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Updates Monday and Friday

Updates Monday and Friday

F*ck Yeah Headlines Tripping Over You Darths and Droids Many of you probably know DM of the Rings. If not, and you are familiar with Lord of the Rings or roleplaying games, you might enjoy it. If you are familiar with both, you will enjoy it. Basically, Shamus Young, the creator, has treated Lord of the Rings as the fantasy campaign of a long-suffering Dungeon Master saddled with all too typical players, and illustrated it in the form of a comic using screencaps from the movies. Brilliant idea, and very well done. And I constantly boggle that (a) nobody did it before, and that (b) nobody has copied him yet. Alas, DM of the Rings has recently come to an end, having told the story to the ending. Shamus: Which reminds me: This comic is popular enough that I'm surprised nobody else has done something similar. I smells me a challenge... Transcript GM: Right.

The Less Than Epic Adventures of TJ and Amal Wondermark Ava's Demon Garfield Minus Garfield Transfusions - Home Atheist Cartoons
