CONTEMPORIST Welcome to DeZona! Landscape Magazine.url The Renmen Project » art in aid of UNICEF's Haiti Appeal Fashioning Technology NOTCOT.ORG Architect to build home using 3-D printer - CNN.com.url "Landscape House" will be built from blocks made with a 3-D printer, says its creator, Dutch architect Janjaap Ruijssenaars. Dutch architect to create the first building done with 3-D printing"Landscape House" would be a huge figure 8 that lets people seamlessly go in and outThe D-Shape 3-D printer will crank out 20-by-30-foot marblelike blocks for itPrice is $5 million to $6 million; the architect hopes to finish it in 2014 (CNN) -- A Dutch architect is thinking a little bigger about 3-D printing than the tiny-to-midsize trinkets we've seen so far. He wants to print a house. And a pretty offbeat and innovative one at that. "Landscape House" is the brainchild of architect Janjaap Ruijssenaars. The house would cost between $5 million and $6 million, according to the BBC, and there's already been interest expressed by museums, private individuals and others, according to Ruijssenaars. All that would be innovative enough on its own. The woman who wants to 'print' buildings
LCSV4 The Illustration News Portal Doors of Perception weblog We Heart Stuff Style, Design, Fashion, Entertainment, Music & Li DIY Used Cargo Homes & Shipping Container House Plans Designs & Ideas on Dornob.url Once upon a time, you had to buy passage on a freight ship headed out to sea in order to see a stack of containers piled high to the sky all around you. Nowadays more and more architects and builders are finding used free or for sale cargo containers at discount prices to construct all kinds of houses, homes and office structures. However, lest you think you need to go the route of hiring a professional, you should know that some do-it-yourself designers like Keith Dewey are making do with their own shipping container home plans. His own home, for example is constructed out of eight used shipping containers stacked on a residential lot. The above sequence of shipping container housing structures sits somewhere in the middle. At the more conventional end of the container home design spectrum is this modern-style house that combines concrete, stone, glass, metal and a set of multicolored shipping containers at its core.