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Create Basic Line Art from Your Photos - Online Tutorial at Melissa Clifton page 1

Create Basic Line Art from Your Photos - Online Tutorial at Melissa Clifton page 1
Line Art Tutorial Recommended for Beginner to Intermediate Level Photoshop Users This Adobe Photoshop tutorial will turn your photos into line art with just a few quick steps. You find that this tutorial works well for most objects! However you will find that this technique does not work well with photos of humans. You will have to check out the tutorial Turn Photos of People into Line Art for that. Let’s get started…

CGI Programming 101: Chapter 1: Getting Started Our programming language of choice for this book is Perl. Perl is a simple, easy to learn language, yet powerful enough to accomplish very difficult and complex tasks. It is widely available, and is probably already installed on your Unix server. You don't need to compile your Perl programs; you simply write your code, save the file, and run it (or have the web server run it). The program itself is a simple text file; the Perl interpreter does all the work. You can write and edit your CGI programs (which are often called scripts) either on your local machine or in the Unix shell. You can also use a text editor on your local machine and upload the finished programs to the web server. If you use a text editor, be sure to turn off special characters such as "smartquotes." Once you've written your program, you'll need to upload it to the web server (unless you're using pico and writing it on the server already). chmod 755 filename What Is This Unix Shell? Basics of a Perl Program #! #! #! #! #! #!

Network Security 101 Linux Network Security 101 Made up at 18:04pm Friday 2000-09-08 ie last night. Blame can be laid squarely at the feet of Matthew Wallis ( A more up-to-date version of this document might be found at: This is just a quick rundown of things you should do when putting a Unix/Linux box onto a network, especially the Internet. Any services/servers your computer is running, can potentially be exploited, and allow undesireables to use your PC as a platform for attacking others, or just as an attack against yourself. Unix is an operating system more frequently used for the purpose of providing services than as a desktop PC. Nothing I am doing here is permanent, and at a later date, when you've gotten to understand Linux, and what it does, better, you can easily turn them back on, and hopefully, you'll be able to turn them back on in a secure manner. First up, finding out what's running. Netstat : From the man page - Inetd : quest. 1 ? - Building collective wisdom from commencement speeches Cambridge in Colour - Digital Photography Tutorials Learn how to take and edit digital photographs using visual tutorials that emphasize concept over procedure, independent of specific digital camera or lens. This is a complete listing of all tutorials on this site; click the drop-down links in the top menu to see particular topics. Photography is going through an exciting transition period as many film photographers are beginning to explore the new capabilities of digital cameras. While the fundamentals have remained similar, other aspects are markedly different. This is a great time to get involved with digital photography. These tutorials are rarely influenced by changes in image editing software and camera equipment — due to their unique concept-based approach. View in other languages: Português Русский Deutsch Français Italiano

Meta Tag Generator META tags are HTML Tags that describe the contents of a web page. The primary purpose of Meta tags is to help catalog and categorize the contents of a web page. If your pages do not contain them then they may not get categorized the way you‘d like by the search engines. We recommend that you at least include the ‘Description‘, ‘Keyword‘ and ‘Robots‘ tags. See our META Tag Overview. Also the ‘Title‘ of your page plays an important role in helping search engines (and visitors) to determine the content of your site. An HTML document consists of a header section and a body section. Here‘s an easy to way to generate your META tags.

Top Movies Yesterday, Nick came into my office with a question. I was reading an article about nine great movies from nine decades. I was flabbergasted by the film listed for the current decade: Talk to Her. "Talk to Her?" "You saw it?" "What movie would you pick from this decade?" My gut answer, without hesitation: "City of God." This discussion led us to the Internet Movie Database for the umpteenth time where we once again perused the lists of highest-rated and top-grossing films. I bemoaned the presence of the three Lord of the Rings films in the top ten of the highest-rated list. Nick argued that because the Lord of the Rings films had grossed so much money, this was proof that they were good. I know that we've discussed the AFI 100 Years - 100 Films list here before, but I cannot find the entry. Top 20 Grossing Films (US Revenue only) 1. Top 20 Grossing Films (adjusted for inflation) 1. AFI's 100 Years - 100 Movies list 1. It's that list that really gets me riled up. I love film.

Skype Killer Offers Free VoIP, SMS and Videoconferencing : JAJAH - Robin Good's Latest News Home of Janitha Karunaratne » Blog Archive » Sound of Data Ever wonder what all the data in your hard drive sounds like? Or simply want to kill the silence in your server room? Simple, just direct devices into the audio device and listen to the sweet beatiful sound of your data (or other device). Reminds me of the good old days of 56k dialup. The more cluttered the data in your drive is, the more interesting the sound is. cat /dev/hda > /dev/audiocat /dev/hdb2 > /dev/audiocat /dev/urandom > /dev/audio First line outputs raw data from your 1st hard drive (hda) to the audio device, second line outputs the data in your second partition in second drive directly into the audio device, and third just outputs random data into the audio which is simply just noise. Do this with caution. Update: For one reason or another your audio device in /dev might not be audio or dsp or what ever else you have so change that accordingly.

fileNice™ - free php file browser How do you like our 'Dundee' Application? Dundee ExperimentWhat happens when the scummers get scummed? Background: Scummers and Scumware "Scumware" is a term which refers to a nasty type of software that is sometimes installed on peoples' computers without their asking. Scumware is typically written by marketing companies trying to make a fast buck. What it does is make unauthorized changes to Web sites as they are being rendered by the user's Web browser: the program runs in the background, waiting for the user to access any old Web site. When he does, the scumware program intercepts the incoming data, replaces or inserts content (usually adding its own, unauthorsized advertising, or redirecting the user to paying competitors' sites), then passes it along to the browser where it is displayed. The Experiment "Dundee" is a fictional program we made up to see what would happen when scumware vendors (Gator, eZula, etc.) thought a competing product was inserting foul language and vile racist propaganda on their own sites.
