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Vintage postcard calendar journal

Vintage postcard calendar journal
Growing up, I kept a daily journal. I always enjoyed looking back at previous entries to see what had changed over the course of a year. These days, I can’t seem to find the time to journal, but I do try to jot down a little note from each day on my perpetual calendar/journal. The idea is very simple — flip to the current date and at the end of the day, write down something that happened. The first year is the least rewarding, but I imagine that in 10 years, it will be a daily treat to be reminded of what happened on that date over the last decade. CLICK HERE for the full how-to after the jump! I’m always trying to give new life to things I can’t pass up at flea markets. Materials fruit box and 12 postcards found at flea markets (my box was $1.00, postcards $1.00 or less each)180 4 x 6″ lined index cardsdate stamppaper cutter (or scissors)twine (for gift wrapping) Instructions 1. 2. 3. 4.

FNO: Honestly WTF Friendship bracelets The friendship bracelets that Honestly WTF made at our FNO event were beautiful and a true symbol of what free people stands for. They’re unbelievably quite simple to make and FUN! They’re perfect for a quiet night in with your girlfriends. just sit around the table, chit chat, and proceed with these instructions – the outcome, a generous gift to give to your closet friend. via Honestly WTF You’ll need (for a double wrapped bracelet) : 44 inches of 1.5mm leather cord12 inches of brass ball chainn or crystal chainn58 inches of waxed linen cordda 1/4″ brass hex nuta pair of scissors Fold the length of leather cording in half to form a loop. Place the ball chain along the leather cording with the end of the chain meeting the end of the wrap. Continue wrapping while checking it for fit around the wrist. When you have reached the end of the ball chain wrap the linen cording around the leather strands 2-3 more times. Thread the hex nut through the strands and tie a second knot.

Food Coloring Markers Update 3-9-14 -- Thanks to instructabler Conrad3000 for pointing this out, you can buy unfilled markers from Crayola! Saves some steps, that's for sure! I'm retiring my original set this year, so I'll give them a try. He mentions he's also trying them with Crayola's airbrush kit, I may end up trying that as well. This is a very simple project. A package of non-toxic washable markers Food coloring For the markers, I went with Crayola brand, only because they are a name I'm familiar with, and I suspect if people had a problem with toxicity from their products it would be big news. I got food coloring from the dollar store--you can pay 5-6 bucks at a regular store but I think this will do. As to tools, you'll need: Several small glasses (like shot glasses) Eyedropper Lots of paper towels A surface that's either protected or you don't mind staining Pliers Watertight jar Toothpicks Plain white paper A heat gun or hair dryer

Decorating ideas using wallpaper I've had wallpaper on my mind ever since Chasing Paper licensed one of my designs for their self-adhesive, removable wallpaper collection (read about that here). I tried out one of the sample pieces on this TV tray. I might stick a chunk on the back of my iPad, too. It's fun to think about ways to add wallpaper to a home without the cost of doing a wall or an entire room. The panels at Chasing Paper are 2 ft. x 4 ft., so perfect for smaller projects like these: Frame out a large section of wallpaper with some crown molding. Cover a cart (or bookshelf on wheels) with wallpaper. Stick wallpaper inside a bookshelf for a graphic patterned backdrop. Wallpaper a headboard. Give your stair risers some extra oomph. Wallpaper your fridge. Add pattern to the laundromat you manage.

Wednes-DIY Home Décor: The Light Bulb Vase This week we’re sharing some of the blog’s greatest hits! These are some of our most loved posts by you, our amazing readers. Don’t throw away those old light bulbs just yet! I have a fun, easy DIY for you that will brighten up your home decor or workspace :) This DIY is very simple, but it requires working with glass so you definitely need to be careful! What you need: A light bulb (any shape or size will work!) Step One: First you need to remove the little silver layer on the bottom of the light bulb. Step Two: Now you have to remove the black cap from the bottom of the light bulb. Step Three: Once the black glass was removed it was really easy to get the little glass tube and wiring on the inside of the bulb out – I simply tapped it with the pliers and it broke right off. And now you have your empty lightbulb! Step Four: Add flowers and water, and hang with the gardening wire! Now I want to make more! Be sure to check out our new DIY Projects category for more DIY Inspiration!

Upcycle: Pillowcase to top tutorial I teased some post a go asking what could I make with a pillowcase, ribbon and some lace? Here is the answer =] A pretty vintage top. I loved the flow this particular pillowcase had and since it was one of the last sets Ken had before we moved together, I didn’t think he’ll miss it hehe (it’s for a single bed and there is another one in case we need it) There are so many possibilities and well pillowcases are easy to find right? I really liked the green and mixed it up with some vintage lace I had hanging around, I used ribbon for the straps and even tho there is a lof of pillowcase dresses and t-shirts out there, I wanted to show my version because I made it so to be very loose-fitting and comfy. To make this top is super easy and you dont need a serger at all (even tho if you have an extra one you can always send it my way! * This tutorial is provided for personal, non-commercial use only.

Les bienfaits du gingembre sur la santé et pour maigrir — Santé Toujours Les bénéfices du gingembre pour la santé sont nombreux et cette racine, ou plutôt ce rhizome, est un allié intéressant si vous suivez un régime amaigrissant. Pourquoi le gingembre est-il bon pour la santé ? Le gingembre est un aliment santé. Ses vertus digestives d’abord, en font un incontournable des remèdes traditionnels de nombreux pays. Facilitant la digestion en stimulant la sécrétion de bile et en favorisant l’activité de plusieurs enzymes digestives, il est efficace contre la nausée notamment chez la femme enceinte, contre la migraine, contre le mal des transports et plus généralement dans les situations susceptibles de provoquer des vomissements. Très riche en antioxydants surtout quand il est en poudre, c’est une excellente source de manganèse et de cuivre. Ce condiment d’origine asiatique compte parmi les aliments santé qui peuvent être utilisés pour la fabrication de desserts et de petites douceurs ! Pourquoi le gingembre est-il bon pour maigrir ?

DIY Makeup Magnet Board Are you sick of shuffling around your makeup drawer? When my good friend and fellow Beauty Shayna L. lamented on her jumbled beauty collection, we decided to de-clutter her cosmetic chaos and get a little crafty. After reading about blogger Laura's ingenious Makeup Magnet Board, we knew this nifty beauty organizer was the solution for Shayna's stash. Materials: Old Wooden Frame without glass (sorry, puppy painting not included!) Step 1 In a well-ventilated outdoor area, spray-paint an old wooden frame (we found ours for $3 at the thrift store!). Step 2 While your frame and brush holders are drying, attach your fabric to the pre-cut metal sheet. Step 3 Fold your fabric on the metal lengthwise first, then fold the other edges in. Step 4 Heat up your hot glue gun. Step 5 If your frame feels completely dry to the touch, it's ready to go.

Tinted Mason Jars in Rainbow I love using mason jars for decorating and a seemingly endless supply of craft projects. But rainbow tinted mason jars, just like the vintage ones you can never find anymore? This one might be my favorite project with mason jars yet! Mason Jars Mod Podge in Gloss (buy it here) Food coloring Ramekins to mix colors Newspaper or paper bag Mix food coloring with a T or so of water into individual ramekins. Add a couple T of mod podge into your mason jar Add one ramekin of color into the jar and stir to incorporate it all together With a bowl underneath, carefully twist the jar around coating the whole inside with the mod podge/food coloring mixture. Let dry upside down on the paper Do the same with the other colors. Place the jars face down on top of wax paper and a cookie sheet into an oven, set on warm. When they're ready, they'll look clear and the mixture should lose most of its streaks.

Recette de Tarte au citron 26x Recette de cuisine 5.00/5 5.0/5 (2 votes) Ingrédients (6 personnes): Pour la pâte : 200g de farine100g de beurre mou 1 oeuf entier. Pour la garniture : 1 tasse de sucre 4 oeufs zestes de 2 citrons + leur jus 2 bonnes cuillers à soupe de maïzéna 2 tasses de lait Préparation: Préparer la pâte à tarte : mettre la farine dans un grand bol mélangeur. Préchauffer le four haut et bas à 180°. Etendre la pâte et en foncer le moule à tarte. Pendant ce temps, préparer la crème au citron : séparer les jaunes des blancs d'oeufs. Battre les blancs en neige ferme, verser sur la tarte en faisant des petites "pointes" avec une fourchette. Ça a l'air bon ! 5.0/5 (2 votes), 6 Commentaires Ils ont envie d'essayer x26Invité, Invité et 24 autres trouvent que ça a l'air rudement bon. Votes

Wednes-DIY: Jewelry Board Today’s DIY is for all you girls out there – like me – who can’t seem to keep your jewelry organized :) I’ve always loved how our stores display accessories, particularly the wooden jewelry boards. Our Farmington FP girls put together this awesome and thorough tutorial on how to make one! It’s a bit long, so click “read more” to view all of the steps. What you need: (all supplies can be found at Home Depot) 1. 2 x 4 – Get this cut into pieces. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Step One: Prepare to stain your wood. Step Two: Stir your stain. Step Three: Cover the whole jewelry board with stain, including the sides. Step Four: Take your nails and place them on your jewelry board where you would like them. Step Five: Once you’ve laid all your nails out and have a good idea of where your going to nail them in, measure with a measuring tape to make sure they are the same distance apart. *The bracelet nails are 3″ apart* Step Six: With a pencil, make small marks as to where the nails will go on the board.
