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Internet et Google vont-ils finir par nous abrutir ?

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The Mac Versus PC Debate Has Never Been Clearer “Our goal is not to build the most computers. It’s to build the best.” That was Apple COO Tim Cook two days ago during Apple’s quarterly earnings call. Sure, it may sound like spin from an executive who doesn’t have a better answer as to why Apple isn’t competing in the low-end of the market, and thus, gaining market share. But it’s not. You need look no further than numbers released today by NPD to understand Apple’s strategy.

Is Google Making Us Stupid? - Magazine Illustration by Guy Billout "Dave, stop. Stop, will you? Stop, Dave. Marshall McLuhan’s Ideas Applied to Social Media By Geoffrey Johnston – Thursday, November 12, 2015 “Every technology has its own ground rules,” Marshall McLuhan said in a 1965 BBC interview. “It decides all sorts of arrangements in other spheres,” said the Canadian-born communications theorist, who understood the power of technological innovation to disrupt and shape society. For example, he described the invention of the printing press as a disruptive technological innovation. “It created almost overnight what we call nationalism, what in effect was a public,” he said.

There is no spoon It’s a pretty safe assumption that if you’re reading this blog, you’ve seen “The Matrix.” And you may or may not remember the scene where a kid explains to Neo that the trick to bending a spoon with your mind is simply to remember that, “There is no spoon.” So it is with marketing. One thing I learned very early in life, thanks to intentional overuse of psychedelic drugs, is that there is no reality. Exodus « The iPad Luddites | Main | The law of situational Ludditism » April 08, 2010 Has it begun? James Sturm, the cartoonist, can't take it anymore, "it" being the Internet: 14 Ways to Outsmart the Instagram Algorithm If you’ve been on Instagram recently, you’ll notice you probably haven’t received as many likes or comments as you did a year ago. When the Instagram algorithm was adjusted from chronological to algorithmic, many people worried engagement rates would drop. Instagram’s own press release talked about favoring the moments you care about most, much like how Facebook’s algorithm operates. So how does your brand stay present in users’ feeds without having to rely on ads? Luckily, there are some work arounds to get your Instagram posts visible.

Andy Grove: How America Can Create Jobs Recently an acquaintance at the next table in a Palo Alto (Calif.) restaurant introduced me to his companions, three young venture capitalists from China. They explained, with visible excitement, that they were touring promising companies in Silicon Valley. I've lived in the Valley a long time, and usually when I see how the region has become such a draw for global investments, I feel a little proud. Not this time. I left the restaurant unsettled. Something did not add up. The iPad Luddites Is it possible for a Geek God to also be a Luddite? That was the question that popped into my head as I read Cory Doctorow’s impassioned anti-iPad diatribe at Boing Boing. The device that Apple calls “magical” and “revolutionary” is, to Doctorow, a counterrevolutionary contraption conjured up through the black magic of the wizards at One Infinite Loop. The locked-down, self-contained design of the iPad – nary a USB port in sight, and don’t even think about loading an app that hasn’t been blessed by Apple – manifests “a palpable contempt for the owner,” writes Doctorow. You can’t fiddle with the dang thing:

Ten tech-enabled business trends to watch - McKinsey Quarterly - Business Technology - Strategy Two-and-a-half years ago, we described eight technology-enabled business trends that were profoundly reshaping strategy across a wide swath of industries. We showed how the combined effects of emerging Internet technologies, increased computing power, and fast, pervasive digital communications were spawning new ways to manage talent and assets as well as new thinking about organizational structures. Since then, the technology landscape has continued to evolve rapidly. Facebook, in just over two short years, has quintupled in size to a network that touches more than 500 million users. More than 4 billion people around the world now use cell phones, and for 450 million of those people the Web is a fully mobile experience. The rapidly shifting technology environment raises serious questions for executives about how to help their companies capitalize on the transformation under way.

Author Nicholas Carr: The Web Shatters Focus, Rewires Brains During the winter of 2007, a UCLA professor of psychiatry named Gary Small recruited six volunteers—three experienced Web surfers and three novices—for a study on brain activity. He gave each a pair of goggles onto which Web pages could be projected. Then he slid his subjects, one by one, into the cylinder of a whole-brain magnetic resonance imager and told them to start searching the Internet. As they used a handheld keypad to Google various preselected topics—the nutritional benefits of chocolate, vacationing in the Galapagos Islands, buying a new car—the MRI scanned their brains for areas of high activation, indicated by increases in blood flow.

Telecom Industry Related Searches Ads Marketing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia cdn - Techmeme Search Techmeme Search finds "items", i.e. blog posts, news stories and tweets, that have appeared as headlines on Techmeme. Items listed only in the "More" areas are excluded from results. By default, only the title and first few sentences are searched. Unchecking "Search title & summary only" extends the search to the full body text.

New Media, Marketing, Advertising & Interactive News & Jobs You know you’re working in UX when … I’m sure you’ve heard the expression 'Never work with children or animals' right? Well, after you’ve read this lot, I reckon you’ll want to add participants, facilitators and even clients to this list. You see, since my last blog I’ve spent a few weeks “playing journalist” sourcing weird, wonderful and downright bizarre stories from the UX (User Experience) Community.

QuantumWave Capital » QDB Just a few days after Amazon unveiled the Fire TV, Google is about to launch a renewed assault on your television set called Android TV. eBay has formed a brand-new group of engineers and designers internally that focuses on creating ways to incorporate commerce into anything with a screen. Many people wonder whether wearable devices, from smartwatches to Google Glass, will be all that useful. Evernote CEO Phil Libin isn’t one. Dropbox has obtained more than $500m worth of debt financing, adding to the $350m in equity funding it raised from investors a couple of months ago.
