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EurActiv JobSite , leader in jobs in Brussels and EU affairs.

EurActiv JobSite , leader in jobs in Brussels and EU affairs. European Social Fund The ESF is Europe’s main instrument for supporting jobs, helping people get better jobs and ensuring fairer job opportunities for all EU citizens. It works by investing in Europe’s human capital – its workers, its young people and all those seeking a job. ESF financing of EUR 10 billion a year is improving job prospects for millions of Europeans, in particular those who find it difficult to get work. The European Union is committed to creating more and better jobs and a socially inclusive society. Setting priorities The European Commission and EU countries in partnership set the ESF’s priorities and how it spends its resources. Another priority focuses on helping people from disadvantaged groups to get jobs. Projects for people The ESF is not an employment agency – it does not advertise jobs. There is a great variety in the nature, size and aims of ESF projects, and they address a wide variety of target groups.

Europe - International Politique de l’Union Européenne On the way to 2020 : data for vocational education and training policies Le 6 février 2014 Le Cedefop a sélectionné un ensemble de 32 indicateurs statistiques pour quantifier les principaux aspects de la formation professionnelle et l’apprentissage continu, en fonction de leur pertinence politique et l’importance pour la réalisation des objectifs d’Europe 2020. L’objectif est d’aider à décrire, surveiller et comparer les politiques de formations (...) Lire la suite de l'article Pratiques européennes Europe : le taux de décrochage scolaire en baisse de 12 % Le 14 avril 2014 Entre 2005 et 2013, le taux de décrochage scolaire (population âgée de 18 à 24 ans possédant au mieux un niveau d’enseignement du premier cycle du secondaire et ne poursuivant ni études, ni formation) a diminué dans tous les États membres, à l’exception de la Pologne et de la Slovaquie. Ce taux a été réduit de moitié au Portugal (passant de 38,8% à 19,2%) et (...)

Funding - Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion The European Commission provides funding for projects relating to employment, social affairs and social inclusion through the following programmes. European Social Fund (ESF) The ESF funds projects designed to help people improve their work skills and job prospects. To apply, public and private organisations should contact the ESF managing authorities in their country. The European Commission sets funding priorities but is not directly involved in selecting projects. More about the ESFESF in your country EU Programme for Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI) The EU Programme for Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI) is a European-level financing instrument managed directly by the European Commission to support employment, social policy and labour mobility across the EU. More about EaSI European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF) The EGF helps workers made redundant as a result of changing global trade patterns to find another job as quickly as possible. More about the EGF Related funding
