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Narnia and the North!

Narnia and the North!
Yesterday I asked the girls what they wanted to do afterlunch and Jenna said, "crafts" (of course). So we cut up acorrugated cardboard box and made ships. Emily's was the Dawntreader, Jenna wanted a princess figurehead and Kate had no opinion so we left the prow of her ship bare. We started out with the basic ship, which was justa flat bottom with two symmetrical sides. These were hot-glued to the bottom, meeting at the bow(front). If anyone is interested, here is the pattern - I thought I'dtrace it out and save it here in case we want to make theseagain - like if we ever did a nautical-themed birthdayparty. Two strips of cardboard were also glued across themiddle of the boat, each with a hole to support themast and sails. Next we added the figurehead and tail and a command bridge and helm (steering wheelthingy)- made with cardboard and toothpicks. The mast was made from a dowel and a popsicle stick.I'd have liked the masts to be taller but all we had werethese precut foot-long dowels. Related:  Jbf Silhouette Diverses idées

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How to Train Your Dragon Cake | White Cake Recipe | Living Locurto Living Locurto is a DIY Lifestyle and Food Blog by Amy Locurto. Find easy recipes and fun party ideas to celebrate life! Living Locurto is a DIY Lifestyle and Food Blog by Amy Locurto. Sharing easy recipes, party food, home decor, crafts and travel ideas! Hoquet Krokmou nuit Fury rose Comment dresser votre DRAGON | Etsy

CARDBOARD VIKING HELMET WITH HORNS Un rêve de dragons… – Rose Caramelle – Carnet d'inspiration Il était une fois un petit garçon qui venait d’avoir 7 ans et rêvait de légendes et contes autour des dragons… un petit garçon fan de l’univers d’Harold et krokmou, et qui rêvait lui aussi de chevaucher un dragon.. ce garçon de 7 ans, c’est le mien et il me rappelle ces derniers temps la petite fille que j’étais enfant et dont j’avais oublié les rêves.. Elle aussi, fantasmait sur les dragons… Ce n’était pas Harold à mon époque, mais Bastien du film « l’histoire sans fin », ce n’était pas Krokmou mais Falkor, un dragon oriental à la tête de chien. C’est fou comme les rêves d’enfant peuvent se perdre en grandissant…. et puis un jour, votre propre enfant vous les rappelle et tous les souvenirs refont surface. Les enfants ont ce don merveilleux de réveiller l’enfant qui est en vous. Une décoration de fête qui mixe du noir, du doré et de l’argent. Pour cette décoration de table, je me suis procurée : Assiettes, gobelets, serviettes, couverts provenaient de ma boutique. casque-viking-2 Charlotte

Resources: How to build polyhedra using paper and rubber bands In Dürer's book 'Underweysung der Messung' the author published the first plane net of polyhedra, for example, this snub cube: Very easy icosahedral lamp built with cardboard and rubber bands: More: dannish lamp (IQlight): This model was designed by Holger Strom and it is called IQlight. It is based in the rhombic triacontahedon. Magnus Wenninger - 'Polyhedron Models', Cambridge University Press. Hugo Steinhaus - Mathematical Snapshots - Oxford University Press - Third Edition (p. 197) Peter R. H.Martin Cundy and A.P. W.W. 3-D paperballs DIY Mir ist was eingefallen. Ich glaube, ich habe euch noch nie von dem tollen Blog berichtet – der zwar nichts mit Hochzeiten zu tun hat aber mich als DIY-Maniac immer wieder inspiriert. Inspiriert ist untertrieben. Er raubt mir den Nachtschlaf. Und sorgt dafür, dass die Steuer immer noch nicht gemacht ist. Dort findet ihr zum Beispiel das vollständige Tutorial für diese entzückenden 3-D-Paperballs. Wunderbare Hochzeitsdeko, wie ich meine. Nichts gegen Pompoms und Wabenbälle und so. Das Papier darf gerne ein bischen rau sein, dann faltet sich’s leichter. Das Tutorial für die 3-D-Paperballs gibt es hier: 3-D Paperball-Tutorial – danke an die liebe unbekannte Bloggerin. P.S.: Man kann die einzelnen Teile mit einer feinen Schere ausschnibbeln. machen lassen.

Easy DIY Craft Paper Orb Tutorial Aren’t these paper orbs just gorgeous! They are not difficult at all to make and require no special crafty supplies. Go and rescue that old corn flake packet out of the bin right now and knock one of these babies up in a matter of minutes. Here is what you will need. Craft knife or scissorsA scoring tool, you don’t need anything special, I used a big fat tapestry needlePaper, card or cardboard. The Template Download the template below. If you are using paper or thin card stock to create your orb you can print straight onto your substrate and cut them out. The template can be easily scaled so you can make different size orbs. Making the Orb The orb is made of three strips. Then flatten out the folds you have made. Tape two of the strips to make circles, if you are using a pre-printed stock there is a dotted line to help you line the seam up. Combine your taped pieces as shown. Then take your final strip and thread it through like this Then you can decorate however you like. Enjoy! Love from
