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Camille : DNA - The Double Helix (animation interactive)

Camille : DNA - The Double Helix (animation interactive)

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DNA Structure - Contents page (Fabien) An Interactive Animated Nonlinear Tutorial by Eric MartzAdapted for using Jmol instead of Chime, by Angel Herráez Part of Biomodel website by Angel Herráez, Univ. de Alcalá (Spain) Disponible también en español. Também disponível em português. PCR Primers are short pieces of DNA that are made in a laboratory. Since they're custom built, primers can have any sequence of nucleotides you'd like. In a PCR experiment, two primers are designed to match to the segment of DNA you want to copy.

Virtual Fetal Pig Dissection Welcome to the Whitman College Biology Department's Virtual Pig Dissection (VPD)! This site is designed as a supplement to laboratory dissections exploring introductory mammalian anatomy and physiology — it is basic and many details have been omitted for clarity. We hope that it is suitable for AP Biology students or for students of introductory anatomy and physiology at the college level. We have revised this site to improve the learning experience and accessibility. Please see the "About" page for more details and contact information.

Gene Delivery: Tools of the Trade Genes can be delivered into a group of cells in a patient's body in two ways. The first, called in vivo (in VEE-voh), is to inject the vector directly into the patient, aiming to target the affected cells. The second, called ex vivo (ex VEE-voh), is to deliver the gene to cells that have been removed from the body and are growing in culture. After the gene is delivered, integration and activation are confirmed, and the cells are put back into the patient. Ex vivo approaches are less likely to trigger an immune response, because no viruses are put into patients. They also allow researchers to make sure the cells are functioning properly before they're put in the patient.

Pascaline On your bike: how muscles respond to exercise ​We all know that exercise makes us fitter and healthier – but what changes take place in our cells to make this happen? Next time you are working out in the gym, or pounding the streets running or jogging, ponder this: the idea of ‘muscle memory’ – that today’s exercise has effects on our muscles years from now – has never been demonstrated scientifically. Does it really exist, and if so, how does it work? These are some of the questions we hope to answer in our on-going research, which aims to pin down the changes that occur in muscles when we exercise, and how our muscles ‘know’ to respond differently to, say, endurance training as opposed to strength training. Helping us to investigate these questions is a large team of volunteers.

Letöltés « E-Animations Zrt. Kérjük, figyelmesen olvassa el az alábbi telepítése útmutatót. Tömörítse ki a letöltött Genom demot az Ön által kiválasztott mappába. Ügyeljen arra, hogy ehhez egy külön mappát hozzon létre.Futtassa a Genom.exe-t. Segítség a kezdéshez: A Genom elindulása után a szürke háttéren való kattintással hívható elő a menü.Újra a háttérre kattintva a menü eltűnik.Kattintson rá és tartsa nyomva a menü középső részét, majd húzza a kívánt helyre a menüt.Húzza a menüt az ablak bármely szélére, így a menü nem fog eltűnni.

problème obésité : Persuasive Games -Fatworld (laura philippe) Fatworld is a game about the politics of nutrition. It explores the relationships between obesity, nutrition, and socioeconomics in the contemporary U.S. Fit or Fat? Live or Die? You Decide.

A Serious Game on Biodiversity in Wheat Farming April 28, 2014 A Serious Game on Biodiversity in Wheat Farming Lu, the leading French cookie manufacturer, further confirmed its desire to minimize the company’s impact on the environment by creating LU Harmony. This new wheat network, created in partnership with French farmers, favors biodiversity and guarantees quality wheat farming. Serious Games To Learn About A Biologically Diverse Ecosystem Serious Games addressing biodiversity, ecosystems, and natural selection Related posts: TyrAnt, by Preloaded, is one of the three Serious Games nominated in 2014 for the Games for Change Best Gameplay award category. Gone Home and Papers, Please are the other two nominees. The winning games will be announced on April 23 at the 11th Anniversary Games for Change Festival.

Endurance exercise 'interferes with heart rhythm' Pascaline Athletes beware - endurance training may make it more likely that you will need a pacemaker, scientists believe. A British Heart Foundation team found exercise in mice triggers molecular changes in the part of the heart that generates its natural beating rhythm. This may explain why elite athletes have low resting heart rates and more risk of heart rhythm disturbances, they told Nature Communications.

1ère ES/L : Food Preservation Methods: Canning, Freezing, and Drying (Nico&Camille) You can preserve foods inexpensively by using canning, freezing, or drying techniques. Modern-day food preservation methods, such as water-bath canning, help you can and preserve with ease. After you understand the basic procedures for a food preservation method, you'll just need to concentrate on preparing your recipe. About canning food Canning is the process of applying heat to food that’s sealed in a jar in order to destroy any microorganisms that can cause food spoilage.

audio et texte en anglais sur le tabac (laura et philippe) Tobacco by Claire Powell and Dave Collett What’s in a cigarette? What’s in a puff? Lucie exploration fonds marins/ énergies renouvelables Jeu sérieux Seatcher - Jeux sérieux - Innover avec le numérique - DANE Nice Détails Mis à jour : 23 avril 2013 Démonstrateur Seatcher : Serious Games pour les sciences expérimentales Seatcher permettra de faciliter l’appropriation des connaissances des élèves de collège et de lycée par une approche ludique du monde marin et subaquatique. Le produit offrira la possibilité de découvrir l’environnement marin et subaquatique en réalité virtuelle, en s’appuyant sur la commande virtuelle d’un sous-marin ou d’un engin d’exploration.

Vu sur le site de l'académie de Créteil : "Le jeu « DNA – The Double Helix » est utilisé pour introduire l’élève à la structure de la molécule d’ADN. Dans ce jeu on doit on apprend la composition d’une molécule d’ADN : on joue avec les chromosomes, les paires de bases et les gênes. On apprend également que la molécule d’ADN caractérise un organisme grâce à une mise en intrigue de cette loi génétique. Enfin on se rend compte que des erreurs dans la réplication provoquent des mutations et que certains organismes vivants peuvent survivre avec un certain nombre de mutations." by scloatre May 18
