How to Read Years in English | babelhut.com By thomas on Oct 11, 2007 in English Today one of my students asked how to pronounce 1906. Was it “nineteen six” or “nineteen oh six”? He recognized the pattern that in English we tend to read four-digit years as a pair of 2-digit numbers. “Nineteen six” didn’t sit right with him though. Of course, I answered that the latter was correct. “Well, you can say that, but ‘eight hundred and four’ is also correct.” “Can you say ‘nineteen hundred and six’?” As the conversation went on, I began to realize that the way we read years is a little complicated. Algorithm for Reading Years If there there are no thousands’ or hundreds’ digits, read the number as-is. By writing it out I don’t think I made it any less-complicated, but for what it’s worth there it is. Does this algorithm work for you? No related posts. Like this post?
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尿路結石飲食注意事項 | 泌尿e學院 病從口入,不同的飲食型態,便可能帶來不同的病症。尿路結石的成因複雜, 診療後的復發率也高,因此飲食的留意與控制,相對重要。尿路結石的飲食就目前而言,尚未訂定統一的標準飲食,大部份是依著結石成分及個人體質反應不同而採取不同的適當飲食。 巨大膀胱結石 針對結石種類來控制飲食 尿路結石的顆粒經研究分析,成分以草酸鈣、磷酸鈣及這兩種物質的結合物最多,所以控制鈣、草酸、磷的攝取,較能有效控制尿路結石的發生及復發。 不同成分的結石其飲食原則也不同 1. 2. 3. 4. 一般建議 形成結石的重要因素,在於尿中各種成分的濃度過高,預防之道在於降低尿中形成結石因子的濃度及提高尿中抑制結石因子的含量。 一、攝取足夠的水份:水份可稀釋尿液中礦物質的濃度,降低結石的形成,並有利於體內細小的結石排出體外。 二、須做適度的運動:因為適度的運動可促進體內器官的擺動,促進小結石排出。 三、少吃一口鹽:鹽吃太多不只會使尿鈣升高,同時會降低尿中抑制結石因子(檸檬酸)的含量,為害甚大。 四、避免暴飲暴食、減少動物性蛋白質及脂肪的攝取:因為過量的飲食會增加尿鈣、草酸及尿酸的排泄,降低檸檬酸的濃度,促使結石發生率提高。 五、不要養成憋尿的習慣。 六、晚餐後,三至四小時後才上床睡覺:因中國人的晚餐通常最為豐富,小便最濃,太早睡容易形成結石 . 七、有泌尿系統疾病時,應及時就醫並徹底治療。
What Does Your Handwriting Say About You? What Does Your Handwriting Say About You? graphology Graphology is the study of handwriting, especially when employed as a means of analyzing a writer's character, personality, abilities, etc. How you write can indicate more than 5,000 different personality traits. In the medical field, it can be used to refer to the study of handwriting as an aid in diagnosis and tracking diseases. size large letters You are out-going, people oriented, outspoken & love attention. small letters You are shy or withdrawn, studious, concentrated and meticulous. average You are well-adjusted and adaptable spacing between words wide spacing You enjoy your freedom and don't like to be overwhelmed or crowded narrow spacing You can't stand to be alone. slanting No Slant You don't let your emotions get the best of you. Slants to the right You are open to new experiences & enjoy meeting new people. Slants to the left You tend to keep to yourself and generally like to work behind the scenes. shape of the letters Rounded letters Open
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