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Science, Technology, Engineering and Math: Education for Global Leadership

Today, the U.S. Department of Education (Department) will host the YOU Belong in STEM National Coordinating Conference in Washington, D.C. as a key initiative for the Biden-Harris Administration. The Raise the Bar: STEM Excellence for All Students initiative is designed to strengthen Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) education nationwide. This new Biden-Harris Administration initiative will help implement and scale equitable, high-quality STEM education for all students from PreK to higher education—regardless of background— to ensure their 21st century career readiness and global competitiveness. “Research shows how a sense of belonging in rich and rigorous classrooms is directly correlated to students’ long-term academic success. In support of the initiative and its goals, the Department has: Published a Dear Colleague Letter to state and district leaders outlining how federal education funds can be used to enhance STEM teaching and learning. The U.S. Background Related:  Science Educationdiburgess

Sixth Grade Science Vocabulary Sixth grade science can be a challenging subject, since most study of middle school science at this level requires much concentration and effort. VocabularySpellingCity makes studying sixth grade science easier by providing extensive targeted middle school science word lists. Studying science vocabulary to gain subject mastery provides undeniable benefits. Students can review and study troublesome vocabulary terms to enhance their understanding of the sixth grade science curriculum. There are many ways to use these comprehensive sixth grade science word lists, whether through the summaries or full-length lists. Return to Science Vocabulary Overview. 6th Grade Science VocabularyWords at a Glance 6th Grade Scientific Inquiry History: binomial nomenclature, adaptation, domain, genus, law, evolution, theory, species, system, taxonomy 6th Grade Matter 6th Grade Energy 6th Grade Motion 6th Grade Space Science 6th Grade Earth Science 6th Grade Life Science

Education Resources Information Center 40 STEM Activities for Kids Activities for ages 4 and up. STEM activities (Science Technology Engineering and Math) are all the buzz in education. Kids love finding out how things work through fun, hands-on projects and teachers love knowing that they’re preparing students for their techy future. These 40 kid-approved STEM activities are the perfect complement to our super popular Endless STEM Challenge Bundle! Science Projects We love science so it’s hard to pick a favorite in this first category of STEM activities. Make exploding pop rockets. Pull together an easy water drop race. // What We Do All Day Create fireworks in a jar. // I Can Teach My Child Blow up a batch of magic balloons. Create a water cycle in a bag. Make ordinary flowers glow in the dark. // Fun at Home with Kids Whip up some magic dancing raisins. // Coffee Cups and Crayons And speaking of dancing, make gummy worms boogy. Test out a simple recipe for Oobleck. // STEM Mom Turn your name into crystals. Whip up a batch of Magic Aqua Sand. // Paging Fun Mums

STEM / STEAM | cesire* L’àmbit CTEM o STEM (per les seves sigles en anglès) engloba les àrees de Ciències, Tecnologia, Enginyeria i Matemàtica. Essent cada vegada més present en els currículums internacionals i en les polítiques del país (Pla STEMCat), la perspectiva d’integrar i reforçar l’ensenyament de les àrees científic-tecnològiques es considera una eina crucial per dos motius: d’una banda, enriquir la cultura científic-tecnològica i dotar de pensament crític als nostres estudiants, ciutadans presents i futurs, en un món on la ciència i la tecnologia cada vegada tenen més impacte en les seves vides i el seu entorn. En segon lloc, possibilitar la formació de professionals d’aquest àmbit més diversos (equitat), de més qualitat (competència), amb més valors (ètica) i en més quantitat (interès i vocacions), per aconseguir els reptes que com a societat afrontem tant pel que fa a la indústria com a la recerca bàsica. STEM a l’espai Nanotecnologia Tecnologia creativa Motxilla bioclimàtica

STEM Education Coalition | Environment - Teaching CLIL Greenhouse Effect and Solid Waste. Fotos tretes de:,,,,,, Secondary School: Institut Sabadell in collaboration with the UAB (Màster en Formació del Professorat de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona ).Teachers: Carles Moltó (Authorship), Almudena Herrera i Carlos Bardají (Student teachers).Coordinator: Elisabeth Eixarch (2010). We present here a CLIL(Content and Language Integrated Learning) unit of Science in English designed for students of 3rd level of ESO (Secondary Education). It is organized in four sections: Check each section and get the student's material, a teacher guide and all the information needed in order to share the contents with your students. This unit is designed for 3rd of ESO students in Catalonia. The Unit is developed in ten sessions of fifty minutes, each one with a specific purpose.

What Is Successful Technology Integration? Technology integration is the use of technology resources -- computers, mobile devices like smartphones and tablets, digital cameras, social media platforms and networks, software applications, the Internet, etc. -- in daily classroom practices, and in the management of a school. Successful technology integration is achieved when the use of technology is: Routine and transparent Accessible and readily available for the task at hand Supporting the curricular goals, and helping the students to effectively reach their goals When technology integration is at its best, a child or a teacher doesn't stop to think that he or she is using a technology tool -- it is second nature. And students are often more actively engaged in projects when technology tools are a seamless part of the learning process. Defining Technology Integration Willingness to embrace change is also a major requirement for successful technology integration. Types of Technology Integration Online Learning and Blended Classrooms

Eight Great STEM Activities for Students Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) topics are receiving increasing emphasis in the curriculum. The Web offers plenty of fun activities to engage students in STEM, and sites such as iExploreSTEM offer resources, activities, printables, conferences and workshop information for educators. The following activities offered by iExploreSTEM covers all four STEM subjects. Science Exploring Aquifers: Students get a clear plastic bottle and can create their own simulated aquifer with dirt, sand, rocks, leaves, twigs or mulch. Technology Binary Coding Sounds: With this Web site, students can access a number of songs with high and low pitches symbolizing binary code. Engineering Bridge Construction: In pairs, students will work toward creating a paper bridge between two paper cups and balancing a third cup on the bridge. Mathematics Best Buy: Real-life examples help students understand discount shopping. Show-Biz Science

Recursos para una educación STEAM y un aprendizaje por proyectos "Para saber lo que queremos hacer, tenemos que hacer lo que queremos saber" (traducción libre de Aristóteles). De aquí al aprendizaje basado en la acción hay un paso. Por eso se dice, con acierto a mi juicio, que se sabe cuando se sabe decir; o que el saber se construye en la comunicación. Todo ello apela, una vez más, a una realidad que es más que obvia para la experiencia subjetiva de cualquiera: "somos protagonistas de nuestro propio aprendizaje"; "aprendemos haciendo" (learning by doing); "nadie puede aprender por nosotros", etc. Otra cuestión, no menor, es que somos protagonistas precarios, necesitados de ayuda, por tanto. Pero vamos al grano. Diversos autores advierten, sin embargo, de que el aprendizaje STEM no debe realizarse de manera aislada, sino interrelacionando las materias y conocimientos y explorando su aplicación a situaciones reales (recordemos el enriquecimiento tipo III del modelo de Renzulli). ¡Buena exploración! Algunos recursos para PBL (en inglés):

LEGO Activities and STEAM Challenges for Kids As my son has gotten older, LEGO activities have taken center stage in much of our play and learning time. Of course all these awesome LEGO activities include science experiments and STEAM challenges! LEGO is all about building, creating, exploring, and expanding the imagination. All of our our LEGO activities are pretty easy to do at home or even school because we try too use basic bricks or types of bricks you may already have. LEGO Activities and STEAM Challenges A year’s worth of awesome LEGO ACTIVITIES and then some! Yes, we LOVE our LEGO City sets, Ninjago sets, and STAR WARS sets! What are the benefits of building with LEGO? LEGO is one of the best known toys around, but it’s so much more than a toy if you look closely. Trying out LEGO in unusual ways. If you take peek at some of our best LEGO activities below, they might seem like an unconventional way to use LEGO. We are so excited to announce our awesome LEGO book coming out very soon! LEGO Hex Bug Maze LEGO Zip Line LEGO Parachute

Chapter 4, Ethics in the Science Classroom Case Studies The teaching of ethics is particularly suited to the use of illustrative case studies. Such narratives can be used to present examples of a range of significant ethical issues related to some human enterprise and many of the complexities associated with each of the issues. The cases can be either fictional or they can be based on actual events. In our Summer Institute instructional program we used a series of real-life case studies to illustrate several of the key ethical issues related to science. In this chapter we present six such case studies, including five that were used, to good effect, during our Summer Institute instructional program. Each case includes: 1- Introduction.. 2- Background. 3- Case Study. 4- Readings and Resources. 5- The Issues. Categories of Ethics/Values Issues Illustrated by This Case: Issues related to fraud in scientific research and its consequences. 1. 2. Dr. 3. What were the consequences of John Darsee's misconduct? 4. In December 1983, Dr. Dr.
