aid you in your journey. We’ve brought together 100 here, in no particular order, to help you get started. Must Read These are some of the most popular personal development blogs out there, so make sure to add them to your bookmarks. Work Development Learn to take control of your career and get things on the right track with a little help from these work-related sites. Get Organized It’s hard to get much accomplished when you’re living in clutter. Financial Development These blogs will help you get your finances in order and put your mind at ease. Coaches and Consultants Get some advice from these professionals in personal development. Self-Improvement Productivity Miscellaneous
Stir it Up! » Blog Archive » Road of Death Sometimes our journeys may require us to take the road less traveled, but some passengers may be better off left behind. They may never forgive you for the harrowing experience that you put them though. Commonly referred to as “Death Road”, the only route western route into La Paz, Bolivia, the road gets its name from its extreme nature. Death Road has some very interesting history to its credit, with ties to the Nazi regime. The road is a haven for mountain biking enthusiasts, although their presence contributes heavily to the death toll. Some of the challenges that face bikers on Death Road are the loose gravel, large rocks, waterfalls, jagged cliffs and the tantalizing desire to inch towards the each for a better view down. One section of Death Road involves a difficult 20km uphill climb. It can be fun to challenge yourself and leave your comfort zone once in a while.
How I Can Afford My Life Of Constant Travel I’m confused. I’m simply confused as to how it’s possible that I have so far failed to properly explain how I’ve managed to travel/live/work abroad nonstop for 12 years straight (and counting). The questions are still pouring in every single day: How do you do it? How is it possible to travel for so long? Where does the money come from? And while I thoroughly enjoy communicating with readers (I’m being completely serious and encourage you all to continue sending your emails to me as often as you wish), the fact that these very questions are on the minds of so many of you out there has led me to believe that I need to do a better job at providing the answers. While it’s true that I’ve already written plenty of posts on the matter, clearly all of these posts, even as one collective entity, still fall well short of proving that a life of travel is not some crazy fantasy but a perfectly reasonable and easily attainable lifestyle option instead. So what am I to do? December 25, 1999: March 2000
Women CEOs Are Good For Business, Says Study Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg In March 2013, Sheryl released her new book, “Lean In,” and it instantly shot to the top of the New York Times bestseller list -- and landed her on the cover of Time magazine. Sheryl had never spoken about women’s issues in public before her TED talk on “Why We Have Too Few Women Leaders,” and she was advised against it by her peers, who claimed that it would draw attention to the fact that she is a woman. Sheryl laughed and said, “I think they know I’m a women.”