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Demolishing Ankit Fadia v 0.01 « Sandip's Blog
We all know who Ankit Fadia is. He is self proclaimed child prodigy in ‘hacking’ , a self proclaimed ‘world famous’ expert is computer security and digital intelligence consultant (digital intelligence? Does he mean AI. I never heard this term getting used anywhere in print other than by Mr. Fadia though I agree its a perfectly meaningful amalgamation of the two official sounding words ‘digital’ and ‘intelligence’) . However that picture of Ankit Fadia is very likely untrue and let me present a few findings so that you can decide for yourself. So lets begin with his profile on . 1.His profile on a.Milestones in Ankit Fadia’s Life AGE 14 Published his first book titled The Unofficial Guide to Ethical Hacking which became an instant bestseller worldwide, sold 500 000 copies and was translated into 11 languages. My opinion: Have you read that book? c. Best selling books? 2. 3. 4. 5. - Unrestricted information
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