Keyword Shitter - Bulk Keyword Ideas Tool Keyword Researcher: Long-Tail Keywords Generator & SEO Organizer Tool Create and deploy keyword-optimized content. 1. What is a Content Strategy and why is it important? If you've ever wondered how Google is able to find the best webpage for your search query, the short answer is this: They compare the words you type, with the words that appear in their database of all the websites of the Internet. Basically, Google has downloaded the text of almost every website in the world. This is, of course, an overly-simplistic summary of what's really going on. Still, you can see why SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is taken so seriously. So when we refer to the creation of a "Content Strategy," this typically entails the development of a group of keyword-optimized information articles. First, the SEO guy (sometimes pretentiously called the "Content Strategist") will examine a body of keyword data, and select the keywords which he feels are conducive to the marketing of the product that the website caters to. Such content is created for a couple reasons: 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Free Rank Checker [Mobile / Desktop] → SEO Review Tools Bulk keyword Rank Checker. Use the Google Rank Checker to see how well your web site is performing in search. Submit up to 10 keywords, add your domain and select your version of Google to get accurate real-time results. Save time and retrieve the rankings for your domain and your competitors for any given keyword.After receiving the results you can export your ranking data to Excel. Rank Tracker Specifications Search engine language / country = 14 optionsSearch depth = First pageInput URL = Your domain or competitorSearch engine = Google What others say about this tool Brian Dean featured the Google Ranking Tool as part of his blog post: 25 AMAZING Free SEO Tools [2020 Reviews]“This free tool makes the process a cinch and you can check up to 10 keywords for free. Brian Dean — Backlinko Why are search engine rankings important? The Click-Through-Rate (CTR) for the number one result (~28%) is way higher compared to the CTR for the number ten result (~1%). How to track your rankings?
Backlinks SEO 9 outils pour optimiser vos rédactions SEO Les métiers du numérique n’ont de cesse de croître et nécessitent toujours plus de compétences techniques. Parmi eux, on trouve les spécialistes de la rédaction web, tributaires des exigences des moteurs de recherche. Alors, pour les accompagner dans leur métier, voici quelques outils pratiques essentiels pour réussir une rédaction SEO. Le Ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur, de la Recherche et de l’Innovation a récemment révélé une étude qui indique « une augmentation de presque 90000 étudiants en deux ans ». Les métiers de Rédacteur web ou de Content Manager, particulièrement attendus, se complexifient et nécessitent de maîtriser certains outils spécifiques pour se démarquer de la concurrence. Trouver des idées de contenus SEO Google keyword planner L’outil de Google compte parmi les indispensables de la panoplie du Rédacteur SEO. L’outil est idéal pour établir une stratégie de mots-clés, tant sur des expressions courtes que de longue traîne. Yooda Insight SEM Rush Answer the public
Cómo realizar una auditoría SEO técnica del sitio en sólo una hora Tienes que maximizar tus esfuerzos de SEO si quieres tener éxito en línea. Seamos realistas. Si no lo haces, tu negocio se quedará atrás. El SEO es una prioridad para los marketers. De hecho, el 61% dice que el SEO es su foco principal cuando se trata de inbound marketing. Todos lo están haciendo. Ignorarlo es básicamente ignorar las ventas. Pero, ¿por dónde deberías empezar? Simple. La manera más fácil de hacer esto es con una auditoría SEO. Puede parecer difícil y quizás un poco aterrador para los principiantes, pero te voy a explicar exactamente lo que hay que hacer. En una hora y con la ayuda de algunas herramientas, puedes hacer esto muy fácilmente. Pero antes, tienes que entender los fundamentos de la auditoría SEO. ¿Qué es una auditoría SEO? Quieres que tu contenido sea relevante para las personas que llegan a tu sitio. Las viejas tácticas de SEO no serán suficientes. En la última década, los criterios y los factores de posicionamiento han cambiado radicalmente. 1. 2. 3. Eso está bien.
Social Status Checker - Check Social Media Metrics Nowadays, social media has become a very crucial piece of the overall puzzle of SEO, which makes it very hard to ignore. Comments, like, follows, shares, and Google+ are all known to have a positive impact on the overall ranking of a blog or website. The process of getting website traffic through social media websites is known as social media marketing. It is usually based on the efforts to create quality content that appeals to more readers and attracts their attention which leads to encouraging the readers to share on their social networks. Content is King, the better your content is, the more visitors will read, share, and link it to other websites and the search engine will start loving your blog or website. Content is King; this phrase describes the context of optimizing a website for better ranking in search engines with valuable content, especially the text of a web page which is the most important ranking factor in search engine ranking.
SerPed: un logiciel de référencement pour les Ninjas du SEO SERPed est une boite à outils SEO ultra complète. Imaginez que vous possédiez un outil qui exploite des fonctions spécifiques tout comme le font Moz, Pingdom, Majestic SEO, SEMRush et j’en passe… Un outil qui propose les fonctionnalités de 45 outils connus dans le domaine du référencement naturel à un prix dérisoire. Voilà les outils les plus connus qu’il vous faudrait pour remplacer SERPED: Majestic seo : 99$ / moisMoz : 99$ / moisSemRush : 99.95$ / moisWhiteSpark : 20$ / moisPingDom : 14.95$ / moisRegisterCompass : 37$ / moisBacklinksIndexer : 14.95$ / moisBackupBuddy : 12.50$ / mois Total: 397,50$ / mois! Selon moi, cela fait de SERPed la suite d’outils SEO ayant le meilleur rapport qualité / prix sur le marché. Sur ce, je vous laisse visionner la vidéo officielle afin de vous faire votre propre idée: SERPed permet entre autres de: Et ce ne sont que quelques exemples, tant la liste est longue. Intéressé(e)? Tableau de bord des outils SEO de SERPed Les meilleurs outils SEO de SERPed Oh boy…
26 Best Free Chrome Extensions for SEOs (Tried & Tested) Looking for a list of free SEO-related Chrome extensions that will help you work faster and smarter? Then look no further. This is not a random list of extensions. The list contains 26 extensions, so we split them into categories for your convenience. Let’s start at the top. Use these extensions to improve your webpages. 1. This extension looks for SEO issues on the page, tells you how many there are, and lets you investigate further. It also has a built-in Audit module that uses Google’s Pagespeed Insights API. Other similar extensions: META SEO inspector, SEO META in 1 CLICK, Ahrefs SEO Toolbar 2. Despite its name, this tool has nothing to do with incoming links. Unlike many other broken link checkers, this one allows you to increase the time delay between link requests for slower page analysis. 3. Although lots of extensions show hreflang data, this one is more advanced. Use these extensions to find and research keywords. 4. 5. TextOptimizer describes itself as a writing assistant tool. Schemas for structured data Outils SEO : Les meilleurs logiciels de référencement Si une veille et une solide expérience sont indispensables à tout bon référenceur, celui-ci a également besoin d’un certain nombre d’outils pour travailler de manière efficace. Ceux-ci contribuent à optimiser le temps de l’expert en SEO qui peut ainsi se concentrer sur des tâches à forte valeur ajoutée pour votre visibilité : audits SEO, rapports d’analyse, statistiques, crawl, positionnement, stratégie de liens, étude de mots-clés, analyse technique. Parmi tous les outils SEO disponibles sur le marché, quels sont ceux qui sont plébiscités par les professionnels du référencement naturel ? Un outil d’audit de site analyse les facteurs SEO d’une page (vitesse de chargement, liens externes, richesse sémantique, etc). Il génère ainsi un rapport d’audit permettant au référenceur de pouvoir rapidement jauger de l’optimisation d’un site. Les outils d’analyse de backlinks permettent de collecter les différentes informations relatives aux liens externes pointant vers une page ou un site.
On-Page SEO: The Definitive Guide (2020) This is a complete guide to on-page SEO in 2023. In this new guide you’ll learn: How to optimize your contentHow to create SEO-friendly URLsHow to write titles and descriptionsLots more Let’s get started. Chapter 1:On-Page SEO Basics Chapter 2:Optimize Your Content for SEO Now that you’ve seen why on-page SEO still matters, it’s time to start optimizing your content. Specifically, in this chapter I’m going to show you how to keyword-optimize every page on your website. So if you’ve ever wondered “how do I actually use keywords on my page?” Chapter 4:Write SEO Content Now it’s time to publish content that deserves to rank #1. This process goes well beyond using keywords on your page. To rank your content in 2022, your content needs to be: UniqueSuper valuableOptimized for search intent And in this chapter I’ll show you how to make sure that your SEO content checks all of these 3 boxes. Chapter 5:Optimize for CTR Chapter 6:On-Page UX Signals Yes. Chapter 7:Advanced On-Page SEO Tips
How to Boost Your SEO by Using Schema Markup One of the latest evolutions in SEO is called schema markup. This new form of optimization is one of the most powerful but least-utilized forms of SEO available today. Once you grasp the concept and method of schema markup, you can boost your website in the search engine result pages (SERPs). My goal in this article is to show you exactly how to get started using schema markup for your website. First, let’s understand what schema markup is. Schema markup is code (semantic vocabulary) that you put on your website to help the search engines return more informative results for users. Here’s an example of a local business that has markup on its event schedule page. The schema markup told the SERP to display a schedule of upcoming hotel events. Here are some facts about schema markup: Schema tells the search engines what your data means, not just what it says. The content on your website gets indexed and returned in search results. How? explains it this way: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.